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29197959 No.29197959 [Reply] [Original]

Me and my brolapse are celebrating our Ada gains by smashing mdma and listening to neurofunk in his car
Doesn’t sound like much but what are you doing?
Are you a onions boy beta cuck?
Do you even enjoy your life?
Can you honesty say you’re even human you fat cunt

>> No.29198040
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lurk moar you absolute faggot

>> No.29198062

You are as well aren’t you onions boy onion cunt

>> No.29198120


>> No.29198181

Ultimate brolapse

>> No.29198329

Just brolapse’d so hard right now guys

>> No.29198443

Bro lapse off

>> No.29198529

I’ve actually never lost a brolapse so bring broherim

>> No.29198572

Onion cunt brolpasebrigade

>> No.29198573

I’ll brolapse all over your ass

>> No.29198628

woah man, pretty aggressive for someone on mdma. Anyway, I'm just chilling laffing at my shitcoins. Smoking weed.

>> No.29199843

Your behaviour shows you're abusing MDMA and you've destroyed your serotonin to the point where it no longer gives you the beautiful empathy and euphoria that it gave you the first time you tried it.

People like you, who abuse this amazing substance and completely devalue and ruin its reputation are the reason why its still illegal in several countries.

Your rolls will continue to lose magic and tomorrow you will feel most definitely feel horrible, suicidal and depressed.

I want you to spend the rest of your roll thinking about this.

>> No.29199914

Enjoy getting attacked by demons

>> No.29200329

lol suck out faggot

>> No.29200384

sounds homoerotic
i like neurofunk though
you a fan of Black Sun Empire?

>> No.29200388

I'll brolapse to that

>> No.29200411

Feel pretty magical, it’s a good rage we come from a town with absolutely no prospects and have had enormous success with Cardano grateful as!

>> No.29200484


>> No.29200630

You should try abusing ecstasy more you beta onion cuck

>> No.29200689

yeah black sun empire are good brahski

>> No.29200746

Yes BSE are dirt, listen to burr oak blackout mix and Tom finster adrenaline mix

>> No.29200763

God damn Onion cucks

>> No.29200802

Are you faggots or something?

>> No.29200836

yweeeeeeeees mate
You from england?

>> No.29200869

i'm from burgerland and i've always wanted to see them live in utrecht. they came to new york one year and i was really excited but it turned out to only be one of them. apparently they travel around simultaneously and book multiple shows during the same time period.
pretty disappointing to be honest. i still listen to them but i don't know if i want to travel to their city just to see them.

>> No.29200955

Just come to england
The home of drum and bass
Post lockdown ofc
absolute drum and bass central

>> No.29201074

i have been to england a few times actually. i have family there. my brother has lived in bristol and london and i've visited him in both cities. i usually end up spending a lot of time with him and his kids whenever i go though.
also i'm getting old and idk if i want to go to dnb rave with a bunch of 18 year olds. are there any clubs that cater to older crowds or is everything 18+?

>> No.29201122

i really like logistics though
that's my favorite english dnb artist for sure
i'd go to a hospital records event if they had one next time i'm over there.

>> No.29201554

Yeah you just gotta say fuck it and party with teens and prepubescent 20 somethings everyone gets boring and loses their party spirit

>> No.29201627

what do people in their late 20s/early 30s do?do they just turn into boomers and go to the pub?

>> No.29201711

Go overdose on lead, nigger.

>> No.29201778

Total Pink Sock victory. I used to enjoy the orange g bitches and stacked transformers back in my day. Looking into how to Machine pill press dies to make my own.

>> No.29201850

i think 30 year olds get pressured into mortgages usually
Such a load of wank

>> No.29201898

Neurofunk is fuckin' good shit. Phace & Misanthrop is my jam.

>> No.29202159

check out objectiv
I taught him how to make beats when he started

>> No.29202208

Drum and bass is DIY culture 2.0

>> No.29202290

The MDMA is making me really like england for some reason
It's actually messed up because england is shit

>> No.29202340

i saw Phace when BSE came to NY! he opened up for them

>> No.29202565

>does MDMA
>acts like an aggressive retard on 4chan
>state of drug-induced high: utterly wasted

>> No.29202765

I never tried mdma. How long does it last? If I take it alone at home will I jump outside the window? I do drugs alone, yes.

>> No.29203223

MDMA is the most social drug there is. Taking it alone seems like a waste to my eyes. Even severe autists will turn intensely social on MDMA. It lasts 4-6 hours.

That said, here are the tips in no particular order.
1: Get powder or crystals, not pills. Not only are pills more often adulterated with amphetamines or piperazines which will fuck up your high, most pills come out of the Netherlands. The dutch people who make them have been frying their brain daily on MDMA for literal decades, so they are way, way too strong.
2: Dose 125 milligram. Redose 75 milligram after 90-120 minutes. Do NOT redose further. The effect of further or higher redoses is very small, and the hangover will be exponentially worse.
3: Less is more. This is where everyone fucks up. It's not hard to understand. When do you feel better: after 4 beers or after 4 cases of beers? Same applies for MDMA. Stick to the dose I suggested.
4: You will not jump out of a window, it doesn't work like that at all. You're in control.
5: Have some fruit on hand.
6: Have cool music on hand.
7: Read about it on erowid
8: minimum 3 month period in between doing it. Literally everyone who does it more often say they lose "the magic" of it, and many of them become depressed in sober life.

Really, not being a dose-retard is the most important thing. Just follow the dose advice and it is the greatest drug of all time. Do not follow it, and you will turn into an e-tard.