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29121632 No.29121632 [Reply] [Original]

There are people on this board that take the time out of there lives to carefully allocate $700 in an “investment” and are happy when it 2-3xs into $1400.

>> No.29121672

$1400 is more money that the average american has in his saving account anon

>> No.29121701
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 88A2719E-81A7-48E1-AF2A-17655044289B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's me, also you're a faggot

>> No.29121739
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Fuck. You.

>> No.29121760
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>> No.29121773

Gotta smart small

>> No.29121811

that what i did, for several investments. it adds up.

>> No.29121888

we all start somewhere
t. started with $200 less than a year ago and now at $30k

>> No.29121923
File: 107 KB, 996x1000, 1534915842789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this for years until 20k portfolio
at 50k i'm using 10k to flip 2-3xs until 100k

>> No.29121932

how does it feel to outperform the best most genius investors on the planet earth with your shitcoin portfolio?

>> No.29121951

well done and checked

>> No.29121967

There are people on this board who realize that they have given one shot at consciousness, at this remarkable and wonderful gift called life, and spend their youth endlessly refreshing imageboards so they may experience the same threads, same jokes, same snide remarks and same pepe-posters that they have seen ten thousand times before.

When their time comes and they are about to die, their lives will flash before their eyes, and with a sense of horror, they will realize how many tens of thousands of hours they wasted here instead of laughing, loving and being joyful.

>> No.29121972

Based, I started with 2k two weeks ago and Im at 8k now.

>> No.29121997

Thats me

>> No.29122011

and I played it extremely safe since I was playing with uniswap rugpulls

>> No.29122124

Not If I make serious money out of it

>> No.29122144

Different order of magnitude, same concept, you would do that if your NW is in the lower 5 digits, whereas at 6 digits you would do the same with $7K instead of $700

>> No.29122174
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1613653670084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I discovered this shit two weeks ago anon, and I'm poor.
I put around $300 in crypto because i can't lose more, I manage my tiny portfolio like it's very precious, bought BTC with half of it, a trending coin with 30%, and yolo shitcoins with the last 20%.
I just got over the $1000 mark today with a lot of effort, and it made me feel more joy than you when you will enter 6 figure hell anon.

>> No.29122320

One of the top projects on polka starters


Check this out : polkafoundry.com

>> No.29122366
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Happy for you, anon

>> No.29122418

That's me. Is it bad? I 3xd in 2 months. I outperformed all the professional hedgefunds allready. When I have 10x I will put a little bit into some food named moonshots like the cool kids here. At least that's the plan. Can be hard because I've learned quickly that fomo is a very real thing. Anyway what is your strategy anon?

>> No.29122453

So what? Everyone starts small.
I started with selling fucking virtual hats in a video game for btc years ago.

>> No.29122454

No. I’d be building a software business and raising money from investors using my charisma.

>> No.29122477

This is me with BSC. I have 99% of my portfolio in bluechips but it is fun to pretend to be poor and fuck around with shitcoins on BSC. I don't feel guilty on spending any money I make on shitcoins kek

>> No.29122498

Such a good point

>> No.29122507

the more you allocate, the less risk you're willing to have

>> No.29122523

A less serious anon would tell you to fuck off faggot, but you're right. If you don't grow out of this place, there's a problem.

>> No.29122525
File: 198 KB, 1080x891, 6522E75F-8A33-4434-AF90-5FC7F6D8932F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my coworkers would be like
>i just put 700 on stonks
>oh i made 700!
>imma pull it out and buy some useless shit
one of them did this for years and didn't know he had to pay taxes

>> No.29122625

can you still sell hats?
i have hundreds of these fuckers
i never tried to sold because of in-game clout

>> No.29122673

Genuinely well done anon

>> No.29122698

What callous asshole makes posts like this. I give more props to those than some big whale slicing off 0.001 percent of his wealth to buy a make it stack. If you think about it, to them it's usually all their extra. I make good money but I live below my means so I can put in money into crypto. I just can't risk playing with loaned money like some of you and slow and steady it is. Maybe if I sacrifice for a few years I'll make it, maybe not but this has made me feel more alive than wage slaving to get ahead so even if it all goes south it's better than never tried at all.

>> No.29122716

t. poorfag

>> No.29122721

Feels bad man. Even worse when you live in shithole land and all your savings amount to ~200$. But I'm still getting richer here than I would be working in this shithole. Thank you friends

>> No.29122732

Anon this is a waste of your time. You need to go get a job and give the boss a firm handshake. Once you stack 50k then invest.

>> No.29122766

>take the time out of there lives to carefully allocate $700

I'm a wagie that has just been working overtime and mindlessly dumping my paycheck in to TSM and MSFT since last March
I can't imagine spending all day staring at stocks and news screens, I just log on once every day or so and see if I am green or red
Went from literally no investments to over $20k, I tell you it's fucking weird to work a 10-hour wagie shift and then on a good day see that you made more money on stocks than from working.

>> No.29122898

>why no, I have never heard of geometric growth

>> No.29123022

I started with 8k$ in 2018 and now have 1million$. I also live with goverment gibs

>> No.29123046
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well, half that number and probably double any time investment and you are correct

>> No.29123602

I was talking about tf2. Pretty sure there's still an economy around keys and unusuals.

>> No.29123736

imagine even being here if you have less than 6 figures

>> No.29123753

OP is a faggot demoralising shill who doesn't want you to make it. SAGE in all fields

>> No.29123766

Lol how else would u start faggot.

>> No.29123854

yea why not? can buy a new graphics card with those gains

>> No.29123872

There always was a problem

>> No.29123877

I call BS, the average uniswap fee is $200

>> No.29123882

I feel like normies are gonna start small this bullrun and as soon as they see the gains they chimp all in and en up losing half of it

>> No.29123971

My boomer brother gave me 500 to invest in crypto for him, right before the bearmarket in 2018. Last month he had made 100% gains in three years, sold out, and couldnt be happier. He is a smart guy with a decent job and everything. I wonder if its me or him who has expectations on ROI

>> No.29124133


>> No.29124850

I started out with 500 bucks and now in six figure hell. It is doable.

>> No.29125251

Lmaoo so many poorfags getting triggered by this but it's true. You should just get a fucking job instead of wasting time flipping 10 dollars into 50.

>> No.29125732

So many mid-level roasties getting triggered that flipping coin makes more money than most jobs. Better pay or you're going to lose half your workforce to coin and stock flippers

>> No.29125962

It’s not that I want to be here, it’s just hard to find people irl that share the same values as me