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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29140723 No.29140723 [Reply] [Original]

Might be just my autism, but I think I'm starting to see patterns here. The whole situation with Strudel seems... strange. I certainly believe there's manipulation involved. I'm not going to deny that the team is slightly retarded (although not retarded enough to actually deliver a working product), however, consider this:

>Their Twitter gets taken down earlier this week, just as they're about to drop their Badger and Matic partnerships. Now that their Sushi partnership is in the works, they have no way to announce that
>Now this fucking retard of a developer drops a bomb of FUD, /biz/lets and normans panic sell
>Dip gets immediately bought by whales

Call me crazy but this definitely looks like an orchestrated fud campaign to buy this for cheaper. The whales know that this is yet another Snowswap and will pump HARD.

Still holding my bags, what do you fellas think?

>> No.29140833

i agree but damn do they suck

>> No.29140851

>sells on the dip right before v2 and marketing
>right after sushi confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt

???do anons not want to make it or something lmao

>> No.29140924
File: 329 KB, 1173x880, 3785324E-FFED-4269-8E1A-598B2B49743D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, TRDL is the most disruptive project I’ve seen in months, with v2 coming out next week it’s threatening to everything in the space, and whales are in, I’m in and doubled down on the dip

>> No.29140942

/biz/ hates money

>> No.29141227

$TRDL cant even keep a twitter account alive or update links on its website i really don't blame them. i hope this is on purpose it's my only cope

>> No.29141581

Will recover shortly, I'm not worried or selling my bags

>> No.29141595

they made a backup twitter after all the n3rd finance twitters went down, and v2 site is about to be here anyways

>> No.29141620

might've been organized attacks, mass reporting and fud
did you see that instant dip buy-up?

>> No.29141781

you wouldn't be here with all this copium if you were not worried.

sell already.

>> No.29141838

You won't get my bags.

>> No.29141880

Agreed lmao the fucking faggots
AT LEAST wait till after v2 and marketing

>> No.29142344

fucking aids to sell directly before a catalyst like this

>> No.29142513

lol burning bitcoin for food token

>> No.29142770

aren't you tired of posting the same fucking worthless fud in every single thread?

>> No.29143235
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>> No.29143476
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why don't you post the new one instead faggot

>> No.29143540

Looking forward to continued daily delays from the asko-tier team

>> No.29143690

>Badger partnerships
false and you know it faggot, they want it but badger doesn't

>> No.29144270

Tell me anon, why do you hate money? Or are you overwhelmed with emotion because you sold the dip? The Badger partnership is very much real, still in the works though.

>> No.29145393

>The Badger partnership is very much real, still in the works though.
> It's very much real, but it's not real

>> No.29145858

alright mate, fine, don't buy. if you wanna miss out on a guaranteed pump, i don't know what else to tell you at this point. i'm starting to feel physical pain from all the worthless fud posted here, it's like anons are looking for reasons NOT to make it

>> No.29146250

The high APY is ruining this project, why the fuck would anyone buy into this when they're gonna get dumped on constantly. Just check the transactions from last weekend and you'll see why the price tanked

>> No.29146649
File: 298 KB, 1280x873, image_2021-02-18_00-34-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol sushiswap partnership is also confirmed
stay poor bro haha

i don't even mind crabbing for a few days more just means ill farm some more strudels boys

>> No.29146801

zoom ama happening now

>> No.29146821

>APY is already decreasing
>he hasnt read the whitepaper
>he doesnt know in a year from now he wont be able to farm as much strudels as us
>doesnt know high apy is actually good incentive for early farmers to stay long term
>vbtc minted every day

why am i even telling you this you will just sit back and stay poor, go buy some avax homo

>> No.29146869

It's either the btc niggers or the ren whales, has to be

>> No.29147029

ffs it's not like i have any more eth to pump in.
i wanted to buy that dip so bad

>> No.29147117
File: 200 KB, 947x957, 1613334925509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swapped all my BTC for Strudel because I believe in the project but the vBTC token doesn't even work I can't swap it can't sell it can't move it... Wow I got scammed

>> No.29147345

Maybe you should try not being a retard for one minute, anon. It's an ERC-20 token just like everything else, how are you not able to do anything with it?

>> No.29147530

>noooo dont fud my shitcoin :((((

state of these devs

>> No.29147544

I love this project because of how it makes the btc maxis seethe

>> No.29147763
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>> No.29148071

Because I got fucking scammed, the token is worthless. Can't sell it because it's worth 0 cents. Have you even tried using the product?

>> No.29148215

it's on uniswap retard
and the peg is pretty good
epic fud

>> No.29148313
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 11STRUDEAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not orchestrated FUD it's just a shit concept that many people are mocking

>> No.29148324

Idc, Im making $2k usd a day with my vbtc/eth farm.

>> No.29149566

Badger considers one way BTC burning a "deal breaker", badger ain't happening lads.

>> No.29149887

I’ve got to be honest, trdlbros. Selling is looking good right now

>> No.29150240

yea selling right before v2 and marketing and right after sushi news is only looking good for the biggest fucking retards in the market. why are you even in crypto if you consider selling right before such catalysts. even if you hate the coin with a burning passion, at least wait until after these catalyst events to sell kek

>> No.29150341
File: 276 KB, 2828x666, based strudel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus the fud. the product is 100% operational and works totally fucking fine, at least try to find somewhat better fud before posting

>> No.29150459

I was hoping for $4 strudels. Literally evey time im about to buy it skyrockets by $2. ETH fees make it such a bitch to time anything.

>> No.29150476

If all this good shit is going to happen then why is it dumping? Fucking shitcoin

>> No.29150677

Entire TG is full of mooning douchebags shilling their own fucking twitters, give it up fren, you're shilling a shit product. Take the L