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File: 19 KB, 567x257, xmrbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29141434 No.29141434 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen once atomic swap is done between them? Which one will gain value over the other? Will early Bitcoin days whale criminals swap their BTC for XMR? So many questions. What do you think anons?

>> No.29142380

Imagine if you could swap a tainted dollar bill for a new shiny solid block of gold, with the click of a button.

do the math.

>> No.29142551

Never going to happen, it will be outlawd by the Americans and it will plummet beyond $1, yeah their tech may be good, but it is never going to be allowed, besides its price need to be low in order for people to use it

>> No.29142662

>Outlawing cocaine made it cheaper

>> No.29142806
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>People can get addicted to XMR
There is no demand for it

>> No.29143030
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Atomic swaps become the gold standard for mixing.

>> No.29143190
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>There is no demand for it
Except the demand from anyone who wants to buy anything on dark markets, including cocaine. You're aware all markets are switching from BTC to XMR, right?

>> No.29143305
File: 54 KB, 1137x380, DNM-monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no demand for it

The darknet is phasing out Bitcoin in favor of Monero.

>> No.29143357

It will help both until people realize there is actually no point in holding BTC anymore.

>> No.29143420
File: 1.42 MB, 2325x1679, computer_happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satoshi aka saberhagen swaps his dormant bitocin for monero setting off an epic flipening

>> No.29143471
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>Everything the government says is illegal must be worthless

>> No.29143853

need to see the source on 4
as far as I know darknet markets keep getting busted or vendors keep closing. it's always a gamble to trust them.

>> No.29143883
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Ok you nigger retards, fucking fud the coin, we can't allow more people into it, until we stop accumulating, XMR is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and atomic swaps are coming after fall, you better attempt to lower the price as much as possible before that, the coin is going fucking parabolic, fucking niggers brainlets pieces of shit

>> No.29144141

if i swap monero for btc i will get tainted btc?

>> No.29144308
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>> No.29144446

Based monerochad, but we already have enough to create generational wealth. No need to be greedy now.

>> No.29144484

This who doesn’t realize doesn’t understand tech

>> No.29144523

>but we already have enough to create generational wealth
I don't have enough

>> No.29144575
File: 207 KB, 735x690, monegro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to see the source on 4
>as far as I know darknet markets keep getting busted or vendors keep closing. it's always a gamble to trust them.

Street dealers have been getting busted since the War on Drugs was started, hasn't made a dent in the supply and demand, so you seriously think an "Amazon for drugs" is a dying sector??

>Five Key Reasons Dark Web Markets Are Booming

>> No.29144750

The atomic swap is a safeguard against regulation.

>> No.29144939

i just DCA 200 today. im gonna make it.

>> No.29145252

ANother reson to swap into some RUNE

>> No.29145524


>> No.29145531

Why the fuck would someone trade for a tainted bitcoin? And the liquidity will be shit.

>> No.29145609
File: 34 KB, 528x352, 1515432993613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair enough.
I saw a normie friend use monero several times to buy LSD from abroad about 2 years ago. I was really surprised to see that the post office even brought it to his door.
buying any sort of drugs including weed gets you in jail here. he doesn't know a thing about computers either.
I see the potential.
is this the only coin darknet markets accept for now or does it have competition?

>> No.29145685

Premiums you dumb nigger.
Also if we reach a point where bitcoin taint is that big of an issue where you can’t even swap it then monero had already won.

>> No.29145727

to all you fuckin retards who say its getting banned and going to $1, look what happened in Nigeria, honestly they can ban it if they want anytime I don't fucking care!

>> No.29145791

Bitcoin is still used but Monero is gaining rapidly on the market share. As it is the largest dark net vendor is called White House market and they only allow monero.
No other privacy coin is used on the dark net.

>> No.29145843

Im loaded, Im done waiting on you faggots to take your seats

>> No.29145926

I fucking envy you, I am a fucking poorfag, and trying to flip 0.5 BNB to buy 1 XMR

>> No.29146090

>is this the only coin darknet markets accept for now or does it have competition?
Let's not be stupid. Bitcoin is still a major player or option for those markets anon, its the most known cryptocurrency in the world and is more common than Monegro. If they were to start banning it now without Monegro getting a stronghold, then its going to fuck those markets.
What you're realistically looking at is a hold until BTC buckles under its own weight or success enough for there to be some serious discussion on how exactly BTC is that trustworthy for buyers and suppliers. Once these start, once BTC is possibly even more known than it is now, THAT'S when Monegro will be able to thrive in the darknet markets.

>> No.29146139

U.S. regulators are preparing to require that all crypto wallets be KYC identifiable. Soon you won't be able to transfer your bitcoin from coinbase unless you confirm the identity of the holder of the wallet address where you're sending it.

>> No.29146233
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> did 0 research

>> No.29146279

This is our 2nd chance to buy BTC, WAGMI including you.

>> No.29146316
File: 1.54 MB, 2176x2241, 1613697212103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more reason to stay away from that shitcoin

>> No.29146425
File: 1.53 MB, 1150x4384, monero-is-the-future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying any sort of drugs including weed gets you in jail here.

Its the same everywhere, basically. Thats why the vendors of good repute know how to seal up their packages properly to avoid detection, and otherwise the sheer volume of traffic affords buyers a reasonable degree of safety in numbers.

The cops aren't likely to bust low-level users, its not worth their time.

>is this the only coin darknet markets accept for now or does it have competition?

Bitcoin still currently has over 50% market share but that is steadily dropping, remember that it used to be 100%. And now that the largest DNM has gone Monero-only its setting the standard for others. Pic related.

Another was of confirming this is by popping over to r/darknet, the veterans there reaaaaaaally dislike Bitcoin and discourage its use on the DNM, whenever the question is posed the answer is always: "USE MONERO!!!"

>> No.29146542
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>U.S. regulators
I am going to give you a tip anon, there are more countries than America, in fact, there are countries sanctioned by America, that will greatly benefit from XMR, the entire dollar reserve of North Korea and Iran will be transfered to XMR, sanctions go bye bye, while kikemala seethes from the white house, the fact that there are no 500 threads talking about XMR like it is the second coming of Christ is only because most people on /biz/ are too normie or too retard to understand it

>> No.29146576

I'm not saying this is BTC 2.0. I'm saying that Monegro is still accumulating market share. You're banking on people who are going to swap from BTC to something else or trade with wallets on the basis on trust, not directly to BTC-XMR. XMR has a way to go. It's not going to be banned, its not going to lose that market share. Its a solid project, we just need to keep on this trend upwards.

>> No.29146835

Totally with you on that. But the markets are almost EXCLUSIVELY monero now, so that phase is already behind us.

>> No.29147532

Premiums? This aint gold and silver nigger. DEX's will eat your lunch with that attitude. Premiums... hahahahaha

>> No.29147758

You don’t get it retard.
Monero will be at a higher price and bitcoin will sell at a lower price in an atomic swap market because Bitcoin might have coin taint.

>> No.29148049

That's because of BTC that they got busted. Look up WHM to see they switched to Monero.

>> No.29149028

post original ;-)