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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29127760 No.29127760 [Reply] [Original]

Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder and technological whiz turned philanthropist, may not be a fan of bitcoin and digital-assets.

Asked during an interview published on Thursday with The Wall Street Journal what technological advancement the world could do without, Gates had this to say:

“The way cryptocurrency works today allows for certain criminal activities. It’d be good to get rid of that,” he quickly added: “I probably should have said bio weapons. That’s a really bad thing.” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/bill-gates-says-cryptocurrency-is-one-innovation-the-world-could-do-without-11613662510

>> No.29127893

I enjoy using cryptocurrencies on my IBM PC-compatible Microsoft Windows 95 personal computer

>> No.29127944

Cryptocurrency says Bill Gates is one human the world could do without

>> No.29128043

Yep unlike cash. Criminals never use cash. That's the first thing a drug dealer tells you, he'll accept a credit card but not cash

>> No.29128081

Yes, the plan is in progress. The narrative is, as always, slowly steered in the desired direction. You know what's next, right?

>> No.29128100

based. I don't need a tech billionaire to tell me to stay in my fucking home

>> No.29128145

He also said it's not possible to build an electric truck. Elon said he's completely uninformed on the physics.

I trust daddy Elon over boomer Gates any day

>> No.29128147

This guy will never let it go that Steve Jobs was better and more revered.

>> No.29128151
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Let's say these people have an active interest in keeping proles from attaining too much wealth: but why though?

>> No.29128208

Because having slaves is really comfy and it's very nice when the majority of the population are you slaves

>> No.29128360


fuck this twat

>> No.29128445

windows operating system is used for criminal purposes as well. tired of hearing this nigger spout shit in the news. someone needs to bury him up to his neck and shatter his skull with a cinder block.

>> No.29128530



>> No.29128630

"I see little commercial potential for the Internet for at least 10 years"
- Bill Gates, 1994


>> No.29128646

>that bloke who basically invented the home computer but whose company hasn't been able to produce a decent web browser or search engine in 20 years
Bill, your business is hardware and OS, beyond that you're behind the times, stfu

>> No.29128675

Bitch-ass nigga gates. Kys

>> No.29128813
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>> No.29128875
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Bill GAYtes is a NWO neo liberal faggot.
Fuck this pedophile, buy more crypto and stay rich my dudes.

>> No.29129525

Wait for his Windows 98 patented (((vaccine))) and ts inevitable blue screen of death.

>> No.29129607

What a cookie-cutter wimp

>> No.29129702

this, very bullish imo

>> No.29129838

RMS says Microsoft is one innovation the world could do without

>> No.29129976


Ironically, possessing a weapon of mass destruction is the history-proven way to prevent getting hit with a weapon of mass destruction.

>> No.29129984

Gates is a fucking super villain. Americans lost all their farmland to him as well

>> No.29130061

>from an authoritarian view point and thus in my opinion...
Is how he should start every sentence. He knows the tech is good but doesn't like it as a competitor. Remember he wants to maintain his 3ir control as hes one of the top 3ir dogs

>> No.29130151

he said bitcoin was trash over 2 years ago and now he is "neutral" on it. he doesn't know what his own opinion is

>> No.29130199

I can't express in words how much I loathe this demon. May he burn in hell for eternity

>> No.29130234

also why did he short tesla if he believes in stopping climate change so much

>> No.29130405

Bill Gates is lucky and nothing more. He was the 3rd company chosen by IBM to make a standard OS. His company was hamstrung by his shitty decisions and only carried by Office and Windows OS. Selling back doors in Wangblows to kikes and feds probably helped him. Fuck Gates.

>> No.29130479

What a cookie cutter. He needs to go back to fucking kids with his friend Jeffrey Epstein.

>> No.29130603

I never heard this one, was it from him using his (((influence))) to get the gov't to kill small farms during the plannedemic or something older?

>> No.29130631

Crypto is totally retarded. You have thousnads of different cryptos. And everyone of them can be replicated. Heck doge coin isnt that different from Bitcoin. Its complete nonsense, but might be here to stay nonetheless.

>> No.29130689

Rip Steve Jobs. Job would be so fucking bullish on crypto. He would also smack the shit out of Tim Cook for making apple what it is today.

>> No.29130757

I don’t condone this behavior CIA but I also wouldn’t cry if it happened.

>> No.29130822

We must not allow our desire for righteousness cloud our vision of the future. Evil lurks on the operating systems, blockchains, and networks of today just as evil lurked in the back alleys, highways, and homes of yesteryear, but it was never the back alleys that WERE evil.

>> No.29130842

>who basically invented the home computer
he got that shit from IBM

>> No.29130907
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>doge coin isnt that different from Bitcoin

>> No.29130926
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>> No.29130954

United States dollars are sometimes used to buy bioweapons

>> No.29130991

agreed, if Jobs was still in charge, apple would have had a native crypto wallet on iOS by the time of the 2017 bull run

>> No.29131011

Wow so criminals never use cash.. cool....

>> No.29131060

Society allows for certain criminal activities.. might have to get away with it

>> No.29131064

Crypto bad, mass surveillance good

>> No.29131080

Yep. At least Bezos has a cool villain aesthetic to him that he embraces. Mother fucker is a real life Lex Luthor. Bill Gates tries to look like a good guy to the normies. Worst type of person imo.

>> No.29131180

we could do without windows too

>> No.29131250

Either you have an IQ of a bulldog or the average age of one.

>> No.29131322

he's not wrong. /biz/ without crypto spam would be a million times better.

>> No.29131378

It’s super depressing to think of the possibilities and potential Apple had if Jobs was still alive.

>> No.29131413

>Either you have an IQ of a bulldog or the average age of one.

>> No.29131421
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>invented the computer
>not Turing
Bill Gates didn't even invent Windows, he's just a salesman.

>> No.29131664

>meme guy #2 is trying to be even bigger faggot than meme guy #1

>> No.29131756

This makes me want more crypto. Anything this guy is against is obviously good for the world

>> No.29131785

We could do without vaccine pope Bill Gates.

>> No.29131815

>Biz withouth cryptospam
Biz is and was intended as a cryptoboard nigger

>> No.29131982

>personal freedom bad
>control structure good

>> No.29132161

fuck off

>> No.29132193

He's just mad cuz he wants us all to live in the pods, eat bugs and worry about our social credit score. Seriously this guy is a deranged lunatic and can't stand anything like cryptocurrency that might give us freedom or make us rich.

>> No.29132606

Basedest digits.
I feel rolling black outs are about to become a thing, frens.

>> No.29133178

Imagine if he lived in China instead of the USA, this guy would have been converted into spare organs ten years ago.

>> No.29133242

>make us rich
Well in the manner of Fiat, no. But right nao, all hodlers posess Value.

>> No.29133874

lmao everyone under his wealth umbrella doesnt eat the bugs or live in the pod, why the fuck should we?

>> No.29133977

Hes just fudding to get a cheaper entry to POLO and Vesper. Prolly doing the same thing at TG too.

>> No.29133981

Bill is a great businessman, he's a solid programmer, but he isn't an inventor. He stole his cash cow product from Xerox and capitalized on it better than they did.

>> No.29135178

He is likely among the top 100 enemies of humanity as a whole unironically. It is semi based.

>> No.29135881
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>((((((we need to ban crypto cause MUH CRIMINAL ACTIVITY))))))
it's all so tiresome. At this point its an obviously coordinated effort

>> No.29136406

Astonishing how fucking 0IQ normies fall for this.

>> No.29136581

IDK one norman who's buying the evil drug money meme cause I buy my drugs in usd

>> No.29136583

Is he threatening us?

>> No.29136671

How come nobody hasn't done his fucking nuts in in minecraft yet? Why do you yanks let these corporate types walk all over you all the time?

>> No.29136842

Cuz we have an oligarchy here. Bill Gates literally has the power to send the FBI after anyone. Him and the other billionaires run our country and our government are just puppets.

>> No.29136848

Coming from him, I know it was a good choice to put money in Crypto. The Jew fears the Cryptochad!