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29211345 No.29211345 [Reply] [Original]

I need financial advice. Preferably with TA.

I have a bitcoin. About 1.07ish.
Lost 1 trading a bear market. Lost another by pausing my DCA (opportunity cost).

Could have had 3. This is not taking into account other forms of opportunity cost i.e. not having a job when I wanted to buy some chainlink at 20 cents, being retarded and selling at 4 dollars instead of taking only 50% off at a double, going to college, etc.

All things considered, given how early I knew about crypto (2017 after crash), I should have 10btc minimum... actually... more if you think about it. 30k would have given you 10 at 3k and 30k is like 1.5 years of some 15 an hr job after tax.. Wow... I'm gonna neck myself.

Just having one is making me suicidal. I need 3 btc minimum to be okay with myself and 10 to feel like I am completely at break-even. I don't want to lose money anymore..

Please shill me genuine shit with TA. What alts with BITCOIN pairs can save me? Bnb came out of nowhere so too late now. I suck so hard at trading too.. usually scalps go fine with small risk and the moment I risk like 5%, BAM, trade fails (if btc goes parabolic again [which it might be doing yet again], I'll go heavy.. [3-5%] and use SOME of those gains to try to luck my way with 50x leverage and hopefully have good timing (entries are fucking hard to get right. Fake out breakouts sometimes fuck me and trends inside a bull/bear flag or triangles literally fail the moment I long support..

>> No.29211374
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>> No.29211406
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Well, I'm a giant newfag, so I can't help you. Pretty sure everyone on /biz/ is a newfag.

>> No.29211630
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I have also been here since 2017 and am still a poorfag, bought req instead of link etc etc. What I am going to do is just accumulate as much eth/btc and maybe some altcoins during the next bearmarket. Goodluck anon!

>> No.29212050

OP you still have more bitcoin now than I'll likely ever own in my life.

>> No.29212066

Fuck, man. Hurts like a bitch.. I just minimally want my trading losses back.
Because of how compounding works, I hope I can luck my way into a lot of money with 50x leverage (of gains, not of my personal capital). Maybe with that phemix bonus.

>> No.29212105

Thats why you shouldn't try to trade. Just buy some good coins and hold them until the end of the bull run. Then dump your bags on the normies and buy them back when the prices crashed down 90%.

Even though BNB went up a fucking lot, I would still recommend buying a bit. Can go easily to 1k. The coin has a shitton of utility and Binance is the biggest platform for crypto. Also buy some ETH, LTC, ADA, XLM. Especially ADA will go up a fucking lot soon, since it will be listed on Coinbase and it will release its mainnet end of this month.

Also buy some good smaller coins with 50x potential like GRT; SNX or BNT.

>> No.29212174

This, except for the second paragraph

>> No.29212255

Stop trying to trade and just hold. If you really want to gamble put some shit in a small cap project and just hold.

>> No.29212266

But with 1 BTC you still among the richest on this planet mathematically, just wait until FIAT crashes more.

Please fren don’t try to be smart and even loose this 1 BTC

>> No.29212292

Sure, try to win your losses back with 50x leverage and lose your last bitcoin and then announce on biz that you will stream your suicide.

Stop being an emotional fag. Use your brain, don't take big risks. You are making dumb decisions. Stop doing them.

>> No.29212316
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Ok Calm down OP I can help you, purchase $SHIB and thank me later when you've made back alot of money.

>> No.29212332
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Found your problem m8

>> No.29212362

dude, I clearly stated the 50x leverage would be for btc that isn't from my remaining 1.07

>> No.29212394

Comfy thread until this nigga arrived

>> No.29212414

Ya... I should probably stop trading. It just hurts like a bitch how retirement money was in my hands.

>> No.29212422


enjoy an easy x10

>> No.29212453

You need to borrow against it, not spend it.
Turn that 1 BTC into one wBTC (meaning, put it on the Ethereum network), deposit it into AAVE, borrow stablecoins against it and accumulate shitcoins slowly.

You have like $60,000 - borrow like $2000 and throw $500 at this shitcoin, that shitcoin, and HOLD, don't trade. I don't have "TA" - I have "don't spend that fucking bitcoin, borrow against it instead"

>> No.29212457

Yes, stop trading. Just buy hold and sell, and don't sell everything all at once. When the bear comes start dollar cost averaging.

>> No.29212477

I see you're seeing for the hat trick of bad decisions

>> No.29212610

You’re an eedgit. You have an entire Bitcoin, there’s only 21m of them and it’s gonna replace gold. THINK.

>> No.29212695
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I don't get the difference between the 3.
How do you feel about celsius network?

>> No.29212750

Same here sold my 10000 LINK @4.5 I was so scared coz I got burned in 2018, lost 30000 of my initial investment. PTSD means I sold early... At least I did not lose my savings. Missed shit ton of gains :(

>> No.29212767

Just having one full BTC already makes you well off, stop looking at greener grasses.

>> No.29212797

I leveraged LINK @1.87 and SOLD @ 4.5

>> No.29212927

that's still bretty gud bro, you will never be able to time the market

>> No.29213063

I've been in crypto, since 2016 and suffered major anxiety, depression all stages but learnt a lot trading. A solid option now is NEO, NEO 3.0 is coming, it gives you dividends and it's one of the strongest coins in the crypto space. If it goes back to it's ATH it'd be almost 20x in BTC value, but but bare minimum it'll go back to September levels and that's already more than double your BTC. Be smart, if you want BTC think in BTC fuck USD valuation, then once you doubled NEO in BTC value, re-evaluate what you want, maybe get your initial 1BTC back and leave the rest in NEO gaining gas and 10x til 2018 levels . DON'T BUY SHITCOINS many ETH based coins out there that are trash.

>> No.29213218


>> No.29213293

Don't try to trade your way back to 10 btc. You'll trade on emotions and lose everything. There are enough stories like this. Look at me. I dca for over a year into xrp. If I had done the same with link I'd have 100x the money. I held like an idiot during the 2018 crash. I lost money in shitcoins like icx, vechain etc. Held all of them to 10% of their initial value. Brother we have another chance at this. I'm already up a lot from this bull market. Sell close to the top and then buy back and dca during the bear market until the next halving. You can easily triple your btc like that.

>> No.29213364

wow, good profit I passed by
need advice folks, some1 uses Bot Ocean platform?
worth buying or better check for other bots?
want to test trading with algorithms and instruments

>> No.29213913
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I don't think my brain will ever recover.. retirement was right there.. all I had to do was buy and hold and I could have been on my way to retiring in my mid 20s for fucks sakes FUCK

>> No.29214090

Get a job and DCA retard, you obviously suck donkey balls at trading.

>> No.29214500

How would I have gotten this much bitcoin WITHOUT a job?

>> No.29215219

>I could have
If you still have this mentality you are ngmi I am sorry bro