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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29094066 No.29094066 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you trying to make it biz?
>inb4 pussy

>> No.29094121

I just want to make enough money to check out of society completely and live in the woods forever

>> No.29094144

To stop being a pussy

>> No.29094182

Pay off family’s mortgage.
Start my own animation company

>> No.29094392
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So I can have enough to buy 3 silver coins

>> No.29094443

I just want to make enough so I can make music comfortably w/o stress

>> No.29094461

Escape being a wagi

I just want to be free

>> No.29094476

Family farm

>> No.29094496

i am disabled and want to not die in my car

>> No.29094726


I literally just want to be able to buy an okay place so I can get out of the rent cycle. Living off dividends would be great but having a stable place in my capital city (Melbourne, Aus) to know will be there indefinitely would be amazing.

>> No.29095137
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become the next Soros and fuck everyone's shit up

>> No.29095261
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tired of living in this shithole and not having financial freedom over my life. I wanna travel the world, make art, and fuck many women.

>> No.29095319

I dont ever want to wageslave for another jew again

>> No.29095326

I'm trying to make it so I can help my frens to make it.

>> No.29095442

>buy a house in the country
>live off my land with the short period of time I have left
>best left alone
NGMI bro but that is/was my goal.

>> No.29095465

Family has always been poor with generations of being poor. I want to make it to have enough money to start a family that doesn't worry about how they're going to buy groceries next week.

>> No.29095519

Kids and retirement

>> No.29095547

Im gonna buy my ex's house and raise the rent

>> No.29095704

same. the only part of modern society i want with me is solar energy and an internet connection via starlink in the moddle of fucking no where

>> No.29095779

I already made it having sought and found the kingdom of heaven.
Once I'm rich tho I'll use it to gas kikes

>> No.29095994
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I'm trying to provide a better life for my dog.

>> No.29096046

I just don't want to wageslave for somebody that clearly hates my guts and sees me as a resource instead of a person. I just want to be left alone.

>> No.29097135

dont care about making it. just in love with trading.

>> No.29097235

I just want to leave all my kids 20 acres and a house.

>> No.29097371

want to move out from abusive home and get a dog fren

>> No.29097434

I want to work to make the world a little bit better instead of making my boss a little bit richer. When I make it I'm going to spend my days doing art, maybe start a nonprofit. Also to fund my expensive hobbies without stress.

>> No.29097452

So I can pursue the career in music composition I want without having to worry about finances. Just writing shit that sounds good.

>> No.29097506
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To buy a big home, detached in a nice place. So I can live alone and have no one bother me again, but not too innawoods. I don't plan on having kids or a wife/girlfriend. I want as much as freedom as I can get, I don't mind dying alone.

>> No.29097528

So I can take a year off to study a new skill set and find a far more satisfying form of employment

>> No.29097632


>> No.29097669

So I can study the effects of world jewry on the common man. Also to initiate the 4th reich.

>> No.29097674

to take care of my little brother once my father passes away soon.

>> No.29097693
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To escape the darkness of my mind

>> No.29097722

I just want a 2500 to 3000 sqft home with a nice man cave to play video games and watch anime.

>> No.29097723

already found 300 acres that i can almost buy in cash

>> No.29097816

Big house in rural America and just get fucking stoned everyday. Oh, and a nice car. I’m not getting high right now because that impedes decision making but when I’m finally done with working I plan to be a lazy bastard my whole life. I have no doubt when I get really old (70 years) I’ll be a huge stoner. Mainly also to treat the inevitable glaucoma.

>> No.29097846

I'm not trying to make it. Gambling on shitcoins is fun.

>> No.29098107

I want my passive gains from investments so I can quit my job and use my spare time to masturbate

>> No.29098493

I want to pay my college debt so that I can live comfortably, getting gains from stalks and my profession. I'd like to give my grandmother a good retirement first, though.

>> No.29098514

All I want is a good enough stack or passive income so that I can live the rest of my life without having to work ever again

>> No.29098569

Job and business was destroyed by corona. Don't care anymore, might as well get shitcoins.

>> No.29098622
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>> No.29098693

Just beat up Gato, you get 15

>> No.29098739

I have a wife and a house. Now I need to buy expensive shit and to not have to go into work.

>> No.29098850

I wanna do high-budget mad scientist shit in my basement.

>> No.29098867


>> No.29098961
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I don't wanna wageslave, fuck working to live to work more.

>> No.29098975
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I want to get out of the United States before it falls apart. If I can't Make It, I'll have to learn some geographically portable skill like coding.

>> No.29099306

Freedom to live rich nomad mode and/or off of the grid., and pursue things that make me happy.

>> No.29099323

We have 2 kids, a mortgage, and i have student loan debt. My husband works construction and most the time lately his company is sending him to sewer plants. If he didnt have to take care of us he probably would have just quit yet he never really complains about it. I just work part time on weekends to pay my car amd bills and any left goes towards groceries or house bills but really he pays everything while Im mostly just a sahm. Ive been investing my money the last 3 weeks and have made 3k so that would be a huge boost for us to just cash out with that but I'm going to keep investing and hope I can make it so he can retire. He deserves it. Even if he takes half the money and leaves I think he still deserves to do what makes him happy after all hes sacrificed for our family. If we stay together ill have like 6 kids.

Honestly I'm just a /pol/ tourist but im glad I came here to learn even if i dont make it I know I'll have more than I started with. Goodluck bros.

>> No.29099391

To prove my dad I'm a worthy son

>> No.29099415

To stop slaving for other people's visions

>> No.29099585

I’m sure a bunch of us are from /pol/ but /pol/ is such a dumpster fire recently that I’m sure a bunch of anons have made /biz/ their new home. I wish I didn’t stop browsing /biz/. I remember seeing LINK threads when LINK was less than a dollar.

>> No.29099636

heh heh

>> No.29099677

Having money = having no worries.

>> No.29099743


>> No.29099777

Father and grandfather died of cancer before 50...just feel that I will too even though I'm healthy. They were too. So, want to leave my kids enough to be able to pursue their dreams when they get older...

>> No.29099801

So I can buy a modest house with enough land to grow/raise enough food to sustain myself and family. Ideally enough land and capital to rescue and re-home animals. Reptiles, birds, goats, anything I had the room for.

>> No.29099821


>> No.29100093

I used to be on /b/ all day in college and even my friends talked about bitcoin. I thought it was a scam or just too complicated and then I thought it was for buying drugs. Later when I started going on /pol/ anons joked about /biz/ shitcoin scams. Maybe if I did get into it sooner I would have sold too early or fucked up somehow. Either way /pol/ is just boring as fuck and depressing lately.

Im happy ive made money and hope to make it but im not gambling our mortgage payment or anything. I'm looking at actual projects and not food or dog coin scams so far im up 3x.

>> No.29100266

I’m never gonna make it. Never. I just want a few grand out of this. Already at 1200 ish. It’s just so stressful and addictive. I wanna make 5k cash out and call it a day

>> No.29100345
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I just want to be an immortal living god living in a matrioshka brain and manipulating the fabric of the universe. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.29100362
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>Why are you trying to make it?

>> No.29100646

I want to make enough to get a second passport, a house, and enough passive income to live off of in another first-world country for myself and my family before the USA finishes committing suicide.

>> No.29100777

Afford to keep a farm for pleasure rather than profit + to be able to afford having plenty of kids.

>> No.29101077
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Pedo detected

>> No.29101140

digits confirm pedo who wants to farm children and eat them

>> No.29102603
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To be a ascended NEET.

>> No.29102684

that process was completed at noon on January 20th, you wont be going anywhere.

>> No.29102942
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Just wanna pay my debts. My wages would be enough to raise a family on, if I didn't owe 93% of them each check.
I've already set up enough passive income to reduce that to 80%. Gonna reinvest until I'm pulling in payoff numbers.
After that? Establish a family inheritance. Hunting grounds, with a backup house in case someone gets evicted. Cabin further in. Workshop so I can harvest and dry my own timber.
Thought about this, maybe I'll breed new and exciting varieties of highland wheat while I'm out there.

>> No.29103086

To live without working or selling. Id take long walks and build stuff. Most of the stuff I've build has been digital but I'd love to have a garage to take the process into the physical space. Maybe I'd make a guitar pedal or make tables. Id live to live the artisans life with more freedom