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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 298 KB, 1280x873, image_2021-02-18_00-34-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29089173 No.29089173 [Reply] [Original]

>discussion tg

>LP farm
>current LP farm rate: 1,522.42%
>new backup twitter
>price bottomed out at around $5,50

>if you are not looking at good LP and Yield farming coins right now you're going to miss out

>latest updates:
v2 ready within a week time, lots of teasers like new logo which looks nice.

Badger partnership confirmed

Keno just teased Sushiswap

the twitter was suspended but now there is a backup
the tg on the website is the announcement tg, the discussion tg is really active and all questions are answered
new vBTC minted every day

>> No.29089278
File: 75 KB, 544x653, God of hellfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strudel my Nudel, let's go fags

>> No.29089365

How to farm? I am smooth brain

>> No.29089432
File: 99 KB, 933x700, le strudel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine fudding a product with credentials like these kek

>> No.29089520

go to https://strudel.finance/farms

click on $TRDL-ETH UNI-V2 LP
and add strudel and the eqv worth of ethereum to the liquidity pool, this way you gain strudel over time, you can pull it all out at any time again, but dyor on impermanent loss

>> No.29089543

join tg, very detailed guides there

>> No.29089587
File: 116 KB, 1280x1280, photo5291970248288874618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting comfy with 2400 struds

>> No.29089596

cmon pump this shit coin

>> No.29089666

Is this the new asko or is this actually going somewhere?

>> No.29089683
File: 83 KB, 866x764, C19F3085-C335-4FF9-88A0-35F70D43DBD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29089691

the badger partnership really confirmed? i thought the ama today said it was still in the works

>> No.29089721


Badger is not confirmed. Latest update says they're talking to them, but htey are not convinced yet. Nigger.

>> No.29089724

Stop giving away free alpha you smoothbrain. Do you actually want to dilute the apy? Your are literally loosing yourself money by telling others to join the pool. Just wait a week or two until rewards drop and then shill. Sage

>> No.29089725

gonna farm need me some more strudel

>> No.29089733

this is a real coin satan

>> No.29089770

actually going somewhere,
there is a proposed transition from uni to sushi partnership rn

>> No.29089802
File: 123 KB, 1024x1024, v2 strudel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asko pumpamentals but actually has a fucking good ass use case

>> No.29089831

fuck, you have a point

>> No.29089853
File: 99 KB, 500x500, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't pull out of asko before mainnet
I'm sorry fren

The devs are active in tg and are active. Keno is also a lead dev on sushi

>> No.29089877

Bruh... if you cant see the difference between asko and something like this... just... be careful.

>> No.29090055

lol i actually didnt even think about this

i thought i was playing the long game but you sir are going to make some sweet gains

>> No.29090105
File: 55 KB, 597x888, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I want to dilute the APY for faggots leeching off normies like you fag, everyone can make it if we take down this farming faggot.

>> No.29090208

also the difference in dev reputation and quality is so huge kek

>> No.29090262

Any way to buy this without paying the Eth jew?

>> No.29090351
File: 226 KB, 1596x1057, new future with strudel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is now, fag

>> No.29090454

I see. How much strudel to stake and how much to make? Can you give example?
I want to make it too, fren :(

>> No.29090468


>> No.29090559

so i staked 500 strudel and a lil eth and i make 6% of my total investment per day

if you think this shit seems fishy then just look at fucking goose finance and compare how fucking crackwhore scammy that token is compared to strudel and strudel bitcoin

>> No.29090566

these landscape strudel images evoke legitimacy unironically

>> No.29091005

I'll do some reading. Thanks
People said there'd be a dip at mainnet launch and in the time between when I bought in and the pre-launch peak it had already done a 2x and dropped back to the price I bought in at. If I'd been more greedy and tried swinging I might have fared better. Only put 400 in though and only went negative on my initial in the last few days. I appreciate the sentiment though. Thanks fren.
I won't deny being new to this. At the time I bought in the first few days of Feb it still seemed promising.
It'd be an achievement for any team to be worse than asko's.

>> No.29091379

Nigger we are too poor to join the pools. I can't even sell this shit, let alone farm you cracka ass nigga.

>> No.29091584

talk to devs in the TG