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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29157790 No.29157790 [Reply] [Original]

Will LINK and/or Parsiq ever reach 5 digits?

>> No.29157905

Yes but not on the side of the decimal you want

>> No.29158161

Look up supply

>> No.29158272

>No GitHub updates since 2019
>No bitcoin talk page
>Twitter had 700 followers 7 months ago
>Literally tracks token movement which websites already exist to do
>Fake developers who never appear at real conferences
Enjoy your rug pull

>> No.29158288
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>5 digits?
try 3, for both coins

>> No.29158462

>implying its open source
>implying he knows anything about the product
first real try at fud which is likely not coming from a token holder.
I've counted 4-5 real fud posts since august

>> No.29158502

gentlemen, both would require a MC of 1T and above for such a feat but I don't think in 5 years it would be a problem for the top 10 coins?

>> No.29158814

Show me a bitcoin talk page or their GitHub you scamming cunts lol

>> No.29158966
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>you scamming cunts lol
fuck i fell for prq holder bait fud again

>> No.29159618

boys answer my question ffs.

>> No.29159637

Nope I’m just trying to get 1 single bit of proof it’s legit and you lot never give any. Other projects are happy to debunk or explain fud and all you lot do it joke you want to keep normies away and you never ever give solid info to make me buy.

>> No.29159685


>> No.29160254

Maybe in ten+ years
Idk it's hard to tell what the future of crypto will be.
But projects exist now that will reach 1Trillion mcap within our lifetimes.

>> No.29160313

here info dump
first off i don't have to explain shit to you, but I'll do it anyways.
as i previously said, its not open source, meaning no github..
you might want to call it centralized if you want, but the fact is it's a paid service, a service that works insanely well, so well in fact that people are overwhelming the parsiq team, they had to hire and expand to meet the demand, if that doesn't prove that it's not a scam, go buy food coins

Stansberry Research 1 i.warosu.org/data/biz/img/0254/79/1609727287618.jpg
Stansberry Research 2 i.warosu.org/data/biz/img/0254/79/1609727351140.jpg
Stansberry Research 3 i.warosu.org/data/biz/img/0254/79/1609727414413.jpg

here is something an anon wrote
>roadmap continues all the way to the end of 2021. Their first Q1 2021 goal is a product launch; open-source parsiq community edition. There's no reason to think this won't happen by Q2.
>Have you read about them and Coinmetro? Coinmetros partnership and the hack?
>Is also endorsed and funded by Binance, essentially guaranteed a listing by this alone. Backed by many major players. Isn’t even listed on major exchanges yet.
>Team is transparent about who is behind it, one of whom being Anatoly.
>You will never see this below 40c again. I’ve been saying this for days and all you idiots keep telling me it’s coming.

biz breads

last 3 AMAs


>> No.29160398


>> No.29160744

There is nothing of substance there, it’s all hype over a data tracker with smart switches triggering on events.

>> No.29161005
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wtf I'm just seeing it now, you're right! that's all there is to it.. anon how could I have been so blind
humor me, since you appear to be a master crypto researcher, what other projects do you hold.

>> No.29161331
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It’s a dead project that has been hijacked and astroturfed. I don’t know who that floppy haired twat is in the memes but he didn’t write the code.

>> No.29161532

ODN all in 100% it’s a sure thing and staking soon! I can’t tell you more because of NDAs and sorry but we are not open source so no GitHub. Some chink exchange is using us as part of their latest food based scam though so it’s legit.

Do what you want but if that was the best you have I’m out.

>> No.29161594

Can't see the forest for the trees. This is a top 50 project easily. Stay poor faggot, NGMI, you'll never be a woman / dilate

>> No.29161718

If they can pump it that high then I’ll be impressed

>> No.29161769

Dunno but I ain't selling either, ESPECIALLY my parsiq. no amount of fud will make me sell anyways, the gas is too damn high

>> No.29161850
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TFW when no Latvian chad scammer bf

>> No.29161910

did you mistype the ticker? or do you really mean the 2017 scam coin?

>> No.29162428

>that’s the joke
I am making that comparison. ODN was the next big thing too for a while. All was true fir ODN except the last bit about food based products and chink exchanges.

>> No.29163356

I'm pretty sure you're just baiting, I actually have movies to watch anon..
Anyways, I don't really get your point, i gave you all the info you need, but you didn't read the research papers, you didn't look at the transparency in the company, you didn't even watch the video made for biz.
Just admit it, you don't WANT to like the project
and that's fine, we can call it a day, and you promise to fuck off

honesty i'm fine with you posting legit criticism
like how its not decentralized or how its not on any exchanges or how they sponsored the elio trade faggot

instead you say, "dude biz likes it.. And that's why i don't." and "dude they were friendly to a food scam so it means its a scam"
do you seriously believe they LIKE working with binance? Everybody in the fucking industry hates binance, they just have to play pretend to get funding money

>> No.29164400
File: 2.54 MB, 4032x3024, A3C22F06-972D-4D52-A7D1-E678F6851080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the video made for biz
Hahahahaha haha I’m sure they have our best interests at heart haha hahahaha

>> No.29164486

>they just have to play pretend to get funding money
Was the ICO not enough 8^)

>> No.29164628

are you implying it was made by them?
i think this is the dumbest thing you've said today, well this or the post above where you try to say the biz video was not made by someone on biz

>> No.29164741
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>> No.29164784

answer the question, now i'm genuinely interested

>> No.29164920

any update on this graph?

>> No.29165048
File: 107 KB, 400x417, 1431411471963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go fren https://www.blockchaincenter.net/bitcoin-rainbow-chart/