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2918441 No.2918441 [Reply] [Original]

When are we gonna really get serious about killing the penny?

Unlike other old things, this is one where I never hear a rousing defense of the old. People generally agree: "yeah, we really should get rid of that thing at some point."

So why haven't we moved on it?

>> No.2918471

Sweden already has, uk is implementing it in the next 5 years or so.

It's inevitable.

>> No.2918486

Germany afaik is doing it too as the copper used is worth more than the cent itself

>> No.2918515

probably because some asshole pedophile is making a ton of money off of making them and mining zinc and copper

>> No.2918542

They've tried before in the US only to get shot down. There's no real political constituency in favor of it except policy people at the Treasury and Fed, but it arouses opposition from people who figure it's just another excuse to salami-slice a few more cents out of their pockets. That makes it impossible for it to get any traction, especially because I'm pretty sure they can't just stop making them without Congress's approval.

Similar story with eliminating dollar bills, which they also want to do, in favor of coins, a la the pound and euro. Vending-machine operators shut that down cold every time it comes up, as does the fact that almost nobody voluntarily uses the dollar coins they've already introduced.

But really the crime here is that inflation has been allowed to make low denominations so worthless.

>> No.2918552

This lol

>> No.2918750

A penny is literally a shitcoin. I'm a eurofag who visited USA for the first time recently and paid in cash most of the trip. So I accumulated a lot of pennies which I ended up just throwing away.

On top of being a hassle to carry around and being generally worthless, even the parking meters and vending machines didn't accept them. Which is also the case here with 1 euro cent. Here I just collect the €0.01, €0.02, €0.05, €0.10 and €0.20 coins in a piggy bank and deposit them to my bank account every other year.

>> No.2918772
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fuck you. i like pennies. stoopid ph4ggot.

>> No.2918776


What if we could repurpose pennies by imprinting bitcoin wallet QR codes onto them? Maybe make each bitpenny 1 mBTC or something like that

>> No.2918803

Yeah that's normal in the US too. literally nobody I know carries change, or uses it to pay for things. Everybody does the same thing you do, take it home, save it in a jar, and then cash it in for bills or a deposit to your bank account when the jar fills up.

>> No.2918856

democracy in action