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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29086946 No.29086946 [Reply] [Original]

After all the fud people are still eating up these dips. Buy now before you see it where wynaut is in a couple of days

>> No.29088145

Buying in and holding
3% burns that airdrop back to holders, legit free money

Waiting for the 50x from here easy

>> No.29088579

Let's go, all good in da hood, bois

>> No.29088753

Kek the pajeet on the moon

>> No.29089331

Whales are out, time to pump boys

10x by end of day tomorrow

>> No.29089389


>> No.29089469

unironically comfiest hold

>> No.29089478

No chart. Just pray.

>> No.29090419

Unironic 10x pump in the coming week, just make sure you're not the one holding bags at the end.

>> No.29090683

maximum /comfy/

biz got spooked out, might be a good thing honestly. im sure they'll FOMO in over the weekend

>> No.29091888

no chart yet, thats how early you are anon.
Coingecko listing has been asked already and should come very very soon.
Imagine Doge but without wales controlling 80% o the supply and the token is deflationary
This is an easy 20x from here, BSC is getting a ton of new money
$BNB about to break $200, $Cake about to moon with 2 new pairings (usdt/btc) on binance + about to overtake unicrap in volume... all that new money will go into BSC tokens
Its unironically printing money and for once biz is actually early

>> No.29091965

plus the dev is confirmed to know how to speak english since he banned me from TG
unlike Wynaut where the dev isn't even on the TG, its his translator (actually true)

>> No.29092044
File: 10 KB, 378x140, 1589911375636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev definitely knows how to speak basic english, he just doesn't talk much.

>> No.29092105

thats what I just said but thank you, very bullish reading comprehension
I'm buying more $GBOI

>> No.29092333

And I was agreeing with you by adding on to what you were saying.

>> No.29092356
File: 179 KB, 1164x1200, gboikorobakery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that if biz tells you to sell, you buy.
this is an easy 10x

shame you got banned I liked your funposting lol

>> No.29092433

You see this /biz/ ? Gbros help each other and agree with each other.
We're tight like that since we bought $Gboi, we've made REAL friendships

>> No.29092526

I think he thought I was shilling other coins when I was just shilling BSC as a whole, quite a shame
BUt I trust my Gbros to keep it up

>> No.29092603
File: 31 KB, 112x112, 62511210-0D36-4DD0-80D9-A14BF151805D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned from the TG of another memecoin earlier today whose owner couldn’t understand that I was explicitly explaining that they had locked their liquidity. He mistook what I had said as FUD. Nice to have a good boi dev who is a native English speaker.

>> No.29092611

Becoming rich and making new long lasting friendships? I'm all in.

>> No.29092832

so crazy this is so new astrotools hasnt even populated it yet.... literally ground floor here... not even 24 hours old with deflationary tokenomics. just insane.

dwindling supply + hyped demand = moon

that fuckin easy. obv buy retards

>> No.29093022
File: 347 KB, 1450x600, 79434B7D-DFC1-43B1-87B4-FCC0E5FBD615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 10% of the supply has been burnt in its first day. Bullish.

>> No.29093091

Thats actually insane

>> No.29093116

People rather post pink wojaks about how they're missing out on the BSC unisummer than make easy money when spoonfed

>> No.29094067

Eh just put 5 bucks in taken from my free wynauts lol