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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29108322 No.29108322 [Reply] [Original]

>didn't buy 5c
>didn't buy 10c
>didn't buy 25c
We here
>didn't buy 50c
>didn't buy $1
>didn't buy $5
>didn't buy $25
Devs are fucking chads. Partnerships out the ass. 3 things are launching this month (23rd, 25th, 28th). Ada about to be announced. If you haven't bought yet you're probably retarded

>> No.29108440

DXSALE is the first token locker on the Binance Smart Chain, guaranteeing rug free IDO's and all BSC projects on the platform automatically has their token released on PancakeSwap. DYOR.

Working product and roadmap

Partnerships with Matic/Polygon, Zil and Binance

DXSALE is going to have the ability to launch tokens directly from it in a system that's incredibly easy for both developers and investors. Coming up in the roadmap is a farming and an NFT mechanism. It won’t only be used on the ETH chain either, it’s built blockchain agnostic. It’s going to be used across multiple chains, they already have partnerships with ZIL, Matic/Polygon and now Binance as well. At 1$ we will be at 25m market cap.

What is dx sale network?

You can already stake, launch through defi, but the most interesting thing they are doing is making projects launched through them rug-proof.

The launches will be governed by the token, and funding will be released as decided through the platform governance. This is going to allow token holders protection from rugs and stakeholders to have a say before the team gets funding or more funding.

>Create token sales easily and be listed instantly on the platform.
>Governed through $SALE to receive continued funding or refund remaining funds back to investors based on performance.
>Tokens & part of revenue provided to stakers on the DxStake platform.
>Tools for angel investors to make correct decisions when investing in a project.



>> No.29108489
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We just hit 800 holders and are hovering around 25c. Great time to buy a stack if you haven't already, because we'll be at $1 within a day or so.

>working product
>partnership with Matic and Zilliqa
>JUST CONFIRMED integrating with bsc
>rumor that they're about to integrate with ada and dot
>based white devs who don't burp on Livestream and aren't literal dogs
>competitors are at 100m marketcap, SALE is at 10m with more features and partnerships
>big announcement coming tomorrow and again on the 28th

We told you at 10c biz, this is a fucking gem and you're still incredibly early at 25c. DYOR and get in soon.

>> No.29108497
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soon AMA with 17K followers group

>> No.29108531
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Working product and roadmap

Partnerships with Matic/Polygon and zil

TrustSwap is 100m market cap. It does what TrustSwap does staking, locking and swaps. But is also going to have the ability to launch tokens directly from it, farming, and an NFT mechanism. It won’t only be used on the ETH chain either, it’s built blockchain agnostic. It’s going to be used across multiple chains, they already have partnerships with ZIL and now Matic/Polygon. At 1$ we will be at 25m market cap.

What is dx sale network?

You can already stake, launch through defi, but the most interesting thing they are doing is making projects launched through them rug-proof.

The launches will be governed by the token, and funding will be released as decided through the platform governance. This is going to allow token holders protection from rugs and stakeholders to have a say before the team gets funding or more funding.

>Create token sales easily and be listed instantly on the platform.
>Governed through $SALE to receive continued funding or refund remaining funds back to investors based on performance.
>Tokens & part of revenue provided to stakers on the DxStake platform.
>Tools for angel investors to make correct decisions when investing in a project.


>> No.29108654

Wow, not sure who that is but a big audience will be cool