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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29124532 No.29124532 [Reply] [Original]

>invest 1k in cryptos last week
>buy everst, strudel and harmony
>everest and strudel have a crashed a lot and harmony has only risen by like 20%

If I had bought literally any other coins i would have made a lot more. Fuck you

>> No.29124759

do you buy coins based on how cool they sound? are you autistic
try doing research you dumb cunt

sorry for swearing

>> No.29124871
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I am 23 years old, never had sex, never kissed anyone. My mental state has degraded a lot due to those facts so yes, I buy coins based on how cool they sound.

>> No.29124889

It's OK my first purchase was $10 of MELON and I have never see it go above $10 EVER.

>> No.29124928

i also started with 1k last week, lost some being retarded initially but i'm at 5.4k now, this BNB pump helped a lot

>> No.29124956

The thing is, this was not my first purchase.

I got into crypto in 2017 and bought omisego, iota, tierion and all kinds of other shitcoins back then. Ended up selling at a loss in mid 2018

>> No.29124976

I feel you anon.
Even though these retards make it seem as they are geniuses because they buy coins shilled here, good fortune plays a big role as well.

I bought LCX and BNT, both shilled here and both seemed good projects, with good ideas.
But the only one taking off is BNT.

LCX crabbing or dumping most of the time.

>> No.29125026

So yea just start doing research and use your mistakes as a lesson, you know that a successful person.

>> No.29125027

>I am 23 years old, never had sex, never kissed anyone
seriously ?
what's so hard about talking to girls, they're all dumb as fuck

>> No.29125049

I just hold my Everest for now and wait

>> No.29125138
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I don't think research even matters because of coins like doge etc. It's just plain luck. And everest seemed like a good coin based on its whitepaper and team, so yeah.

Yes. I have talked to many girls and I spent probably 10k+ going to nightclubs, bars and festivals during ages 18-21. Never got even a single kiss

>> No.29125142

you are still young it's fine

>> No.29125182
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what coin and how much of it do I need to buy to get a gf like swift?

>> No.29125282

Link, GRT and BNT unironically.

>> No.29125283

Post pictures of BBC penetrating her orifices and creamie

>> No.29125299

Hold onto strudel though. That shit is gonna be huge. Just farm it now.

>> No.29125331
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> I spent probably 10k+ going to nightclubs, bars and festivals

Bro you can get a hooker for $100 what are you doing

>> No.29125342

you should start buying coins based on how stupid they sound, see cake egg etc

>> No.29125402
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It doesn't even matter anymore, I missed out on an important natural milestone already (love as a teenager) and I can never get it back.

That is something I'd like to know, too

>> No.29125422
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At least this much

>> No.29125504

hold Everest you idiot

you wouldn't even know how to buy those scam tokens on BSC, let alone know how to time their pumps

patience pays of and, in ways that transcend monetary ventures

>> No.29125525


>> No.29125673

God she’s a goddess

>> No.29125805

>let’s get on 4chan and bitch about being an incel

>> No.29125833

enjoy being a virgin & broke then

>> No.29125991
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>>buy everst, strudel and harmony

>> No.29126063

Mfw r9k leaking in biz

>> No.29126098

I kissed my first girl at 28, I'm now married happy cryptogod

>> No.29126139

There’s no such thing as teenaged love. It’s retarded bullshit and only ended with my getting cucked and absolutely devastated in my early 20s.

>> No.29126147

What you get for selling out on New World Order coin.

>> No.29126220

it 2x'ed and corrected before the ama tonight
natural fluctuation is not scamlike
we WILL make it

>> No.29126275
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I want to pump a quart into Taylor Swift

>> No.29126353

How did you do it?

>> No.29126389

>Yes. I have talked to many girls and I spent probably 10k+ going to nightclubs, bars and festivals during ages 18-21. Never got even a single kiss

>> No.29126402

She's gonna turn into a dude isn't she?

>> No.29126407

>(love as a teenager)
More like unrestrained lust. Kek.

>> No.29126447

Here is what you do, you sad little boy.
>>do some research
>>realise iota is gonna flip eth
>>buy iota
>>make lots of money in months if the whole cryptospere does not crash again
>>kiss a girl
>>stop worshipping old skanks like taytay

>> No.29126501

Half of it is luck the other half is survivor bias.

The guys dumping thousands in every shitcoin when it's at .0005 USD won't be hurting if that never turns into anything.

It's a very speculative market which is why it shouldn't be a large part of your portfolio.

BTC and ETH will be the standard every coin is judged against. Currently I've decided just to learn about blockchain programming, how it will be used in thr future and invest invest in projects that sound cool.

>> No.29126582

The shilling with strudel was weak, and the coin itself is shit. It only works when the coin is actually useful in a meaningful way, like no one is gonna burn BTC for shit token

>> No.29127474
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join the everest-buyer support group xfBGThrAQJ

>> No.29127717

Yet 17 BTC has already been burned. v2 comes next week along with marketing campaign. Strudel isn’t a scam. It will melt your face.

>> No.29127771

literally what the fuck are ANY of those coins you just listed? Never seen a single one mentioned once and I'm on /biz/ pretty much 24/7. You must be some special kind of lovable person to pick literal who projects and then get depressed when they don't moon when you could have instead bought any of the shitcoins posted here last week like Wynaut.

>> No.29127831

>>29124871 >>29125026 >>29125027 >>29125142 >>29125342 >>29125833 >>29126063 >>29126098
cope, as long as you're white you're good

>> No.29127847

i want to join but what is this server on?

>> No.29127877


>> No.29128115


>buy trdl
here's an easy way to tell if you should be wary of a coin. Go into one of the hourly shill threads when it is getting frequently mentioned.
Look for "memes that generate buzz" (strudels were "cards" or whatever).
Check to see if one ID is posting 10+ responses, all shilling the coin and dumping memes.
You're not gonna see one dude dumping memes and posting 10-20+ times a thread for a coin unless they're in a really heated argument with some serious information being discussed. Anyone going that long but only posting memes is a bona fide paid off shill, avoid coin.

>> No.29128220

Except every strudel thread goes into discussion about the tech as well as the business development. I don’t get the fud here. It’s a legit project with a core dev from sushi as an advisor.

>> No.29128368


maybe the threads you saw, all I ever saw was 10-15+ posts from the same ID dumping "cards" saying "buy more to unlock tarot strudel cards" or some shit, looked extremely paid.
But fair enough, my method isn't fool proof, but the basis is sound

>> No.29128664
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>imagine the smell

how much would you pay to sniff a Taylor Swift fart directly from her butthole /biz/?

for me, it's 1 eth

>> No.29129148

>only 20%

>> No.29129209

Lurk more. Then go back.

>> No.29130049

>Yes. I have talked to many girls and I spent probably 10k+ going to nightclubs, bars and festivals during ages 18-21. Never got even a single kiss
kek nice larp

>> No.29130549

You can become an uber driver and get paid while sl00ts flirt with you. What are you doing?

>> No.29130852

I’m a financial analyst getting paid $90k per year to work from home and get high all day while shitposting on /biz/.

>> No.29131485

you don't know what love is then. rip

>> No.29131592

I agree. Mature love into your late 20s is much better anon

>> No.29131653

the point I was making is you can get paid while meeting women who will fuck you

>> No.29131674

>only risen by like 20%
get in on our pump tomorrow for a quick 20% uplift
invites just opened
discord gg/XXtjSHftnx
I only made little over ~25% last pump - check the member vid they posted

>> No.29131806

>literally fucking yesterday
>invest in bnb
>up 3k

Thank you based Chinese Communist Party.

>> No.29131878
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1 GME share

>> No.29131996

bro, when I was scouring the circuit, I would spend 10k a year, minimum

>> No.29133284

>harmony has only risen by like 20%
If you come to crypto with this mentality you're only gonna get burned. 20% a year is a wet dream for any boomer stock, yet here you are with that in a week. Stop worrying about the price and just hold the coins. Don't know about the others but Harmony is set for at least $1 at the end of the year, that's more than enough to make anyone happy.

>> No.29133477

Don't invest in shitcoins you retard

>> No.29133706
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same, i'm missing every fucking pump for holding this piece of shit

>> No.29133752

fuck you

>> No.29134204

Post more Taylor please.

Also unironically Olyseum is going to 5x very soon

>> No.29134226

In 2018 I missed a lot of pumps holding link too.

>> No.29134741

:,) same my retarded comrade

>> No.29134805

ApollooToday at 5:33 PM
@everyone Do not buy the TRDL tokens.
They didn't pay me for my work so far. And they have 30% of the total supply.
It will drop the price seriously soon.

>> No.29135960

I do not recommend

>> No.29136176
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>> No.29136187

>sorry for swearing
such a sweetheart