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File: 799 KB, 678x607, team VISION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29150153 No.29150153 [Reply] [Original]

I will never financially recover from this.

>> No.29150392

honestly you earned it.

>> No.29150517


>> No.29150797

>crypto will give control of money to the people

Also satoshi
>im richer than many countries because i made bitcoin lol

>> No.29150958

Good, by investing in BSV you're clearly a retard who deserved to lose their money. Not everyone in crypto is meant to make it

>> No.29151364

Hopefully creg sanjay will make a wrapped sv on bsc

>> No.29151576
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This is now a kino 2018 Bitcoin CASH thread

>> No.29151620

I bought one bsv at $64 sold 0.5 at near $200 and I’ve been holding 0.5 for ages. what should I spend it on?

>> No.29151649
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Bitcoin CASH

>> No.29151723
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Bitcoin CASH

>> No.29151774

I always assumed BSV posters were just memeing

>> No.29151798
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Bitcoin CASH

>> No.29151817

we tried to warn you
SO many times
and you were assholes

Besides REEFtards, BSV holders are the only people on this board who really and truly deserve it

>> No.29152685
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I refuse to believe this market is at all rational.

Some of the top coins aren't even minable or even serve an actual purpose. We're in a market where centralized scam tokens are more valuable than Monero. I might be wrong about betting on BSV, but there is no fucking way in hell these Pets.com tier shitcoins will maintain these valuations.

>> No.29153096

Universal Law: The clownier clown world gets, the lower BSV price stays

>> No.29153179

and this is why you're poor
stay poor cultist

>> No.29153203

What is happening here?

>> No.29153460

BSV goes against the criminal crypto cartel Bitfinex/Binance/Tether..... go figure out why the price is being suppressed so hard

>> No.29153598

He really is a chad

>> No.29153735

are autist any good with women?

>> No.29153898

all that money and you get a gross Asian with no tits

>> No.29153975

craig is such an alpha male. imagine unironically not seeing that this man is satoshi nakamoto, the creator of BitCoin

>> No.29153977
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I'm really not. I'm split between BTC, XMR and BSV. The arguments for BSV are sound. BTC cannot function as a new monetary system. At least not one designed to free people from central banker tyranny.

>> No.29154311

crypto's main function is to launder money, nothing more. binance is the central authority in money laundering in crypto. why are you surprised that their shitcoin is mooning?
if you're betting that blockchain has an actual use in the future, that future will only coming in about 10 years or so. until then and until authorities start shutting down these people, nothing will change.

>> No.29154778

>The arguments for BSV are sound
they never were

>> No.29154986
File: 85 KB, 750x1000, bsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being in BCH is literally the most profitable thing I've done in my life.
I never would have known about AVAX's potential if it wasn't planned as the new BCH consensus.
Instead I read the whitepaper as soon as they released it, registered 4 KYCs for the ICO, bought 200k AVAX and got another 20k in airdrops for running a node during testing and writing a blog post.

Literal $10,000,000 because I'm a cashie. You did things wrong. Probably pajeet posted BSV too.

>> No.29155032

This. Most of these people are paid shills, or just straight up retards who don't understand the history of bitcion or the original protocol.

>> No.29155115

What wasn't sound?

>> No.29155330

the use-case the fundamentals the scaling strategy the promotion strategy all of it is full retard.

>> No.29155425

here is the news..
its NOT being suppressed.
its actually is a bag of shite, run by a stock scammer and fronted by a pantomime aussie Satoshi imposter, and it will fade to fucking zero.
BUT don't let that stop you.
Fill your bags, believe in yourself.
After all, YOU deserve this. And how.

>> No.29155429

>fat old boomers

>> No.29155579

>BSVjeets trying their hardest to keep their shitcoin in the discussion
No one even thinks of this scam anymore.

>> No.29155960
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But the use case is there, the scaling is working, the storage is well ahead of where it needs to be, the world record block is on BSV, BSV is approashing BTC in useage, and its not owned by the blockstream company. It's better on ever level than bitcoin. Also the average fee is .0001 USD. I think you must be retarded.

>> No.29156160

sv use case is basically dump a gigantic pile of unverifiable garbage on a distributed public blockchain and make all sorts of private concerns a global burden for no good fucking reason. it's full retard.

>> No.29156161

Lets also not forget that a fatal bug was just found on the lightning network. And also how seqwit ruined the entire ecomomic model of bitcoin. And the double spend on BTC.

>> No.29156246
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BSV use case is peer to peer electronic cash, just like the title of the whitepaper. Fuckin moron. You can't seriously be this retarded.

>> No.29156279

full retard

>> No.29156377

>BSV use case is peer to peer electronic cash
no it's not. that's the bch use-case and bch is retarded too.

>> No.29156403

Keep that head in the sand buddy, and you'll never make it.

>> No.29156539

BSV accomplished what BCH failed to do, which is scale enough for low enough fees to be used as electronic cash. Has your memory failed you or are you new here?

>> No.29156590

oh no baseles fud from 2020... what we gonna do about it?
free forming networks will find their efficient shape and route around congestion naturally.
never go full retard!

>> No.29156681

>BSV accomplished what BCH failed to do
doesn't look like it.
bch tried to take over btc and failed bsv tried to take over bch and failed. it's a big failure.

>> No.29156764

BSV hasn't failed, and BTC is still broken.

>> No.29156976

of course it failed. it couldn't overtake bch lost the "hash war" like a little bitch. and falling out of top #20 on cmc like a rock with no stop in sight.
and every ""dapp"" it has somehow turns out to be a completely centralized service/website.

it has been a spectacular failure.

>> No.29156994

What schitzo universe do you guys live in where BCH and BSV are not useless shitcoins

>> No.29157133
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It's fully monetized.

Using Bitcoin to monetize data or access to it provides humanity with a much better model than the current fake and gay tech oligarchy that exists solely to sell data and ads. Suppression on a blockchain based application can only work on a single front facing application, but the data still exists either locally or on the chain itself and can be proven cryptographically. Meaning users and creators don't lose connections to each other and their means to support themselves aren't severed by, frankly, Jews.

The goal of block suppression is to prevent this kind of model from taking off and keeping the current parasitic power structure in the middle of all financial transactions and monetary policy.

>> No.29157209

bch at least trying to be cash by adopting avalanche pos for pre-consensus.
took me a while till i got thought their thick skull and explained the cashie retards that 0-conf is full retard. now they got it and trying to work around the issue.

>> No.29157316

except taproot is being deployed shortly and with it we gonna have trustless non-custodial shared liquidity pools which is the final nail in the banksters coffin. they are not needed.

>> No.29157324

BTC purposefully restricted blocksize, so the devs and blockstream can have a centralized sidechain to profit from. It's a corporate piece of shit coin in reality.

>> No.29157466

and there re also the multi-path channels that completely change the game for ln for locked up liquidity.

>> No.29157493

BSV is cash already, and no dev team needs to fuck up or change the code because it cannot be improved. It already won, and is prefect. Seethe, you little blockstream centralized little bitch.

>> No.29157546

lmao never go full retard my dud! btw you just went full retard.

>> No.29157577

No need for LN on BSV. It's better that way, LN is retarded and requires you to be online 24/7. its just shit.

>> No.29158149

This shit is about to moon isn't it

>> No.29158361

Taproot doesn't change LN's functionality at all. It just provides a few more schemes in which things can be done more efficiently and more privately by changing the the way digital signatures are done... again. The end result is the same. Hub and spoke Jewish banker control. Bilderberg isn't going to fund this stuff and allow themselves to be an ousted middle man after like seven years of work and investment. Their grip is as strong as ever.

>> No.29158384

At least $1000 in 6 months. Even if/when Craigs case this summer ends and he dumps his shitcoin. $5000 eoy seems about right.

>> No.29158456

>and explained the cashie retards that 0-conf is full retard
It really isn't though.
My local BCH-only ATM accepts 0conf, nobody ever hacked it.
With a few optimisations, 0conf security can easily become solid enough for any purchase worth $1,000 or less.
Now the fact that they're not in place is a whole another subject.
I don't hold BCH anymore, but I still like the coin.

>> No.29158543
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No. It's unironically over. People put FAR too much faith in code and assumed (((bankers))) would just cede power. That's never going to happen and now with the new system they've built you can't even cause a run on the banks because in the future transactions will cost thousands and take weeks to complete.

>> No.29158656
File: 37 KB, 1844x235, 0-conf credit card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0conf security can easily become solid enough for any purchase worth $1,000 or less.

0-conf has always been a secure method of payment. It was removed to install banking intuitions in the middle of all Bitcoin transactions.

>> No.29158947

is that Craigs wife?
she cute
>I refuse to believe this market is at all rational.
bro we live in clown world
Ive literally been telling BSVers this for 2 years now
nobody gives a shit about actually using crypto, its all about number go up. I believe BSV works as advertised but does that mean it will succed? hell no. BTC is a crippled piece of shit thats gone up to 50k I can totally see it going to a million while BSV dies a slow death. remember, were living in clown world.

>> No.29158989

This is one of those things that really makes me wonder. I mean just looking at this clown and listening to how he talks, he's like a cartoon version of cheap conman trying to sell you fake rolexes. And people actually fall for it, what the fuck.

>> No.29159014

Funny how all the BTCers turned into the same fucking people bitcoin was meant to go around. That is the true definion of retardation, and people eat up the propaghanda and in their minds actually believe they are some cypherpunk anarchist hero, when in reality they are faggots, shilling coins for major banking and corporate interests.

>> No.29159169

The network is already breaking at 50k, the mempool backlog is going to make 2017 look like a joke by comparison.

>> No.29159925

Nobody is using it. Most transactions are between exchanges. Nothing of substance is being built, the technology is being squandered and subverted.

Bitcoin has become a walled garden. Users buy some, leave it on an exchange, that exchange provides some financial services for consumers and they never interact with the blockchain themselves.

All ledgers related to spending/consumers are internal and only institutions and billionaires settle on the blockchain. Goldsmith IOU scheme 2.0, but new and improved because Bitcoin owners can't even afford to withdrawal their Bitcoin into their own wallets, so there's never a run on the bank.

Honestly its impressive what they've managed to pull off.

>> No.29160384

I'm going to be sitting heavy in BSV when BTC comes tumbling down.

>> No.29160773
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If BTC comes tumbling down.

Again there's no reason for central bankers to disenfranchise themselves. Remember our current system is based entirely off of shittokens printed by Jews out of nothing, while you gotta work. There's no upheaval about this and it's been going on for over a century.

You're a slave in the current system and the system they're building on top of BTC will keep you that way.

>> No.29160780

BTC and all other ponzis will die this year

>> No.29161020

And you thought investing in an obvious shameless compulsive liar will somehow help under the circumstances?
You really DO deserve whatever small losses (missed opportunities, in your case) you suffered.

>> No.29161412

I didn't invest into Craig, you small minded fuck.

>> No.29162144

Oh yes, LN will just magically solve the BGP with their routing. Maybe they'll invent some magic technology called a blockchain to solve it.

>> No.29162943

Technoogical argument against BSV from BTC shills: CWS is a faketoshi. This shit is comical. BTC truns people into complete idiots. BSV has already solved the problems of LN.

>> No.29163565

I might be small minded fuck, but if your big brain didn't help you see he'll poison whatever project he's attached to, then your high IQ is no help at all and actual retards like me have higher chance to make it.

>> No.29163968

like i said full retard to make your bubble gum purchase a global burden.

>> No.29164025
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BSV is a finished project. It's over, BSV scales and does what no other coin can. CSW is irreleant now. Sure, he might dump BTC in favor of BSV, but who cares. It is a better tech, and it make BTCers so embarrassed that they delist, short sell, censor, and buy bots to maintain a narrative. The techonolgy does not lie, the code does not lie. It is fundamentally better, and I will continue to buy it and keep getting more rich than it has already made me.

>> No.29164037

>Taproot doesn't change LN's functionality at all.
it's a capability multiplier makes complex smart contracts more efficient. arbitrarily big with minimal burden. very smart very efficient.

>> No.29164125

why would you use blockchain for routing off-chain?

>> No.29164191

There are poor people who want to use Bitcoin, and not that the stranglehold of blockstream has been severed, they are no longer slaves. I want to buy gum and I want to hold some for later. It is not a global burden, it is a free market tech that can now reach everybody. Not just you neckbeards in your private github. Get fucked dude.

>> No.29164213

0-conf was always totally retarded and was never secure.
and now the cashies understand it too.

>> No.29164271

If we go down the spoke and hub path of Jewish control over Bitcoin transactions then this entire revolutionary breakthrough in technology will be for naught anyway.

I have enough BTC to make it with this current trajectory, but it won't matter because my people and descendants will still be enslaved to a central banking cartel. This is far removed from our original goal with Bitcoin. Again, we were foolish to assume our enemies wouldn't just change the rules and subvert the system we setup and make Bitcoin work for them.

>> No.29164301

>It is not a global burden
everything you put on a global distributed blockchain is a global burden.
bitcoin is trying to largely eliminate the burden of the blockchain and making good headway.

>> No.29164320

That wasn't your original point, sophist.

>> No.29164376

That is your feeble minded opinion.

>> No.29164458

it's a fact

>> No.29164572

it was you just can't read taproot allows more efficient use of blockspace with more complex contracts like shared liquidity pools and multipath channels

>> No.29164662

Blockchain is a feature, not a burden. BTC is no different that buying a piece of paper with a number on it. It serves no function, and has no utility. You can barely even send and transact using the shit.

>> No.29164666

also increased privacy and quantum resistance with signature aggregation

>> No.29164740

No, you said it ultimately changes the functionality of LN and leaves banksters in the cold. It doesn't do that, it only makes their banking layer (LN) more efficient.

Like I said, sophist.

>> No.29164748

thats what brainlets think
no blockchain is not a feature its a necessary component of the nakamoto consensus and a great burden

>> No.29164828

it does because of the shared liquidity pools no longer require financial institutions for liquidity
how stupid you are?

>> No.29164850

Then use paypal.

>> No.29164877

Where can you even buy it these days? All I see are a bunch of shady chink exchanges.

>> No.29164913

Because any L2 solution will require solving routing, require solving the Byzantine generals problem and require tamper proof records. The only solution we've come up with so far for that is a blockchain.

>> No.29164930

yes thats your solution with the centralized pieces of shits like moneybutton

>> No.29164966

Bittrex, BuyBSV.com, lots of places.

>> No.29165041

It doesn't. LN functionally remains the same, just more efficient.

>> No.29165093

no need to solve routing network will shape up to be efficient.
also fun fact but its a retarded lie that l2 has to solve the byzantine general problem that is what layer 1 does on bitcoin. its all cashie retardation.

>> No.29165105

Moneybutton is just a way to embed payments into websites. BSV works on a protocol level, and better than any other coin. And cheaper. Businesses that need reliablitty will choose BSV.

>> No.29165117

Moneybutton is a centralized piece of shit, but I don't have to use it to move funds to avoid fee and leadtime rape.

>> No.29165215

not just more efficient but decentralized trustless liquidity pools remove the need for liquidity centralization for efficiency.
just fucking think for once in your life!

>> No.29165317

every ""app"" you have is centralized permissioned trustful garbage

>> No.29165369

>decentralized trustless liquidity pools
Except that's bullshit and its the same exact line they've said about LN since its inception. It's patently false.

>> No.29165426

Literal scammers

>> No.29165489

We don't need apps. They are just a bonus. We also dont need an entire seperate and centralized and easicaly hackable network to run basic transactions.

>> No.29165531

Its like you literally don't know how Bitcoin works and just assume everything with the tagline "crypto" exists in some imaginary """""""""decentralized""""""""""" world.

>> No.29165649

no its not that is the biggest work and it correlates with a few things. basically liquidity pools and payment channels are all sidechains. taproot makes it possible to make your own sidechain based on audited smart contract templates.

tx throughput s going to blow up in this exponential scaling architecture with l1 settlement and permissionless exit.

>> No.29165724

rofl so you are that stupid
ok noted

>> No.29165801

lightning is the opposite of centralized it is made of people directly p2p transacting with each other freely without constraint of a third party.

>> No.29165806

Ah yes, Bitcoin Scam Vision team

Thought they were gone already but they seem unable to give it a rest

>> No.29165924

This is an absolute misnomer. Some contractual agreement between parties is not a fucking blockchain or "sidechain". This term is used to purposely mislead people. There is absolutely ZERO security on a "sidechain" or rather internal ledger.

Fuck kikes, fuck bankers and fuck you.

>> No.29166078

The only decentralized thing that exists is the ledger itself. Not the data on it.

>> No.29166106

it becomes a sidechain when it has an off chain ledger and a chain of state transitions. fits perfectly you mongrel

>> No.29166130

You aren't very smart.

>> No.29166160

lol you blockstream paid shills are genuinely pathetic. A bunch of third world rejects who shill for first world breadcrumbs. No one takes you seriously online or irl because you're nothing more than a peasant that will die a peasant, just like your parents did and your children will.
Us bsv guys are the original btc crowd, we've seen it all and already made our money, more than you'll make in your lifetime. While we build, you accomplish nothing.

>> No.29166351


>> No.29166396

>off chain ledger
>this is a sidechain

So as I said an internal ledger not secured by anything. Contractual agreements in which you don't actually hold your own assets are subject to the whims of the issuer.

No amount of Talmudic wordplay will change that. THIS IS GOLDSMITH 2.0

>> No.29166698

This is true, I sold me BTC for a house and a car, and paid off all my student loans. Then I went all in on BCH, sold this shit for BSV around $60. It's comfy holding something that works and that isnt controlled by internet trolls. If you feel a need to celebate the price of your shitcoin, you will see no pity when it dumps on you. I bought my BTC under $100, and I have no interest in using that piece of shit ever. History will repeat itself and it will be like 2017 again, only none of the blood in the street will be my own.

>> No.29167035

It is not P2P dingus. It is p2p2p2p2p2p2p2p2p. That is a routing shitshow and your technobabble just demonstrates you've been propagandists to parrot your handlers nonsense.

>> No.29167608
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>> No.29167901

BSV was 60 in early 2019 so that's when you bought
BSV has since went 4x
since early 2019, BTC has gone gone 15x

how does it feel to be a poor retard?

>> No.29168545

>numba go up
>banks still control the house


>> No.29169317



>> No.29169427
File: 77 KB, 1004x326, 1613774192613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BSV was always inevitable, I've been waiting 8 years for it in some form but BSVers should seriously consider that they might be way ahead of their time and that the market won't catch up to them for years, maybe even a decade or two

>BTC might have to hit 1mil a coin before people realize the system is broken, right now we are still in a very primitive stage in crypto. Basically still in the proof of concept era.

>As a ledger, BSV has so many unique and valuable properties and will only get better over time. Twetch is a remarkable example of this, what you can do with micropayments and proof of work schemes like Boost and 21e8. The guys building on BSV (not the clown show CSW and Ayre), the people doing stuff outside of the Coingeek regime, are probably the most interesting group in crypto to me right now.

>Alll that said, I do think BSV will see a significant price rise in the near future but as someone who has been in these markets for a long time, don't put your eggs in one basket. Just try to make as much money as possible so you have a war chest ready when the rest of the world catches up

>> No.29169683

Hilarious thread full of so much stupidity. HBAR is the future currency of the world. 0.0001 cents fixed fee, 1-3 second finality, 10,000 TPS. Backed by Google, Boeing, IBM. Trust companies worth combined trillions or anons from their moms basements?

PayPal is also about to partner with HBAR. Their CEO is liking all of Hedera’s posts. This coin will EXPLODE and it will be nothing like we’ve ever seen.

>> No.29170094
File: 218 KB, 1354x1961, 1599933506024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Twetch. I think their fees to do anything are FAR too high. It should be a fraction of a cent to like a post, instead its a few cents, which is fucking outrageous imo.

All DAGs are centralized scams.

>> No.29170215

>doesnt know what lightning is
>doesnt know what segwit is
>doesnt know what taproot is

seethe nocoiner, wish you good luck surviving as a slave in the future technocracy.

>> No.29170303

Implying that Bitcoin wasn’t made by the elites but some arnachist in his basement?

Fucking idiot lol.

>> No.29170542

>Speaking of Twetch. I think their fees to do anything are FAR too high

The fees that Twetch takes or the cost to like/follow? I don't think it's so bad, it's just a totally new way of using social media really

>> No.29170582

Peak wut?

>> No.29170760

> anon believes Bitcoin is decentralized

So much to learn, anon.

>> No.29170958
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Yeah and I think it's a great thing. Just that the cost of using it needs to come down. idk all the variables that go into their costs (outside of transaction costs), but it seems like its much higher than it should be. Would be easier to attract people to the platform of doing a post or liking a post cost less than a penny. I'm sure this will lower as BSV scales, but in the meantime it sucks.

Also Twetch should consider taking fiat payments. Just to get someone on the platform. Say you pay five or ten bucks to open an account and then they give you BSV in exchange to use on the site. They might already be doing that, idk.

>> No.29171622

i actually make this shit up man for the sole purpose of making you butt mad.

but it has enough basis in reality to make you seethe this hard.

bitcoin works just fine. and it just hit $56k while your garbage shitcoin is #21 now congrats!

>> No.29171770

>So as I said an internal ledger not secured by anything.
lol if that was true nobody would think of using lightning. it's secured by commitments enforceable on layer 1. no go suck a dick retard!

>> No.29172155

>nobody would think of using lightning
Nobody does. It's still a broken piece of shit middleman that despite how fucking awful BTC fees and lead times are nobody with half a brain considers for use. Unless they want to lose money.

It's actually gotten even less efficient over the past year which is kind of amazing considering it was already starting from a place of basic uselessness.


>> No.29172469
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>your garbage shitcoin is #21 now congrats!
I feel this occasion should be commemorated.
Goodbye, then.
To Obscurity. To Hell.
Piece of Fucking Garbage.

>> No.29173272
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