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29155178 No.29155178 [Reply] [Original]

Did you see twitter? All the eth devs and maxis are demoralized.
All the rats are jumping ship, because profit has no loyalty.
CZ is launching a full hostile takeover for the number two spot, and he can get away with it because of all the washtrading and no SEC to rekt him/CPP is backing him.
The next few months will be Mt Gox on steroids, tether will implode as well from all the manipulation and loss of faith in eth/open source ethos.
If all the innovators are demoralized and leave crypto, and all that's left are chink copycats, grifters and gamblers, this shit is doomed.

>> No.29155278

based I want all those autists getting rich off promises and never actually doing anything (nice sharding vitalik, nice L2) to get blown the fuck out of the water
you faggots fed them money for dogshit projects, now its time for the true projects to take over

>> No.29155289
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>> No.29155589

All this ethkiller fud make me think we are just getting started bois.

>> No.29155616

Who could have thought that people will follow low fucking transaction fees? What a fucking surprising and totally unexpected fact? How the fuck could this ever happen?

>> No.29155695

Sauce or gtfo

>> No.29155717

Have you seen this board? Anytime someone complains about the retarded gas fees all you see is people ragging on 'poorfags'

>> No.29155812

ETH is Netscape

>> No.29155863
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eth maxis acting like wallstreet hedgies after GME

>> No.29155971

>grifters and gamblers
>eth staking
I don’t see any difference

>> No.29157140

hope thats not the case, this guy wont fuck over the biggest bull run in history FUCK CZ

>> No.29157151
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>CPP is backing him

>> No.29157192

funds are safu

>> No.29157490
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Let's compare the transactions, kek



Oh no, it seems like the chinkchain is a worthless bot heaven

>> No.29157495

>Low transaction fee

>> No.29157667

fuck mETHheads
fuck pedoskelly
kill yourselves fucking retards, you lost

>> No.29157859

I told you faggots. Diversity and inclusivity and all this Intersectional bullshit is a cancer and it is metastasizing destroying everything. Boeing can’t keep its planes in the air and everyone is canceling orders. Kikes, niggers, faggots, and trannies have fucked us all. And they just did it here. Diversity hires couldn’t get this spaghetti fixed in time and now the chinks are swooping in to take the market share.

>> No.29157944
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>new Ethereum

>> No.29157947

People can rag, but the masses are voting with their wallets.

>> No.29157951
File: 280 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2021-02-19-21-14-55-121_com.wallet.crypto.trustapp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your Eth fees right now ;)

>> No.29158031

holy shit AHAHAHAHA
you cannot make this shit up

>> No.29158301


>> No.29158689

lmao I remember that guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCahSl3dAP8

>> No.29158784

>the number two spot

You might want to rethink that.

>> No.29158858

>If all the innovators are demoralized and leave crypto, and all that's left are chink copycats, grifters and gamblers, this shit is doomed.
chink can copy paste but never innovate
let the pajeets flood in bnb so they can continue with their *.finance rugpulls and cheap smart contract scams

>> No.29158899

wow, how much fucking fud can a single poster put in 1 post.

>> No.29159210

No, all that happened was BNB price pumped. All this other shit is just a story you made up in your head to justify the price pump that's it.

>> No.29159627

this is cz

>> No.29159677

>DDOS id

>> No.29159795

imagine using this as fud, bnb is the next paradigm

>> No.29159866

checked LOL seriously this was some heavy shit hahaha

>> No.29159891
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>> No.29159899

you were so right until you got to the "this is doomed" part. this is a revolution and it will be glorious. could even compete with bitcoin.

>> No.29159986

kek this is perfect

>> No.29160097

If the price rises super high aren't we going to be in the same spot with the tx fees? Right now it's nice but this seems like an ethereum copy in a way, and the percentages are about the same arent they?

>> No.29160167

Is it true that you Germ*ns eat shit? no offense but I heard that really often. Is this the reason you guys love bread because it makes good stool?

>> No.29160450

Didn't the word scat originate from Germany?

>> No.29160596

Jian Yang is the only good person on that show

>> No.29160621

The prices are controlled by Binance, that's why the ETH jews are seeting about it.

>> No.29160628
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Cool it with the scatological remarks, Chaim.

>> No.29161024

O >>29155178

>> No.29161164

Lol have you seen the binance exchange clone telegrams. Everyone's freaking out over why they can't withdraw or deposit.

Huobi and Kucoin. Kek especially at Kucoin. Ahmed and Pajeets are calling scam on tx times.

>> No.29161526

Ethkikes think their shitcoins are special for some reason.

>> No.29162061

Notice that ethkikes have no rebuttal to practical arguments. They want you to stay poor because they skim off the top while screeching about chinks.

>> No.29162134


>> No.29162491
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der jew making up words in hopes of controlling the narrative..

>> No.29162891

>CPP is backing him.
cope retarded nufag, maybe actually do some research

>> No.29162965

and it's CCP btw, retard

>> No.29162984

Can anyone really talk at least you can regain social credit unlike the us where the banks just ban you for life.

>> No.29163076
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>China Hustle confirmed.

>> No.29163280
File: 244 KB, 473x358, Screenshot 2020-12-13 at 15.28.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eth capitulates
>this man steps in and saves crypto

>> No.29163521

Keep up the good work Hanse

>> No.29163981

Everybody is siding with China because everybodys hates the USA and its despicable anglocentrism. Only anglos are white, so lets all racemix with asians. This is a easy victory for the chinese.

>> No.29164634

american """"""humor"""""" ladies and gentlemen

>> No.29165045

And you think centralized Chinese shitcoins are the future?

>> No.29165575

Future? Probably not. But BNB *IS* the base layer the 2021 altcoin bull market takes place on. BNB is 2017 ETH in 2021.

>> No.29165912

>Mt Gox on steroids
Ni Hao! .5 credits have been added to your social credit score - reason: spreading glorious propaganda for our masters

>> No.29166099
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Money skelly should have gotten ETH's shit together.

So what's the Chainlink of BSC?

>> No.29166282

Berry (BRY)

>> No.29166378


Which ironically isn't on Binance yet lol

>> No.29166383
File: 428 KB, 413x460, binanceyummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmm glop glop glop

>> No.29166960
File: 1.26 MB, 1000x1053, Leemon Baird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaand this is why Hedera Hashgraph till take over. Seethe.

>> No.29167002

ETHcucks are actual retards with no argument, who would have known?

>> No.29167077

Yeah I mean it's only a few days old. Needs some time to grow / establish itself

>> No.29167149

Nice fantasy japanese anon

>> No.29167302
File: 25 KB, 455x800, 1611553051303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mind boggling that ETH fags can't see the writing on the wall. Unless ETH can fix its scaling problems SOON, CCP is going to be running the smart contract game and take all that sweet sweet cash along with it.