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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2912797 No.2912797 [Reply] [Original]

Is Bancor the greatest scam coin of all time?

>> No.2912805


I lost 70% of money on this. Biz was right.

>> No.2912807
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>> No.2912815 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your fucking spam and your shitcoin

>> No.2912825

/biz/ and /pol/ are always right

>> No.2912862

how is this even possible you retard the coin never dropped 70% you must be the worst trader ever

>> No.2912872
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We are the bancor defense force

>> No.2912904

Neck yourself pajeet

>> No.2912915

greatest scam since the lolocaust

>> No.2912919

You mad goy?

>> No.2912921

Just because the price is below ICO right now does not mean its a scam

>> No.2912932
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Tasty meme

>> No.2912942

If there are no significant developments within 6 months-year then yes

>> No.2912960
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>40 lines of codes
>centralized af blockchain in which the admins can create or destroy bancor tokens at any time for any reasons.

Not sure if it's the greatest crypto scam ever but it's pretty damn up there

>> No.2912962


>> No.2912974
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i haven't fallen for it yet so it cant be

pic related, a real scam coin that i fell for

>> No.2913562


>not having a dead mans switch device in case the Palestinians invade

>> No.2913579
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>MFW most of the fud in bancor threads resembles ETH fud in early days
>MFW 80% of people haven't been on /biz/ long enough to remember
>MFW I hold over 20,000 BNT

>> No.2913583

i-is this real?

>> No.2913596

Holy fuck. You'll literally be able to buy the lambo dealership

>> No.2913602


my dick

>> No.2913674

I have .3 btc and i can't decide if i should put it all in banc or ants.

i already have 500 banc and 100 ants but i feel i need much more of both when they finally moon

>> No.2913952

BNT will (probably) moon faster, because of the Stox ICO on August 2. After that, not sure.

>> No.2914311

No, Bitcoin Cash is

>> No.2915422


>> No.2915440

I can smell FOMO in the hearts of Nobancs

>> No.2915461

fuuuuck. I thought i was hot shit with 5k BNT.

all these people FUD-ing Bancor before they've even released their platform makes me laugh. aiming for 10k BNT before the end of aug.

>> No.2915480

Are you selling other coins or putting more cash in? I have 5k, but getting £10k every £1 increase seems like a better target

>> No.2915542

putting in more cash. I don't hold any coins I would consider selling in the next 2 years.

>> No.2915662
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>stairway to hell starts playing
>jewcor fags on suicide watch

top kek

>> No.2915687

look I'm not really here to shill bancor, but just think about the scope of what they're doing and who they've got behind them.

if you don't think it's worth investing in (for a period of 1+ years), with at least a small portion of your funds then you must just not like money.

>> No.2915717

Or maybe he just don't like scams. As for the coin's performance, the charts speak for themselves. And I think it has a long way to go down still before it hits bottom.

>> No.2915732
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Pic related

Smart nigga, i bet theyre not even working on their "platform" and are still on vacation

>> No.2915767

Ok so theres probably a 0.01% chance it's a scam, and a 10% chance that their platform fails COMPLETELY and the price goes to 0.
On the other hand, if they succeed, it will easily be a top 5 coin. Seems worth it to me.
Also I invested in Bancor with my Ether stash, so I could care less about its' USD price.

>> No.2915781

>m-m-muh joos

try again.

>> No.2915791


Top 5? it's a god damn Ethereum token. Never going to happen.

>> No.2915813

you obviously haven't read the whitepaper, since they are planning on being multi-chain.

>> No.2915820

It's only real for the ICO. The future BNT Coin itself won't have this "feature" ....

Think people

>> No.2915822
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>> No.2915829

Lol nobancs still coping I see

>> No.2915848

>Pajeet is dumping
>/biz/ buys more

>> No.2915868

IF they achieve what they plan on doing, yeah pretty easily IMO.

try to think in timespans longer than a week you fucking neet.

>> No.2915945

I can think of literally DOZENS of coins that would become top 10 if they managed to do what they are setting up to do. In the end perhaps 2% will somehow achieve their plans.
i have seen no signs whatsoever that Bancor might be among them. It's shady af and not especially innovative in any way.
For now all I can see is a ton of whishful thinking bordering on delirium from its bag-holders and shlls trying to incite others into joining them into the scam so they can get rid of their bags.

>> No.2916027

how exactly is it shady, please don't post the stupid fucking backdoor meme. that was something they had talked about and explained long before that hit piece was written.

you don't think liquidity for any given coin is innovative? why are so many projects partnering up with Bancor to create smart tokens? why is the STOX ICO going to be a huge fucking deal?

jesus christ. I'm not saying it's a guaranteed bet, but its miles ahead of most other alts.

I won't be selling a single fucking BNT for the next 2 years, I will only be accumulating more.

stay poor.

>> No.2916085
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>MFW I hold over 20,000 BNT
if you could send me even just one it'd really make my day

>> No.2916398


>> No.2916537

>only have 10k bancs
I am a bit jealous

>> No.2917236

>tfw only 3k BNT

>> No.2917373

>buying a scamcoin that only goes down
Have fun holding those bags.

>> No.2917525

nobody has ever explained what bancor does

>> No.2918057

With jews, you'll always lose

>> No.2918885
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It's literally unstoppable...

>> No.2918962

It's an unstoppable coin.

>> No.2918975
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