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File: 5 KB, 258x195, download copy 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29135440 No.29135440 [Reply] [Original]

This scamcoin is done.

>> No.29135749

>He thinks he's gonna make gains on a 30 dollar and 300 dollar coin.

This is why you're poor.

>> No.29135990



BNB/Polk pump
> Cardano is a shitcoin scam!

Cardano pump
>BNB/Polk are shitcoin scams!

What a faggot.

>> No.29136031

You wanna know how I know you’re poor?

>> No.29136156

When has Cardano pumped retard? It's all Reddddit passive hodler money. They probably don't even know that BNB and DOT have passed them. The sell off will begin soon.

>> No.29136186

Im all in ada can someone explain why we stopped pumping so hard at 0.97$?

>> No.29136384
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i'm an ADA shill and this is cringe

>> No.29136481

Why does any coin stop pumping?

>> No.29136503
File: 60 KB, 900x643, cardano road map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still no full working product so no new buyer wants to pay $1 for it after it's already done a 7x since the start of year

>> No.29136644

How the fuck would I know

>> No.29136668
File: 6 KB, 229x250, ada_god_pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So clear that OP wants to jump on cheaper lol. Shit posting on here will not change the course of history at 28B

>> No.29136739

Never buying retard.

>> No.29136758

Then how the fuck would we know retard.

>> No.29136761

>Can't mathematically see the potential difference
Poorfag detected. Enjoy no gains.

>> No.29136839

Because people realise it's a vaporware with absolutely no preducts or even planned products on it

>> No.29136847

I'm sorry you're priced out OP. Brainlets like you will fomo in in two weeks.

>> No.29137020
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DOT not even started the engine

>> No.29137058

when BNB hits $500 I will sell all to buy ADA
hopefully before any major announcement

>> No.29137154

It pumped from $0.025 to $0.96

>> No.29137171


Cope and seethe. They're never coming. You're just like Qtards. Give up.

>> No.29137429

But is that really decentralized if most companies are priced out of the auctions?

>> No.29137634

same here

>> No.29138337

why the fuck am i holding this piece of shit

>> No.29138400

Don’t anymore. Get out now so I can buy more cheaper

>> No.29138435


>> No.29138591

Please buy sell ADA and buy BNB OP. I want to see you get rekt on the dip.

>> No.29138771
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I got my Polkadot stocks.

>> No.29138862
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I sold all my carbanano for BNB, fuck this nigger coin

>> No.29139088

>He thinks he's gonna make gains on a 45 billion supply coin.

>> No.29139409

Holy fuck I love this thread. I’m screencapping it and adding to my ADA gains folder for the future. The amount of stupidity is amazing. Sell all your ADA please it’s obviously not the coin for you. Keep the entertainment coming. Definitely don’t FOMO in either after everything has been released, you said it yourself it’s a shitcoin. Cardano may as well be called Vaporano right? Fuck I can’t wait for 1-2 years from now to post some of these comments

>> No.29139450

Nice fud

>> No.29139609

And me

>> No.29139649
File: 198 KB, 696x564, ADA Elite Pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Converter on the new Daedalus wallet is bad ass.

>> No.29139703


>> No.29139788
File: 970 KB, 1200x1200, 1612952913448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be sure to fomo at $5+

>> No.29139867

Lower than low IQ

>> No.29140053
File: 233 KB, 472x472, PYdlf_Ki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell me on ADA then retard. What does it do?

I don't want empty promises.

>> No.29140147

absolutely nothing. just be sure to always buy the top!!!

>> No.29140416

Jesus Christ if you can’t take 10 minutes of your own time to research ADA you don’t deserve to own it. There’s more information on ADA than most other crypto’s right now, and basically all FUD from the idiots on biz has been disproven time and time again.

>> No.29140446

I have more ADA than both of you. this thing isnt going anywhere anytime soon

>> No.29140579
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post wallet then you cunt

>> No.29140590
File: 56 KB, 625x684, cardano redstroyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29140722

>DOT faggot trying to fud ADA
Imagine buying in to a shitcoin with no gains and being scared of Hoskinson.

>> No.29140789

How much higher is a coin with 31 billion supply really going to go?

>> No.29140860

You’re 100% right. It’s a long term hold. Basically every piece of FUD that’s thrown at ADA was thrown at ETH at one point. ADA has a stronger foundation than 99% of other crypto’s, and sure it hasn’t released anything yet but if you had the chance to buy TSLA before it had its shit figured out and released would you?
>no let’s wait until everything is released and then fomo in, in the meantime buy my other shitcoins

>> No.29140945

This argument? What is Ethereum’s supply sir?

>> No.29141063

hahahha what the fuck even is this thing. how did it get to top 5 market cap?

>> No.29141292

ADA is the StarCitizen of crypto.

>> No.29141301

You wait for the pumps to come to you. You don't chase the pumps.

>> No.29141339
File: 306 KB, 1281x1045, the moon can wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market cap
Coins don't have market caps.

>> No.29141474
File: 533 KB, 475x635, 1612529971259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily transactions is indicative of future value
post wallet fucking pussy. sincerely doubt you hold more than 300k

>> No.29141754

Let’s also not forget a whale just secured a 403m position on this recently across 14 stake pools

>> No.29141925


>> No.29142164

imagine thinking the price of a coin actually means anything at all

>> No.29142364


You didn't name ONE (1) thing. Pathetic.

>> No.29142543

Which can be done with 140watts on 14 SBC rasberry pis..

>> No.29142807

Scam coin is done! Surely the coin that copied its incomplete work will do better!


>> No.29142832
File: 40 KB, 627x363, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes aside, I am surprised people fall for the circular logic of crypto currency - it's really just a rebranding of FIAT currency.
>create scamscoin
>sell to retards
>price never truely stops dropping because FIAT kikes never stop 'printing' currency so that retards can continously funnel it into crypto
>can indefinitely placate retards with pipedreams of effortless accumulation of wealth
>works as buffer for tensions created by the (((4th industrial revolution))), indirectly offsets inflation and at the same time bankrupts retards
>can be shutdown and replaced by state sanctioned (((crypto))) currency, lobbied out of existence or co-opted by (((the powers that be)))
If you engaging this industry for any other reason than to print (worthless) money to then funnel into actual resources, I feel very, very sorry for you. Idealism is a drug, don't OD on it.

>> No.29142845

It's not about price, it's about supply and marketcap. This is why something like XRP scamcoins will never be worth even $5. Use this site if you want to see potential prices of any coins you buy with marketcap and supply taken into account https://thecoinperspective.com/?c=NANO

>> No.29142956

cardano doesnt pump

>> No.29143072

like 1/300 of ADA

>> No.29143125

I literally can't imagine holding DOT right now. It's a literal game of chicken. It's only relevant as long as Gougen doesn't come out and Gougen is coming next mont

>> No.29143210

My money is on OP becoming an eth maxi the day 2.0 comes out

>> No.29143393

Cardano KEVM is ready to kill ETH 2.0. ETH 2.0 is dead on arrival

>> No.29143629
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ADA getting energy for the next move to 1,5. end of bull market $7