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2909259 No.2909259 [Reply] [Original]

What is Monero (XMR)?

Monero is a secure, private, untraceable Crypto Currency.

What makes Monero (XMR) different than other cryptocurrencies?

Monero uses a cryptographically sound system that allows you to send and receive funds without your transactions being publicly visible on the blockchain. This ensures that your purchases, receipts, and other transfers remain private by default.

By taking advantage of ring signatures, Monero enables untraceable transactions. This means it's ambiguous which funds have been spent, and thus extremely unlikely that a transaction could be linked to particular user.

To accompany and enhance the ring signatures/ untraceability, monero uses ring confidential transactions (RingCT) to hide transaction amounts as well.

Every Monero remains equal and identical to any other Monero. It is the property of a digital asset whose units/value are capable of mutual substitution no matter what historical transactions occurred in the past.

>> No.2909263


>> No.2909266


>> No.2909441

Two questions, what is stopping other shit coins from adopting the security tech? And if it's so secure and all the darknet markets use it why is it not valued higher?

>> No.2909509

>what is stopping other shit coins from adopting the security tech?
Because other shitcoins were not built from the ground up with mandatory privacy. They will never be private by default.
>And if it's so secure and all the darknet markets use it why is it not valued higher?
Because not all darknet makets use it. Even in the markets that do, only a small minority of vendors accept it. It will take a while before it becomes the standard currency over bitcoin.

>> No.2909511

Because everyone has its eyes focused on BTC and ETH atm

Which is a good thing if you believe monero has potential and want to invest

>> No.2909596

Alphabay got busted because of Bitcoin. The dark net is almost unanimous, monero is the new standard

>> No.2909661

It's the new standard, yes, but it will take some time for it to be widely adopted and take over Bitcoin in the dark net. It's just that though; a matter of time and nothing more.

>> No.2909797

nah it boomed recently and people chased it

>> No.2909823
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I heard that Monero won't be allowed to rise over $60. Do you think that is true?

>> No.2910849



>> No.2911039

Who could prevent that from happening?

>> No.2911054


Only the market.

>> No.2911229

Bump this shit

>> No.2911254

What do you guys think of Digital Note?

>> No.2911283

Wait until the latin american drug cartels find out about it.

Could MONERO unravel big government? Can't tax it. Could government make Monero illegal on exchanges inside the U.S???

>> No.2911331

Monero cost 80 fucking cents last year.... I tried buying it on shapeshift but gave up. I want to fucking neck myself

>> No.2911375

Yes, Monero it's a ridiculously powerful weapon against the government

>> No.2911490

>What do you guys think of Digital Note?
Abandoned shitcoin and delisted, just another alt zombie

>> No.2911539

I heard if we pump it we get free poniezzzzz

>> No.2911579

just wait for street nigs to start using QR codes on their cellphones. how will (((they))) prove you sold drugs? oh you're a drug dealer huh? where's all your money? not a big deal when you have to serve 5 years and you know you wallet is safe and your money is waiting for you when you get out. crypto changes everything.

>> No.2911595

Oh shit you are right. I'm planning to buy 19 Monero anyway.

>> No.2911610

You guys are being mislead. There were holes regarding the anonymity of monero in their whitepaper. Zcash and it's associated zkSNARKS protocol is the only protocol on the market that would effectively protect your meta. Monero has no future, it's promise will be stolen by Zcash as it continues to develop.

>> No.2911618

Sources please?

>> No.2911628

>a coin that the devs themselves want to be too traceable for criminals
>optional privacy that's off by default
>FUD non peer reviewer paper made by a researcher with clear conflicts of interest
>funded by governments and bankers that hate anonymity for the masses
Try shilling harder good goy

>> No.2911631



Perhaps if you want to consider Monero to Zcash as Litecoin is to Bitcoin then stick to your guns on Monero. However, it's days are numbered.

>> No.2911635

Inb4 asshurt zcash holders....


Damn too late

>> No.2911641

When you link an image in an imageboard xd

>> No.2911643
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That's been proven to be unfounded FUD. Zcash is a scam. 20% mined goes directly to devs pockets. Confirmed backdoored by one of the devs or at least suggested that there is some way they can prevent illegal activity.

The Miller paper is not legit. Miller was/is an adviser to Zcash and his paper was not peer reviewed and held under any scrutiny because it's bullshit and he knows it. 0-mixin transactions were not something Monero devs were unaware of but because the currency was not being used for anything other than mining it they were allowed to take place. This has all been addressed.

tl;dr it's a Zcash hitpiece, plain and simple.

>> No.2911664
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I hope you are right Sir

>> No.2911666


Thanks for the counterpoints. Are you able to provide details on how they addressed the obvious unmasking in regard to the mixing? If they havn't actually addressed it then it's not better than litecoin (which is fine coin but it doesn't make unsubstantiated complete privacy claims)

>> No.2911932

how would they spend it tho?

>> No.2911972

Im banking on Zcoin. Its a bit different than Zcash and the devs have a decent roadmap. Plus it seems Cryptonote has an exploit that is technically possible to still do even though it would be pretty damn hard

>> No.2911983

Here's an unofficial response from one of the devs that addresses the concerns brought up in the paper.


>> No.2912281
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>> No.2912293

How can you call Monero secure? You telling me that the NSA, FBI or NYPD couldn't trace your transaction even if they wanted to? They could because Monero's security has flaws that allow them to, flaws your investors dare not even think about themselves.

>> No.2912301
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Speaking from experience, Zooko?

>> No.2912504
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>> No.2912581

I hear you. In 2016 because I'm a DIY'er I said, "I'm not going to buy Ethereum when I can mine it myself." Instead I spent $30,000 on vending machines. If I'd just simply spent a day spending that same money buying Ethereum I would never have to work again. As it is I'm 64 and I'm going to be working into my 70s at least.

>> No.2912587

Thank God for capitalism and crypto!

>> No.2912601

He is, I know for sure from my own sources.

>> No.2912774

AlphaBay got busted because the admin leaked his email address. All we really learned about Bitcoin is that mixing doesn't work.

>> No.2912782

Call my bullshit if you won't, I'm not trying to argue the point but I have a friend works Micro$hit DCU and they have cracked XMR. It's fully traceable if you use M$ to move it.

Again, don't believe me if you want. I'm still invested in XMR. Just throwing it out there.

>> No.2912788

did you ask yourself the same thing when it was going up?

because btc-e was clearly buying it to launder money, and now theyre dumping to cash out

>> No.2912796

Correction: The american gouverment is cashing out MY FUCKING MONEY.
Thanks. At least I can buy some cheap XMR -.-

>> No.2912802

Everyone has been telling you to not buy it for mooning in the short term dumb pink woojak
My dad works at Nintendo too, but yeah of your system it's backdoored of course they will have your keys and be able to see your transactions

>> No.2912900

What's the easiest way to buy XMR? I'm trying to get in before all this BTC volatility

>> No.2913126

Kraken makes it pretty easy.

>> No.2913494 [DELETED] 
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thats right goy, it wasnt the backdoor!

>> No.2913573
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>> No.2913574
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PivX is better

literally stands for Private Instant Verified Transaction. Coin mixing, and the Zerocoin protocol
Also: Monero will never moon, the devs are very against it, sorry xmr shills

>> No.2913856

>optional coinjoin
>not fungible
literally dashJr

>> No.2913981
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I was waiting for this guy to get here

>> No.2914290

Linking AlphaBay shutdown to Ztrash is a bit of a stretch. It was still a terrible idea to implement it of course.

>> No.2914307
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Is it unhackable though?

>> No.2914411

its actually been relatively stable recently

>> No.2914451

Hackers wouldn't know which wallets to target

>> No.2914696
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wheh the ecnomy crashes will monera save us>?

>> No.2914703

stop shilling this coin already

>> No.2914721

DeepOnion is where it's at.

No. Google it yourself.