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2914894 No.2914894 [Reply] [Original]

>new guy at work started tuesday
>already has inside jokes with the guys
>already taken a qt to lunch
>made my crush laugh
>tfw been here 8 months and have no comradery with anyone

>> No.2914902

Buy ESP on yobit. that'll show 'em.

>> No.2914906
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Should be fucking required reading in grade school.

>> No.2914915
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>been here 8 months
>my crush
This new guy is going to fuck that girl because you've been too much of a chickenshit to get your dick in there, faggot.

>> No.2914916

>reading books


>be relatable
>be kind/helping

that's literally it

>> No.2914933

Have you tried not being an autist? Back to /r9k/ you go faggot.

>> No.2914934

blue board retard

>> No.2914941

One of the worst feels in the world, I know it

>> No.2914945
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>> No.2914983

>this is adolf, he liked animals
>in 1945 adolf killed himself after years of bullying
>think before you bully someone

>> No.2914996


>> No.2915027

I became the loser nobody talks to within two days at my office workplace

>> No.2915051
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New guy has confidence and charisma. Two things that go a long way in an office, or anywhere really. Befriend him and learn from him instead of being an agry faggot. Who knows, he may let you even tap your crush after he's done smashing her.

>> No.2915066

Being social and chatting at the water cooler ist the most important skill at work.
Being good at what you do is nice, but if you can't network and no one knows you, it's worth shit.

I learned that the hard way.

>> No.2915069

Why do you post this shit on biz? No one cares that you're an autistic wagecuck

>> No.2915070
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Nice work. That's gotta be some kind of record. It's not easy to get hired and yet somehow repel everyone around you. What's your secret anon?

>> No.2915090

found your problem. You are a chink and not chad.

>> No.2915127
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reminder - it's all because of your genetics

>> No.2915136

That's more than a few millimeters

>> No.2915154
File: 104 KB, 1243x1059, 1500834739755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown and racemixed
>thin bones
>average height

A-at least I got blessed with high IQ. Fuck the genetic lottery, it's so unfair.

>> No.2915280


This is one of the best (timeless) books on social skills.

Another one is 48 laws of power

>> No.2915286
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Life is definitely unfair my friend.
The sooner you accept it and start playing your strengths the better.

>> No.2915322

Sounds like the newbie is going to be you boss in 6 months.

>> No.2915330

>few millimeters of bone

The fuck? That shoop would basically involve replacing the guy's entire skull and spine. Not to mention that the shitty genetics that produced the abomination on the left probably express themselves mentally in addition to physically.

>> No.2915403


And? So what if you're interpersonal skills suck, either fix them, or failing that, just fucking crush the shit out of your job.

>Be in a similar position as you OP, not the greatest social skills
>Instead of spending time chit-chatting and developing relationships with co-workers, I actually fucking crush it at my job and increase my departments sales by 30k (14%) in the first month since going to a new site
>mfw have a reputation of being quiet but really fucking good
>mfw in the two months since moving to a new group I've already been moved from a dead end site to one of the best sites in the group, not because of my relationship with my boss, but because my boss knows that I will crush it and get shit done.

Just don't get a job where you need to build strong relationships, position yourself towards your strengths, then with all that free time you have from not talking shit and having friends you should have insane productivity and should just be able to out-work and out-produce your new guy.

If you're lazy and have no work ethic though, tough shit.

>> No.2915413


>performance matters compared to social skills

Spotted the underage guy

>> No.2915432

>not because of my relationship with my boss, but because my boss knows that I will crush it and get shit done
Your boss is using you literally to cover all the holes in your company
>after a year
>thanks anon you're fired

>> No.2915483

thats your fault you loser faggot

>> No.2915485

Which makes you wonder why 99% of the people on Earth purposefully do the opposite.

>> No.2915502

this shit unironically works

i can't tell you how many times i've gotten otherwise impenetrable / emotionally unavailable people to open up and give me what i want where thousands have failed by just doing the ez stuff in the book - offering them something that interests them / pretending to understand their situation

>> No.2915707
File: 19 KB, 300x250, 1496357221663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im beyond socially retarded so i really need to fucking read this, gonna start today wish me luck

>> No.2915715

>open up and give me what i want

>> No.2915744

why would you read it when you can have some cuck read it for you

the audiobook is on youtube