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29212909 No.29212909 [Reply] [Original]

Everything that he says here is factually true and you deep inside know it

>> No.29213794

>self fulfilling bubble
So basically any other fiat currency?

>> No.29213915
File: 55 KB, 634x634, 1613416513229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The keynsian is afraid, and he should be.

The age of the keynsian gods is over

>> No.29213916

No one is denying this is a bubble, retard. The only point of contention is how long it'll last

>> No.29213964

No: I work to get my salary in USD and I can buy anything I want with it

>> No.29213966
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It's not a bubble if difficulty goes up and miner costs increase

>> No.29214109
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I see this announcement, "Baex is a new gem," almost everywhere. Did you see that? I checked this project, this is a defi binary platform with different shares, indexes, fiat & crypto pairs. Does anyone use it? They also offer a bonus system to earn on the invitations: #baex

>> No.29214246

Denying that this is a bubble is ridiculous. However, even when the bubble bursts, the value of BTC will likely be a lot higher than its 2017 high and the long term trend is up.

>> No.29214269

Ok Bloomer

>> No.29214281

Bitcoin is [insert a description that would fit literally any asset but make it sound bad], a man who dislikes Bitcoin warns, says jewish media that dislikes Bitcoin.

>> No.29214395
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>Denying that this is a bubble is ridiculous
No it's pretty easy. Stop calling every bullrun a bubble

>> No.29214439

Everything will only go up

>> No.29214489

You know you are near the top when people start using log charts again

>> No.29214555

Fiat currency: is enforced by a government (you have to use it) and have utility as a means of exchange and account.

Bitcoin: meaningless 1s and 0s without any enforcement that can’t be used for anything, oh and everything is recorded on the block chain so every criminal who ever used it is fucked.

>> No.29214576

2013 and 2017 were bubbles, retard. Going through a bubble doesn't mean that there won't be further growth.

>> No.29214648

he looks like a jew to me

>> No.29214651

he's just mad because bitcoin can't be devalued in the stroke of a pen, instantly condemning hundreds of millions of wagies to an even worse life.

>> No.29214701
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>> No.29214819

try to mine for less than 45k usd and tell me it's a bubble and as difficulty adjust next month even mining for less than 50k will be impossible.

This is why hashrate is not going up as difficulty and mining costs is going up faster than price and old asics are no longer efficient enough..

>> No.29214854
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it get's worse, and leafland is way way worse, insane levels of inflation in leafland

>> No.29214855

>bitcoin can't be devalued in the stroke of a pen
Elon just has to tweet something bad about bitcoin and it'll go down faster in a second than the USD does in a year.

>> No.29214874

yes bitcoin hyper-valuation is hard coded into the distributed consensus protocol.
brainlet jew...

>> No.29214897

Okay boomer

>> No.29214923

He's been saying this for 10 years.

>> No.29214975


>> No.29214980

Nouriel Whobini? Too bad he'll be dead before it hits $1M in ~10 years

>> No.29214983
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he is not a brainlet, keynsians are evil they literally want digital money that expires if you don't spend it.

They want a neofeudal society and are openly about it.



>> No.29215423

The cost of mining is not the cause of BTC's rise in price, it's the other way around. The total hashrate of BTC miners is rising, so claiming the opposite is blatantly false. There is increased competition for mining because the value of BTC has been rising.

>> No.29215506

>Fiat currency
It'll have a ton of utility when it jnflates so much you'll be better off wiping your ass with bank notes than trying to buy toilet paper with it.

>> No.29215584

Ahhh another episode of old man shouts at bitcoin I’m sure I’ve seen this one

>> No.29215659

>The total hashrate of BTC miners is rising

This causes mining difficulty to rise and increases the cost of mining.
Study the difficulty adjustment system that is in bitcoin, that's the core of the whole game theory.

>> No.29216180
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he is right, but no one cares about this shit while you are making money. Have fun holding a fucking digital coin like Bitcoin in an inflationary environment.

>> No.29216356


>You PIECE OF SHIT GOYIM dare to try and escape from our central bank slavery?

>> No.29216596

Can I get the retard eli5?

>> No.29216675

Super interesting read, anon. They are truly evil people.
"A digital euro should be an efficient means of payment, domestically and internationally. But crucially, in order to preserve stability, it should be designed in a way that prevents it from being used as a form of investment."
"A number of possible design features could satisfy these principles.

One option would be to limit the amount of digital euro individual users can hold.[
] This would prevent large inflows of bank deposits – as well as volatile portfolio inflows from abroad – into the central bank. One way of doing this, while allowing the digital euro to be used for large transactions, would be to require incoming funds in excess of a user’s limit to be redirected to a bank account. The link between private money and digital euro accounts would avoid fragmentation of a user’s liquidity and would also be useful for outgoing payments. Large outgoing transactions could be conducted by transferring a combination of digital euro and private money."

>> No.29216792

"Another option would be to set a penalising remuneration on individual users’ digital euro holdings above a certain threshold." "As a yardstick, a threshold of €3,000 would be more than the amount of cash most citizens hold today and would be above the average monthly wage in most euro area countries."

>> No.29216893

bitcoin difficulty to mine adjust every 2 weeks either up or down, it's been adjusting up for almost a year now meaning it's harder than ever to mine, this raises the base price of a coin, along with the halving that already duplicated that base price, this means that as long as there is demand there will be more mining which will raise the difficulty and base price of a coin, this is why bitcoin always adjust upwards.

Every time it falls the difficulty adjusting down takes more time to mine preventing it from falling below what was the previous ath.

>> No.29216903

Tiered remuneration could provide a less distorting way to disincentivise large digital euro holdings. At the same time, it could present implementation challenges. For example, in times of crisis it could be necessary to adjust the remuneration of the digital currency, but this could signal that the central bank is anticipating financial tensions, leading to self-fulfilling instability.


>> No.29217074
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The short version is that keynsians want a system were plebs are turn into serfs and social mobility stops to exist.

You get paid > Money expires if you don't use it > you use it > it flows upwards in a chain to already existing players

This means that new players can't enter the economy since capital accumulation becomes illegal.
Klaus schwab and globohomo corps would not give a shit about paying 90% taxrate in this scenario since all capital would be reinjected to the serfs in the form of ubi and flowing up again with no possible competitors existing ever again.

It's literally scientific feudalism and will stop all scientific innovation and cause a massive collapse in demographics the likes civilization has not seen since diocletian feudalized rome after the crisis of the third century.

It's this shit


but on steroids.

>> No.29217202

I've had a similar idea, but everyone could mine the coins by solving captchas.

>> No.29217247
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The boomers still don't understand that crypto is a technological revolution as big as the printing press, it's not a more flexible system as they think but a less inflexible one , that was born only due to the fact they abused anti money laundering regulations, bank account regulations and confiscatory taxation systems.

In any scenario were they let digital currency in fiat form thrive bitcoin would have never been born or growth, it only grew because they abused their system and now they want to change the interface of the current system and sell it as "digital money" but more orwellian.

Crypto marketcap is unironically going to 50 trillions due to this fucking retarded academic thinking the economy is sim city.

And when they finally fuck up so much with cbdcs around 2025 and europe, leafland and the uk collapse they will try to call for a new bretton woods and realize bitcoin was the bancor system already.

This is what happens when you let academics who only use theory and never used practice take power.

>> No.29217333
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many such ideas of type of systems existed in the early crypto days.

Proof of Work specially and also proof of stake is an incredible system.
Proof of Work specially is unique as it connects the digital world with a real economic anchor even stronger than gold game theory.

Boomers could stop all flow to crypto if they stoped the aml insanity and the war on cash but they are academic retards so they won't stop.

>> No.29217493
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well the thing is that people would have to be forced to use said currency, because who would buy a crypto that expires and that anyone could mine by solving captchas?

>> No.29217635

>well the thing is that people would have to be forced to use said currency

Yes it would have to be forced because not even the mentally retarded would like it , people would exchange it for crypto, gold or spaghettis.

Anything that can hold value, this people are academic retards they don't understand how the real world works, they are people addicted to theory, the cycle of history is full of this type of shit.

This morons think like caracallla did


>> No.29217854

It'd be in the best interest of the poor to have such a currency to ensure that the upper classes be forced to use it. It'd be a literal dictatorship of the proletariat.

>> No.29217877
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>jew tells goyim to stop getting rich

wow, never heard this before

>> No.29218226
File: 39 KB, 462x416, 1611786997443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's feudalism you don't get it, it's the dictatorship of the elite.

If everyone get's free 1000 usd per month then nobody get's 1000 usd per month since that demand get's added to the market every month so whoever get's the goods first avoided the inflation.

This means accumulating money to buy shit becomes impossible, the money flows back up to the elites and when the 1000 per month becomes impossible to survive the elite increases it to 1200, but here is the thing they want to target ubi differently for different groups imagine ubi for women or man being different.

So now ubi for women is 1400 and men 1200, that difference is the feudal tax to the lord since all capital will flow upwards anyway but now you can buy less goods in the market relative to women meaning you effectively pay a tax.

This shit does not mean you will be playing fortnite all day, you will be forced to work since it would not be enough probably 40% would be ubi in such a system but that 40% is enough to cover a feudal tax in an inflationary system.

it's very clever and evil, the inflation is the feudal tax and those groups who get the less inflationary update said year are paying more feudal tax

>> No.29218393

It entrenches and crystallizes the status quo you brainlet. You won’t own anything and you won’t be able to as your money disappears and any asset holder will not sell to take disappearing dollars they can’t accumulate. Rentier capitalism made permanent and inescapable.

>> No.29218822

Okay how about this. A captcha crypto with an increasing block reward...

>> No.29219214

Lol stop taking advice from crusty old kike boomers. They know nothing about BTC or Crypto

>> No.29219313

That's essentially the case now as is. They want to move fiat to electronic space/cc only, because printing paper is actually expensive.

>> No.29219478

>i fug pusz