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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29175341 No.29175341 [Reply] [Original]

Who here can't wait for the crash to come just to take a two week vacation off crypto to then come back to comfy alt trading while bitcoin crabs for a couple years?
God, during this near-peak season I feel the need to compulsively be checking charts 24/7 and it's fucking me up, can't complain since I've made massive gains in the past months, but it's really tiring.

Anyone else wanna share their blog posts?

>> No.29175871

It feels like all the normalfags are here much earlier than they ought to be.
Makes me want to cash out, but into what? Boomer rocks? Worthless fiat in the middle of a pandemic? I just wanted to have a comfy great reset with all my /biz/bros, not this incessant blathering of the disgusting unwashed masses.

>> No.29176393
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The fucking retarded "influencers" aka bimbo onlyfans wannabe skanks are pissing me off with their stupid shilling. I'm burned the fuck out, I made almost a mill but the amount of time I spent glued to the screen and the stress involved is brutal to say the least.

>> No.29176568

its thanks to the GME debacle and Elon. honestly this run might just have a massive, massive peak and will still go all year. I think we run up to near 80k for BTC and have a large correction, a while of crabbing and then it will go to 300k.

>> No.29177156

I was wondering if it was just me, thanks for the replies anons

Idk, I just wanna tether (or usdc/dai) so I can buy back lower and stop trading for a bit, since I haven't made it this cycle
And definetly true regarding normalfags, my sister and father have gotten into crypto a while ago
I guess that the concept of normie crypto-wise is changing. It's not people that never heard of crypto anymore but people that only buy btc and top 10 maybe?

this, my eyes fucking hurt, and I don't sleep so well anymore

God, I hope not, my only hope right now is that we follow the rainbow/pi charts and we're done by the end of march/april, don't know if I can go much longer than that

>> No.29177321

I am like 2 weeks behind on all my work. Just watching fucking numbers all day. Watching my portfolio widely oscillate. Waking up at 3:00am knowing I won't be able to fall asleep until a check again. FUUUUUCK

>> No.29177323
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me too anon, i just entered 6 figs and starting the binance casino. it's fucking nuts atm and my sleep and work performance have been awful

fat gains though

>> No.29178002

fuck, same thing happens to me

good luck on the binance casino, I made bank on EGG and then BNB, but now I have no fucking idea what to do so I'm just holding BNB

>> No.29178492

I hope so anon, I hope so. Much as the bullrun is stressful, having it crash early and sitting in bobo for 3 years would kill me.

>> No.29179665
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Well it was fun anons, see you next run.

>> No.29179782

i fucking hope so, this bull run has been extremely gay
>t. only 2x'ed my stack since december