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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2908713 No.2908713 [Reply] [Original]

Where did the chinks get all their fucking money?

I know chinks that throw $50,000 usd at girls like it's nothing, drive sports cars and have seemingly endless amount of money, especially in cities like Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing. Where the fuck did these subhumans get all this cash?

>> No.2908716

most just have dads who are connected to the communist party

>> No.2908719

buy selling snakeoil, bear bile, and selling shit quality items at normal price

>> No.2908723
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What u mean we trow it AT the grillz? 50 dollaz thousand AT the grillz???

>> No.2908729

PBOC is printing yuans as if there's no tomorrow as well. just like every other CB right now, they're trying to win the fiat currency game. And all that free currency hast to go somewhere.

>> No.2908739

>know chinese guy from college
>comes to the US for college
>gets a job at a big tech company
>parents rich as fuck too but live back home
>buys million dollar house in a really expensive city

changed my perception completely.

>> No.2908740

gov bureaucracy, insider trading, etc. is a risky game in china, one wrong move and you'll be in jail no trial... payoff of course is endless lv and whatever gaudy shit's trendy, i guess now it's more like cdg/yoshinari diffusion shit, also plastic surgery and lambos

>> No.2908744

Factory owners pay their employee slave wages (less than $.50/hr) and they sell to foreign markets at resale price so it's a lot of profit there.

>> No.2908748

probably an asset of the chinese intelligence apparatus, too

>> No.2908751

business has been booming for the past decade due to some unknown reason. customer traffic is up at least 20x. imagine your local Costco at the busiest hour but a multitude of that as regular business. you need fucking reservations for mcdonalds and a basic burger cost $4. overall the cost of living has gone up and housing prices have gone through the roof.

it's an indescribable chaotic system where everyone is making and spending money at an insane rate and those who choose to be frugal can accumulate quite a wealth.

>> No.2908791

In 1990 China's share of global manufacturing was 3%. In 2015 it was 25%. Free trade enthusiasts handed them our economy on a silver platter. Boomers.

>> No.2908795

>yet poorer


>> No.2908858
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You guys are right about the money but way off on the causes.

Chinese products used to be cheap because the population was slaving away in sweatshops. So it was for 30 years. Those days are almost fully behind them, just see for yourself. It's becoming more and more common to see "made in china" on the back of phones and laptops and "made in thailand/vietnam/indonesia/whatever" on clothes, shoes and other basic shit.
The government took that sweat and blood money and reinvested massively into infrastructure. That and they dont give a fuck about the environment and burn enough coal to power a galaxy with very little tax attached.

You have no idea what real infrastructure is until you go to china. Every shithole has high speed railways, airports all over the fucking place, massive roads, power stations.
I literally went to every province and in every single one except muslim-infested chinakistan in the northwest there was 4g reception in the middle of nowhere. Flights, internet and anything else you may think of is of higher quality AND cheaper in China.

They dont give a single fuck about intellectual property either. They've been invaded and bullied by every wealthy country of the past 200 years, they could not care less about "muh tech, product of muh scientists' hard work".

The age of the west is over. Hop onboard like I did and be ready for our chinese overlords. The only relevant thing the west still has is a way more advanced military, but china's traded its way into everything and they can bully even that idiot trump into remaining passive, despite all his bark.

t. living in china for the past 4 years

>pic related, train view of the eastern himalayas. took it myself, faggots.

>> No.2908890
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You can thank the Clintons for that.

>> No.2908920


Have fun being the hairy exotic monkey dancing for nickels in a zoo for those immoral subhuman insects. Assuming you're right about "chinarrr taking over the world" (they can't even control their population), they're never gonna let you 'join' them, even if you marry a local rainy monkey chinkess.

>> No.2908925

Meh. Chinese only are a backwards people deeply afraid of their own culture, rotting from inside because of confucianism, who can only share basic goals on the Maslow pyramid, never driven by self-actualization, progress, challenges or abstract goals (stepping on Mars, connect the world, clean energy) but envy and greed.
It will a sad day where the world is led by China, as it will mean stagnation, pettiness, short mindedness and the triumph of consumerism.

>> No.2908955

Jesus. What an interesting thread this is already.

>> No.2908962

Time to start factories in the USA again. OH WAIT, THE US AIN'T WHITE.

>> No.2909006
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lmao, low IQ skinnyfat white autist calling someone else subhuman when he has to go on 4chan to ask "HOW MAKE MONEY?"
No wonder you're a disappointment to your parents.

>> No.2909014


They discovered capitalism recently. Some got rich and sent their kids to the US to study capitalism but they just cheated and got drunk.

>> No.2909027

Fat neckbeard NEETs calling others "Subhumans" on 4chan is hilarious.

Look at yourself in a mirror faggot.

>> No.2909032

>You have no idea what real infrastructure is until you go to china. Every shithole has high speed railways, airports all over the fucking place, massive roads, power stations.
I've seen a few video from vloggers driving while speaking and it yes it seems to be fun to drive: immense roads and few vehicles. However, the made in china quality is still shit tier. They have shit-tier norms compared to the west when it comes to building, etc. Pollution everywhere, the poor people in the country side have no idea what's going on, country tied to american debt. Internet is censored, they will ban VPN soon, and they have mediocre intelligence. Look at Jihan and how moronic he is. China is a giant with feet of clay, but it's nice to visit and fuck their women

>> No.2909035

Reminder that China owns trillions of US debt and they have nuclear weapons.

>> No.2909042

Why would they ban VPN?

>> No.2909046

Just look at the back of every childs toy for the past twenty years, in EVERY western country. Just imagine the amount of units produced.
Although there will be millions of Chinese working in the sweatshops to produce those goods for pennies, millions more will be at the top raking in most of the rice.
You can thank globalisation and greed for exporting our primary labour to India, China and SEA. Collapsing our industries here and cucking our future generations to be salves to poos and soulless creatures when they use their wealth to buy up land and politicians in the west (See Canada, Sydney, London)

>> No.2909080
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>> No.2909089

Lolz. True.
Every western university is infested by hordes of chinese zombies.
They sure are good for copy pasta

>> No.2909113

You autists do realize that Chinese are called the Jews of the orient?

>> No.2909117
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>Where did the chinks get all their fucking money?

By working hard and not complaining that others have more than we do.

Your time will come monkey.

>> No.2909120

>Where did the chinks get all their fucking money?

>> No.2909138

Shit like this is so revealing on how dominant western media is. Economists and word leaders have been saying china is the next major superpower for years. Luxury goods, media is rapidly being tailored to the chinese market and technologically WeChat, TaoBao everything the Western market has been treating as shitty rip offs are now superior and centralized within the entire country. You can pay bills taxes book appointments pay at restaurants order massages etc etc all from one fucking app. The chinese have been quoted saying they feel like they're going back in time when they step out of their country bc of how outdated tech is. The most terrifying thing about a one party system is how they can plan decades in advance and bring it to fruition predicting and manipulating markets. There's a major shift in wealth and power happening rapidly that's flowing to china. Only idiots will hold onto the muh white genes are superior meme. This isn't some stupid prediction about what will happen, this is already happening right now and it's very very clear that it's only just begun.

>> No.2909158

The seeming of endless money is top priority for a large majority of chinks, they're nigger tier in this regard so always be suspicious. But there are some who really have made it, end of the day it's largely just off the backs of other chinks but there's obviously been extreme opportunity with the whole country mooning, fueled by both export demand as well as massive national debt.

"Relaxed" regulations, rampant corruption, open pride in fucking over the round eye, we can expect an interesting distribution of wealth. Keep in mind you're looking here at a nation with nearly 1.5 billion people, a fraction of a percentage is still millions of fucking chinks who pay the rest of them a salary even lower than we see in any KMS threads here.

>> No.2909179

I dunno man, they've got a massive challenge going forward and honestly I don't think they're up to it. There's definitely hope though so we'll see.

>> No.2909186

This, and China's already at the forefront of genetic engineering and cybernetics. Genes will no longer matter when everything can and will be altered and augmented. But muh we wuz klanz n shieet. Top kek. Learn Chinese.

>> No.2909195

*dies 10 years earlier due to extreme toxic smog Chinese wasteland*

so this... is the power of the future

>> No.2909210

*sips some water*
it has lead dye in it...


>> No.2909211

Haha oh right, now jews

>> No.2909250


lmao the only reason the chinese have wealth now is because the west gave it to them
same with the oil producing countries
for centuries every technological innovation has come out of europe and the US. literally EVERYTHING you use in your daily life has been invented by a white man. chinese cant innovate, all they do is copy.

the problem is that we have ((((traitors))) in our ranks who sold our future out to the chinks. youre out of your mind if you think the chinks will ever rule this planet though. these "people" are helplessly dysfunctional and corrupt, their economy is a complete mess and all they can do is pump out shitty copies of superior white tech.
the problem is that our (((leaders))) sold us out, outsourced all our production to the chinks and then allow them to buy up our industries. traitors in our own ranks. make no mistake though... if whites ever go extinct or lose global dominance this planet is DONE.

the natural order:
white man builds it
chink copies it (badly)
nigs and arabs destroy it

>> No.2909276

I'd rather not die in an elevator

>> No.2909277

>cheap overseas products are bad
I for one appreciate simple goods not costing 5x higher.

>> No.2909288


>> No.2909293
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>> No.2909296

It doesn't make me happy seeing the appreciation for quality vanishing before my eyes

>> No.2909298

>muh 5x
nice fearmongering

Also, that's extremely shortsighted. How will your country create wealth if there are no jobs left in it ? 3 of the 4 most powerful economies in the world (Japan, China, Germany) have massive trade surpluses.

Manufacturing isn't bad. A country can't survive just by providing services.

>> No.2909299

yeah, nobody could afford clothes in 1990
oh wait the companies selling the products just pocketed the difference

>> No.2909311

Valid but you're wrong about them being not up to it, they've already taking power over all of the eastarn market and economically they are very powerful
Polution is a result of being a late player in the game and linking w foreign markets w al the exports they provide and control. This is going to be very costly for western countries down the road ideologically especially as china rapidly builds up the eastern market. The lack of "concrete" regulation is a big reason in why a country like china can propser, no copyright infringement free use everything is fair game. Let me put this simply, if china is going to die from pollution, the rest of the world will die with it. People are expendable and the population/markets are still growing.

I can give very simple major advancements in private sector that have brought it to where it is. TaoBao and Alibaba are essentially gods of ecommerce, their business model connecting small business owners farms and factories directly to consumers, not based through stock but on order, w an insanely fast enough yransport and communication system to make it cheaper faster and higher qulity than products in the us. A lot of what you are saying about china is simply outdated, it was true a decade ago, it's far form the truth now. I've lived in silicon valley since I was 4 as the forefrunt of innovation or whatever. Western media is very inbred and magnifies insignificant issues w very sparing references to international politics without really understanding cultural significance. And the US s run by major corporations rather than the chinese government a nation that is literally hell bent on world domination.

>> No.2909312

China is Necron gg

>> No.2909317


asians might have slightly higher iq than whites (and dont forget shitskins are dragging the average down in every western nation)...
but they lack the most important asset for progress, IMAGINATION
chinks are soulless automatons and havent come up with anything useful in centuries. theyre also a low trust society and too busy screwing everyone over to ever advance technologically

>> No.2909322

gotta give them lsd and shrooms ayy

>> No.2909324

Literally the past decade has been all about chinese innovation and entrepeneurship in the private sector? Honestly since this is 4chan i know most of you are uneducated and talking out of your ass but you can literally educate yourselves with a simple google search

>> No.2909329

All you're doing is proving the inherent limitations of IQ tests. There are obviously factors that they can't quantify and those just happen to be what makes China our copy-monkeys.
Now get back to soldering and welding our tech together.

>> No.2909335

huh, you realize if you want to buy expensive higher quality domestic goods you can pay more and get them right?
You get what you pay for.

>just by providing services
Most developed western countries already mostly rely on services

>must protect muh jobs

I am amazed that /biz/ doesn't understand basic economics.

>> No.2909336


what amazing innovation are you talking about?
all they do is copy and at best slightly tweak white technology

>> No.2909340

>Valid but you're wrong about them being not up to it

They're not in the best shape and general tendencies are perfect for making it worse, there's every chance they fuck it up and there's a long road ahead. I hope they can do it though, good for them is good for ausfags and maybe one day we'll be able to ditch the burgers for these exotic overlords.

For the time though I'm careful to steer clear of staking money on them, happy to watch from the sidelines, should be very interesting either way. Continues to be a better place to visit every time too.

>> No.2909342

Of course you have to protect jobs. If you plan to reach wage equilibrium with a race of insects you might be suicidal.

>> No.2909344
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OK, Chang. Let's hear it.
Baidu, Alibaba and WeChat, right?

>> No.2909349

Tech is dominated by Asians.

Really can't think up of a white industry tbqh

Medicine is dominated by poos
Nips does cars well

Hm... Maybe entertainment? But white people doesn't consider jews as whites though or so I've told

>> No.2909367

If you protect jobs by fucking trade all you are doing is supporting an inefficient industry that shouldn't exist. And all the other domestic companies that are forced to use price inflated domestic products are now less profitable because they pay higher prices in the costs so everybody gets fucked just because nobody had the balls to tell people that maybe trying to compete with China on making plastic toys isn't a smart economic decision and maybe they should move investment and labor to an industry that isn't shit.

>> No.2909375

>huh, you realize if you want to buy expensive higher quality domestic goods you can pay more and get them right?
>You get what you pay for.

Yeah less and less though anon, normies want cheap disposable crap and it makes sense because they want so fucking much of it, general standards are sliding, 'when it breaks i'll just buy another one' is the sentiment

>> No.2909384

Who cares if normies want to buy shit chinese goods?, sure it's not good for the environment but until we start running out of basic resources that problems going to be here to stay.
There are thousands of high quality garment companies from the US and europe.

>> No.2909389

>The age of the west is over.
Wrong. China's top down governed country doesn't innovate. It will always be behind America copying every achievement. Lack of individualism and a closed government will never change.

>> No.2909404

Factories can just reuse the clothing cutouts/molds after their contract expires and continue pumping out "fake" shit and sell it for 1/3 the cost. Maybe not in America, but in rest of the world. Aliexpress is the gateway to those gray market items and more and more Americans are starting to use it. I shouldn't even have to explain it you faggots should know about dropshipping.

>> No.2909408

Social Media
Luxury Goods
Food Industry

What you're saying is as valid as "europeans copied gunpowder from the chinese". They've built rapid sustainable infrastructure in less than a decade in every sector. And they've done it better and faster than anyone has. They are innovating the future landscape of how fast technology and economies will need to adapt. If you don't see the advantages in that where it literally takes decades for anything to be created in the western market

>> No.2909411

It's not just garments man, it's everywhere up to literally inflammable fucking skyscrapers

>> No.2909444


what exactly are you talking about?
what are the great chinese innovations in those industries?
are you saying wechat is somehow a breakthrough innovation? lmao

EXAMPLES you faggot

>muh gunpowder

yes thx for proving my point
chinese havent come up with any real innovations in centuries

>They've built rapid sustainable infrastructure in less than a decade in every sector.

thx to white innovation and white nations outsourcing their production to ching-chong land

>> No.2909446
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anarcho-capitalists on their back heel already.

>> No.2909462
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>Really can't think up of a white industry tbqh

>Craft Beer
>Weight lifting
>Off road sports

Basically anything that has no industrial or mass adoption value and is only targeted for the luxury or niche markets.

>> No.2909477

Oh, like whole foods

>> No.2909484

The chinks will never conquer the world and neither the Russians. U know y? Because JEWS! This planet. No, this whole galaxy belongs to the Rothschilds, the lizard ppl! U familiar with the saying "divide and conquer"? Who in the sane state would want to fight each other if he knows working together would accomplish much more than fighting each other?

Think about it

>> No.2909495


Chinese wont actively try to conquer the world. But they certainly will indirectly, since there are so many of them.

>> No.2909500


Yeah, shit like whole foods is what I'd imagine only White people would give a shit about and shop at.

While Asians will be shopping at walmart and all the cheapest stores to get their money worth and not give a shit about 'boo hoo conservatism' and 'muh trees'.

Only white people give a shit about that.

>> No.2909510

>soldering real tech together that was created by whites, patented and can't be replicated
>yeah we run this shit, niggers

Back to your soldering iron, Chang.

>> No.2909518

its daddys money. they are fucking retarded beyond belief. i can tell you some green texts from the star casino if anyone interested
t. yellow fever sydney

>> No.2909522

U need to learn how to read. Even if the chinks rule the planet, the lizard ppl will always above all, BC they planned out everything. We just toys to them

>> No.2909538

Name one white component in "tech"

>> No.2909552


are you retarded?
who do you think came up with computers, microchips, transistors, robots, AI, the intarwebs, lightbulbs, batteries, telephones and on and on and on...

>> No.2909555

It's like chinks have +1 stat boost where neggros have -3. And whites are neutral.

>> No.2909561

>caring about patents

>> No.2909563

right on point on everything

the west blew up the East 200 years ago and they wondered why the nation who dominated the world in tech finance education for 4800years are now ahead

>> No.2909566

>we wuz engineers
C'mon Cletus, none of those are patented. I'm asking you to name one price of modern component "created by whites, patented and can't be replicated" that you personally force sad little chinks to solder everyday.

>> No.2909567
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BYD is the largest electric car manufactor


>> No.2909572


ok so you are retarded

>> No.2909577

>implying not every single social media country is tryna copy wechat

I'm guessing you don't work in tech. Facebook, amazon, instagram, snapchat, linkedin etc are all trying to steal and incorporate features from these chinese apps..

>> No.2909578

>he can't answer

>> No.2909581

the next ww3 will be vs china. when USA will be fed up with those copypasta monkeys, they will just bomb them.

>> No.2909586

I know, it's impossible. Latest arm socs are the works of Japanese, displays are jap/koreans, dram is American/Korean, I can't think up of a single component that's exclusively "white" or giving it a bit or or leeway, American. Hell even American tech companies have Asian ceos such as Nvidia/AMD and so are their head engineers.

Whites contributes almost nothing to the modern computing industry. Brain drain is a term for a reason and its certainly not draining to any white countries.

>> No.2909588
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everything is moving to asia. financial capitals, money, tech. west had its time. if usa will have a war it will be a civil war much like europe

>> No.2909601


whites INVENTED the modern computing industry you dipshit
that traitorous politcians have sold out the entire production chain to china is a completely different issue

>> No.2909606

Whites are no longer on the forefront of innovation. I am not denying whites contributed heavily during its infancy.

Keep up with the discussion, Cletus.

>> No.2909614


you still havent named ONE of those amazing chinese innovations
some anon hinted at some wechat features that are highly sought after apparently LMAO
again where are all those amazing chinese breakthroughs?

>> No.2909619

>whites contributed heavily during its infancy.

they didnt contribute heavily
they single-handedly invented all of this shit from scratch you dipshit
we wouldnt even be having this conversation right now if it wasnt for white technology

>> No.2909623

>Where did the chinks get all their fucking money?
typed on a device 90% of which was made in China

>> No.2909630

Nvidia made some pretty cool gpus that people are using for machine learning right now, for use in self driving cars. It can also tell if something a hotdog or not.

>> No.2909635
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who gives a fuck who fabricates the diodes, they sow our shoes together too even though they have an Italian name on them
we email the asians the design and they make it cheap, after a colossal back and forth over how they're trying to cut corners on shit that peoples' lives depend on
it's like asking to name a famous white nineteenth century cotton picker

>> No.2909640


>> No.2909641

Artemisinin (malaria drug)
Carbon aerogel
Non-invasive prenatal diagnostic testing for Down's Syndrome
Radar-absorbing active stealth material
Synthetic bovine insulin
Single-mode optical fiber
Reprogramming ordinary cells present in urine into immature brain cells

>> No.2909649


>literally invented by americam Herbert. A. Gilbert and patented in 1965
>muh chink innovation

LMAO guarntteed if somebody bothers to go through the entire list i will all just be cheap knockoffs built on white inventions

chinks are genetically incapable of ever inventing anything
they have no souls and hence no imagination
best they can is assemble white technology in different ways and put a spin on existing stuff

>> No.2909653

Shenzen and Hong Kong

>> No.2909655

Fuck I lost

>> No.2909674

>The modern e-cigarette was invented in 2003 by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik,[30] and as of 2015 most e-cigarettes are made in China

Doesn't count because it wasn't the first.

As a white supremacist I only use the first iteration of any technology, and only if it's white.

>> No.2909675


what the fuck are you talking about gook.

fuck off and get a job.

>> No.2909683


>> No.2909684


you just keep proving my point that chinese cant come up with anything by themselves
best they can do is re-assemble white technology
vaporizers have been around for decades and the e-cigarette was patented in 1965 by a white man
and yet its still paraded around as a chinese innovation LMAO

>> No.2909692


>being factually correct makes you a white supremacist

sorry for triggering you with these hatefacts LOL

>> No.2909714

I bet the initial patent is some dumb shit like hooking up two terminals of an AA battery to actual tobacco and letting it burn lol

Meanwhile the modern implementation is completely different in that ecigs are modular, uses liquid, and you can do some crazy shit like control the amount of nicotine with voltages and shit. It's a completely different product but all brainlets like you could do is focus on dumb shit like "it wuz muh idea" and try to take all the credit for it.

>> No.2909722

The initial patent involves a canister of compressed, moistened, tobacco flavored air.

No mention of nicotine or vapor. It would be extremely inefficient because water is incompressible.

The Chinese key invention was using propylene glycol as a carrier for nicotine, and vaporizing that.

>> No.2909727


fucking loser get a job.

>> No.2909729


>I bet the initial patent is some dumb shit

yeah just like inventing the computer is some dumb shit and dont forget about those innovative wechat features the chinks gave us LMAO

>> No.2909733

>NIPT brought to market first by Natera, an American biotech based in California
>Aerogel was first created bySamuel Stephens Kistler, an American scientist
>radar absorbent materials first pioneered by Northrop Grumman on the B-2 stealth bomber (American)

Shall I go on? Chinks didn't invent these things, Americans did and chinks made slight modifications then claimed ownership. The only truly unique invention on that list is the malaria drug, and I'd be willing to bet that scientist invented it by modifying an existing malaria drug that had been invented elsewhere.

I mean, scientifically speaking, most modern inventors are building upon or repurposing earlier inventions, but the fact remains that most of this "innovation" isn't Chinese; you're actually just making shit up for most of it.

>> No.2909742


so they literally used a white invention, put a minor spin on it and now that counts as innovation somehow LMAO
you just keep proving my point over and over
there would be no vaporizers without white people
ther ewould be no computeres, microchips, transistors, phones, internet, AI, robots, machine learning, cryptography, electric applliances NOTHING
you can keep arguing all day but the last real breakthrough the chinese had was the gunpowder and thats not really recent

>> No.2909745

I am sorry sir but American doesn't mean white :^)

>> No.2909751

Natera's NIPT was brought to market in 2013, China invented it in 2008
CARBON aerogel, NOT just aerogel
ACTIVE absorbent material, NOT just radar absorbent material

>American reading comprehension

>> No.2909771

Biotech (Medtronic, Boston scientific, Gilead, Amgen)
Commercial jets (Boeing, Airbus)
Commercial weapons manufacturing (colt firearms, Beretta, FN, Sig Sauer, Kalashnikov, Walther, etc)
Luxury anything

That's completely ignoring any industry where it has to be built in the West for national security and diplomacy reasons (which includes most military weapons manufactures, advanced AI, and various other robotics ventures).

>> No.2909792


they have bombs and paper to write to go to exam when the Europeans are chasing rabbits on the field. not even defending the Chinese but learn your history dumbass

>> No.2909806


>muh gunpowder
>muh paper
>we wuz tang dynasty and sheit

LMAO Chang
i explicitly stated they havent come up with any shit since the gunpowder
and then you chink chime in with "muh gunpowder"
you insectoids are pathetic and a disgrace to humanity. stop polluting our planet and stop appropriating white technology.

>> No.2909812

You're missing my point.

All off these Chinese "inventions" are really just slight modifications of earlier innovations.

If I take a bmw, tear it apart, put a slightly different valve train in the (bmw built) engine, then put it together and call it Chang's Car, is it fundamentally a BMW or a Chang's Car?

That's basically the argument we're having here. Nothing you've listed is fundamentally innovative or new, they're slight modifications or repurposing of existing technology. Chinese can claim ownership of some niche aspects or improvements of existing products, but the underlying tech (and as a result, most of the industry knowledge) still lies on the west side of the Himalayas.

>> No.2909860
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You also forgot to mention eating competitions.

And no, those industries are not solely white industries.

>> No.2909868
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, 15877027_1204031643014031_1745481069940965376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come "NEO" or "ANT" isn't mentioned a single time in this thread??

>> No.2909886

white people are too prideful to buy chunk coins so they do in secret

>> No.2909894

Great pic for those black people twitter memes

>> No.2909944

nigger this is in the US not the world, ofc the IQ will be higher since there are so many first and second gen (richer) immigrants and their parents basically force then to study 24/7, this is also why the suicide rate is much higher, if you take the iq tests from chinks living in china it would probably be middle east, africa level, and no dont even try to show me the IQ world map because those tests were only conducted in bigger cities where (also) only the richer and more educated population live

>> No.2909957

>pay attention in class
>ace test
>go home
>play video games
>your white peer claim you do better because you apparently exert more effort than they do and that is the cause why you score better

>> No.2909959

What innovation has ever not been an invention that's been modified? Everything is building off a product of the past. What are the fundamentals of "innovation"?

>> No.2909964


>its all like relative bro

yeah strong argument anon

>> No.2909966

You guys do realise the chinks sending all this money to their kids abroad is a form of money laundering?

You don't actually think they believe their kids need $10,000 a month to study in the US do you?

>> No.2909980

Chinese aren't subhumans, they're at least as smart as Western whites and they've got the oldest civilization

>> No.2909990

You are not very educated yourself.

They have the oldest continued civilisation, not the older civilisation full stop.

>> No.2909994

You're splitting hairs, oldest human remains and settlements do not come from China, obviously

>> No.2909997

It is though, if there are clear distinctions or an actual metric I'd like to hear

>> No.2910014

> Who invented the gas engine? No one gives a fuck but people know Ford pretty much made the auto industry

> Who invented gun power? Doesn't matter because brits / americans made guns

Who invented it doesn't matter, who's pushing the technology and mass producing it is what history remembers. You can cry about that all you like but it's true.

>> No.2910025

i'm not splitting hairs, I'm directly refuting your claim as being wrong.

>> No.2910046


> Who invented gun power? Doesn't matter because brits / americans made guns

LMAO the chinks would beg to differ
thtey constantly bring up gunpowder when you ask them about the great chinese inventions

>> No.2910056
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Finally a

>> No.2910057

Yeah but you know it doesn't matter, no one gives a fuck. Oh great, you've invented it but what am I supposed to do with that? Doesn't help me. But if you sell a gun or sell a car then it does stuff.

>> No.2910060

My claim is wrong if you take the text in its literal sense but I skipped the "continued" part because it's heavily implicit (why whould the Chinese civilization even have sprung up before all those around MENA) unless one chooses to be a nitpicky autist

>> No.2910086

>I'm wrong, YOU are the fool for correcting me, however!

lol ok

>> No.2910099

more like an autist

>> No.2910100

>only autists correct mistakes
4chan in 2017

>> No.2910124

Failure to read between the lines and "refuting" (lol) and acting as if you're pointing out something unknown while it was actually implicit is what makes you an autist.

>> No.2910227

Which chinks? Asian americans are just cancerous failed experimnets who don't know shit about their culture. Mainland chinese are very different

>> No.2910935
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>> No.2910955
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Steve jobs literally setup huge camps for chinks to place and solder little things into ipads where you chinks go so crazy you jump out of the fucking window. Holy fuck this board gets much more stupid each fucking year.

>> No.2910969

Let me guess, you also get jelly of chads that fuck girls without effort

>> No.2910976

Clintons sold out America, not even memeing

at least you got $1 socks at wal-mart

>> No.2910987
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What do white people know about Europa

>> No.2911016
File: 417 KB, 975x634, gates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gates and Musk break down why America is the best.

It comes down to decentralization. America funds different scientific projects with no central command, and lets the best ones succeed. Universities and gov projects are all independent, fostering innovation.

Japan and China fund everything according to a strict plan, and end up backing the wrong stuff.
Gates says people thought Japan was smarter than America in the 80s, but America ended up being right in the end.


>> No.2911024

also, china has basically printed money at an unheard of rate, banking system has expanded by a couple of trillion over the past 10 years, so one could argue the place is the biggest bubble ever also

no doubt they stole all of the wests manufacturing though

>> No.2911049

>the people that came up with fireworks, paper money, compasses have no imagination
I dont get this mindset.

>> No.2911079

fuck money.

i want freedom.

how could anyone live like this??


>> No.2911268

Communism generally takes established money away and redistributes it to village idiots AKA modern day Chinese. That is why you see Chinese tourists shitting in streets while driving a Ferrari.

They pretty much pillaged all the wealth that was in China and illegitimately created a new social class out of it.

WW3 will start with China & I can't wait to eradicate those chinks.

>> No.2911459


>proving once again that chinks havent come up with jack shit for thousands of years

its hilarious that all you retards can come up with is shit from the fucking tang dynasty lmao

>> No.2911653
File: 464 KB, 1440x1382, _American_ Engineer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China is going through a Golden age like what the boomers went through
>their young are able to cheap houses
>go to college with parents savings
>go on vacations and experience the good things in life

>"White" European countries are importing mudslimes and giving them free homes while their young suffers
>Australians and Canadians are selling their lands to rich Chinese creating a massive bubble leaving their young adults forever renting
>White Americans are busy being brainwashed by jews and classifying itself into 300 different sub genders to receive minority privileges

>> No.2911691


tell us

>> No.2911708

you ever done business with the Chinese

literal thieves and liars, also degen gamblers

>> No.2911714

It's not that a lot of chinese people are fucking rich, you just come across them more often and they're like 1% of the whole population.

They also think the same when the see the rich tourists from Europe/US thinking why they don't have to work a day and have all the free time

Most poor people only kick around in their neighnourhood that's why you don't see them

>> No.2911720

hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.2911722

>t. Kike

>> No.2911736

No, but only autists point out the obvious

>> No.2911770

Fucking retards the chinese cant innovate anything? With the use of Wechat you can do anything you want simply through the use of an app. The Chinese these 2-3 years have invented a new system of bikes that are available to be borrowed for only 0.15$, billlions of dollars are being pumped into this industry.

You can see that the system of shared bikes is being adapted even in Europe

>> No.2911806



>> No.2911830

>I want cheap shit
>*exports economy*
>I want cheap employees
>*imports third world*

Clearly this was a winning strategy, America has never been better.

>> No.2911839


yeah our leaders have sold us out to the chinks, so what?
all that wealth they are seeing is because of white technology and traitorous leaders outsourcing all the production to ching chong land
that doesnt mean chinks are somehow NOT insectoid subhumans incapable of imaginative thought and new inventions
somehow you retards dont seem to understand this

>b-b-but chinks are so rich so they are obviously superior

this board really gets more retarded by the day

>wechat really has innovative features

do you get how dumb you guys sound?

>chinks havent invented shit since gunpowder

this thread has over 200 replies and sofar all you dipshits came up with is "muh gunpowder", "muh papermoney" and "muh wechat". meanwhile I could probably name hundreds of white inventions just off the top of my head that changed the face of the entire planet.

as soon as the west starts saying NO to the chinks and put their production back in their homecountries, these insects are DONE.

>> No.2911864


>muh wechat
>muh shared bikes

wow JENIUS anon
shared bikes have been around in europe for years. also who invented the bicycle in the first place? oh right, it was a white man.

>> No.2912446

>their young are able to cheap houses
stopped reading here, you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.2912464

You don't live in Beijing unless you're a multimillionaire.

For every chink like that, there's 10,000 out in the marshes working the pig farms.