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29082341 No.29082341 [Reply] [Original]

Will it crash again? I feel like I should sell soon before the moratorium ends.

>> No.29082498

no, it will continue to rise until only the very rich and foreign investors will be able to afford properties. It's a win win for both governments and investors. Higher property taxes (which will trickle down on rents) for the gov, bigger market for investors. The anons who are under 30 and made it are the last ones who will own property.

>> No.29082975

No. Low inventory and interest rates. Plus money printing. Well be seeing inflation and increased cost of living. Easy way to steal from normies.

>> No.29083238

when they lift the rent and foreclosure moratoriums, the inventory will go way up. This will happen later this year.

Interest rates being low is good for sellers, better to sell while they are still low

>> No.29083365

back from my ban you weenie hut jr faggots. and to answer your question fuck no I need my houses my parents are going to die eventually and I better be ready to have fat wads of fucking cash do you understand me?

>> No.29084655

houses go up for the same reason bitcoin goes up. crazy money printing causes assets to inflate. check money supply. this summer is going to be crazy for the housing market

hope you have a house anons

>> No.29084658

I have been predicting many people are underwater on finances right now and the end of the moratorium ends, it will be a foreclosure massacre.

>> No.29084897

do you think prices will peak this summer? that's exactly when i want to sell

so you are agreeing with me then?

>> No.29085600

Why would this affect me if I have my house all paid off?

>> No.29086073

why would your house being paid off matter? if affects you if you are thinking of buying or selling

>> No.29086509

So normal people lose their property and rich people can buy it all up.
We will own nothing and be happy.
The only people who benefit from any kind of crash are the super rich. They buy the dip and hoard it.

>> No.29086667

The only way it couldnt crash is if they start bulldozing homes that wont sell.

There is simply no mathematical way it wont crash by 2025.

Screencap, thank me later (STML)

>> No.29087066

houses are never going to come down, EVER

if you are priced out now, your priced out forever, period.

>> No.29087204

Are immigrants being accepted in your country or rejected?
Are there likely plans to introduce more immigrants?

If yes to either, then the market will not crash for at least 5 more years from your current reference.

>> No.29087207

As with everything else in life, if boomers don't want it to happen, it doesn't.

>> No.29087239


All Laws since primordial antiquity were written to regulate land and sea... Separately. Laws pertaining to land became the Law of the land. Or rather natrual, or common law. And Laws pertaining to sea became Law of the sea. Or rather, maritime Admiralty Law... Which is international Law and the same everywhere in the world no matter where you go. All Laws since time in memorial originally and based upon ecclesiastical or canon Law. Via the ancient Laws and ecclesiastical right of kings.

Natrual or common Law primarily perserves the inalienable rights and needs of human beings who live on land, differing between nations.

The Law of the sea or maritime Admiralty Law primarily grants the right that is LEGAL to conduct merchant banking, corporate, international commerce.

Seeing how living persons cannot live on or in water for extended periods of time, seas have been used primarily for travel since antiquity. Regulation of the sea for merchant, trafficking, shipping, and commerce through Law became necessary for the merchant of nations to do business internationally. The Law of the sea (maritime Admiralty Law), is universal and trancends all national boundaries and Laws "LEGALLY"... What is legal is not necessarily LAWFUL.

Natrual or common Law, the Law of the land perserving the rights and freedoms of living persons, is Lawful. Maritime Admiralty Law or UCC (universal commercial code), is LEGAL and that means LEGAL robbery and murder. In ancient Rome, Roman Maxum Law states, "He who will be decieved, let him be decieved.", which means the responsibility of the deception is on the one that is decieved by it.

>> No.29087272
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That's only because the entire world just death locked itself into pretty much 0% interest rates until the end of time. The moment they try increasing them then the house of cards comes crashing down.

>> No.29087305

Unbeknownst to everyone, maritime Admiralty Law, the international Law of the high seas. Came upon land like a flood and made every man, woman and child since that time DEAD in the water. The word maritime comes from proto-Italic cognates, (MER), (MAR), (MARE), (MARI), which all mean water. These cognates are found in words like COM-MER-CE, MER-CHANT and MARI-TIME.

The water that flows by currents in rivers is directed by the riverBANKS. Water that flows in the world of maritime Admiralty Law is MONEY. Because money is water, money is CURRENT-SEA. It's liquid as in Liquid ASSETS. Money or MON-EY, MONO-EYE or simply ONE EYE in their time Admiralty banking Laws is the life blood, the cash FLOW of the system of merchandising and traffic.

To traverse this fictional world there must be... Ships. Ships traverse water or the sea and when they come to land they come into a port. When you plug your electronic device into a computer, you're plugging it into a USB PORT. A universal serial bus port. The world of the internet is analogized with water aswell. We have the DEEP Web. And when you do live social media broadcast on the internet you are STREAMING the show. When ship pulls into the port it comes down a canal where there is a dock. And there the ship is tied OFF. The ships captain submits to the dockmaster a manifest of BIRTH. A licence in manifest of goods and services being DELIVERED by the ship to the dock... The dock master signs a manifest claiming the cargo is property now of ward which includes... LIVESTOCK... All ships are FEMALE. A woman is a ship. A man is fabricator. A man delivers SE-MEN into a VESSEL. The woman bears the cargo of the SE-MEN and labours for nine months wherein her WATER breaks and the SE-MEN in the hold come down the birth CANAL through a PORT of entry and are delivered in a hospital delivery room.

>> No.29087383

And after the informants, which are your parents, sign the manifest, which are plainly written on the certificate itself. Your parents, the informants, are informing the doctor that the cargo, the stock is now delivered and can be claimed by signature. The doctor signs the certificate making you now... LOST AT SEA... As unclaimed corporate property, cargo, stock, product, commodity... You are now legally DEAD in the water and your name appears in all capital letters on every other legal DOC-UMENT.

Captain comes from the word CAPITOL , which means money or ONE EYE and equals WATER, the CURRENT-SEA. All corporations are fictional, they exist on paper, as a dead body, vessel. Just as your name in all caps on a birth certificate. The constitution of the United States was formed in 1776. But the constitution of the incorporation of the United States was in 1871. The corporation of the united states was formed in Delaware Maryland (Mary, Rome), in 1871 and became the United States INC. All citizens of the US INC have a licence to work for US INC, they are employees. All corporations must have three things, a President, a Vice President and a Secretary Treasurer.

Everything in the world of merchant INC banking Law involves around SHIPS, as ships are carried by the water which is the CURRENT-SEA. And all corporations are ships.

>> No.29087423

california real estate seems to be getting weaker & weaker.

the prospect of wealth tax = bubuye

>> No.29087426

>just bought a 4bdr, 2bath house with heated garage and back deck, built in 2006 for $245k CAD@1.9% interest over 25 years (ends up being around $900/month for the mortgage, property taxes are $2500/year)
did I fuck up? my city is pretty flyover, and my expenses are hardly going up compared to renting my apartment, it just seems like a no brainer to also gain equity each month instead of just lighting rent money on fire and making a landlord rich. Parting with $40k~ definitely felt pretty bad though...

>> No.29087458

If you wanna have a car you must have a ownerSHIP.

If you wanna be a citizen of a nation or country you must get a citizenSHIP.

If you go into business with someone you enter a partnerSHIP.

If you wanna learn a trade you may enter an apprenticeSHIP.

Wanna go to college and get your degree? Get a scholarSHIP.

Wanna go buy a new car? You go down to the dealerSHIP.

If you're traveling by car you may enter a townSHIP before you enter the very town.
When a man and woman get married and word invokes maritime Admiralty Law, they enter a business contract and obtain a marrige LICENCE to do business as a partnerSHIP.

Everything is a vessel, a fictional ship created out of thin air on paper in the sea of corporate commercial banking Laws, the pirates of the high seas.

Under common Law, there's no such thing as victimless crime. And a victim receives compensation and redress for damages. Abort a ship, the captain can make any act crime, and he can empose sanctions accordingly.

>> No.29087515
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If you have a house and want to sell it, you put it up for SALE. You are placing a sale on a ship which will set sale and off to another port when SOLD. When you send a package somewhere abroad you a SHIPPING it. Even though it's more likely traveling by land. If you are losing your house it is said that your house is under WATER. If you get in trouble with the IRS or if you go to prison it is said you have landed in hot or deep WATER. And someone has to come and BAIL you out.

A ship pulls into a port and gets tied off at a dock. When you go to a court your case is placed in a DOCKET. All courts in the land are JUDICIARY, JU DIC AL, operating under mixed Roman, common, canon and Admiralty maritime Law under a CROWN. They are ships docked on land. This according to the judiciary act of 1789 passed by congress which made all district courts Admiralty courts having maritime Admiralty jurisdiction. The United States of America and the United States are two different entities. One is a corporation, the other employees of the corporation. The United States of America never ever did win its independance from the crown in the revolutionary war.

The treaty of 1783 upheld the tribute to the kings venture by the colonist which means America remains to this day a British Colony that pays tribute to the Crown as imposed by the Charter of 1606. America was CONQUERED. Liberty is not freedom. A dog has liberty on a leash when you take him for a walk. Liberty is a LICENCE. It is a privilege allowed by a ruler, owner, king etc to a subject of the saying. America never has been the land of the free at any time. It's the land of liberty on the leash of the CROWN.

>> No.29087794
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Canadian real estate is a fucking shitshow. Everyone under 40 is basically priced out of a home. Salaries are STAGNANT. It's fucking ogre.

>> No.29087943

What the fuck is your obsession with ships?

>> No.29088000

Why didnt it crash because of corona?

>> No.29088012

This. Everything else is cope. The eviction and rent moratorium is absolute bullshit, look how many mortgages are actually in forbearance. Even if they all got foreclosed it wouldn't make a dent, and they wont.

>> No.29088021

He just really likes semen, sorry sea men

>> No.29088042

Im canadian, 27, and am buying my first house. It wasn't that prohibitively expensive, and interest rates are stupidly low right now. Just dont live in Vancouver or Toronto, lol.

>> No.29088111

but i already own. i'm asking about selling

>> No.29088115

its pretty based ngl

>> No.29088119

sov(iet)ereign citizen

>> No.29088176

Now I read the whole thing. You're one of those sovereign citizens who gets beaten up on liveleak by cops all the time

>> No.29088278

Low interest rates

>> No.29088373
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thats existentially based and I feel some kind of feel that I havent felt for a long time. this is a good thing, what is next is certain but unfamiliar

>> No.29088387
File: 29 KB, 960x503, FB_IMG_1607976130870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're not making more land
>they're not kicking out immigrants
>they're not keeping new illegals/H1Bs out
>millennial fleeing cities
>money printer go brrrrr for at least the next 4 years
Yeah I'm thinking no

>> No.29088450

This is a quote from someone right

>> No.29088557


But still, how many people were suddenly out of work? Plus the moratorium. So landlords are forced to start paying mortgages on their property or sell. So why didnt that happen?

And what happens when the moratorium ends and/if the $15k tax cut comes to fruition?

I have the down payment and Ive been looking to buy a house for a while but it never seems like the right time.

>> No.29088572

So close to quads but in the end you're just a giant fag

>> No.29088641

if you really wanted the whole thing to crash and still make it. 3d print houses or make the dome house fashionable, it would kill realestate, the majority of peoples assest values, retirements, taxes, REITS, everything would change forever

>> No.29088650

>>millennial fleeing cities
wouldn't this cause urban housing to dump?

>> No.29088692

>But still, how many people were suddenly out of work? Plus the moratorium.

These are counter balancing points, It doesn't matter if people were out of work because they didn't have to pay anyways.

Landlords had the money to keep paying their mortgages.

>> No.29088755

I read that there are still motherfuckers living in foreclosed homes from 2008, not paying rent the entire time. Is this true? Do they just not evict everyone?

>> No.29088757

It's the prison you live in
what are you feeling
who is someone

>> No.29088767

spell SHIP backwards
then spell it with an upside down P
there's your answer.

>> No.29088856

Not if they're just leaving apartment units

>> No.29088890


>> No.29088913
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>> No.29089041

>who is someone
>who is an american? i am a citizen of earth
>i am not drunk driving, i am drunk traveling
You guys are alright.

>> No.29089050

>what are you feeling
aware of my limitations and desire to be authentic. about the being free well that starts with yourself, being free to do the right thing being the main idea, just not sure where to start I guess

>> No.29089092

>landlords are forced to start paying mortgages on their property or sell
They're not though, they can just... not pay. And nothing happens.

>> No.29089098
File: 5 KB, 206x244, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>housing about to crash
>Oh look pajeet and chinky just bought it all up for millions
>Now they'll rent it out to Mexicans who just came across the border

Very cool
Housing cost will reach a billion dollars in your lifetime

>> No.29089124


>> No.29089223

Pretty sure the Canadian gov is trying to inflate themselves out of debt and then theyre going to introduce their own crypto currency and drop the CND entirely.

>> No.29089302

adding to my thoughts.I guess the highest ranking idea that is still good that one could attain here is being a really good/respectful manager. what do you think?

>> No.29089320

>mfw when i am in the CURRENT-SEA

>> No.29089460

As a canadian, this is true. Please help us.

>> No.29089489

Right there with you anon, but trying to figure out a complication related to estates -- if its tax inventive to refinance or be a first time home buyer and how cheap I might be able to buy out my aunts home.

>> No.29089491
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John 8:32 KJV
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 14:6 KJV
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

>> No.29089507

If rates stay at 0 for another two years then the crash will be delayed.

>> No.29089571

Lots of housing bag holders itt

>> No.29089998

Seems like the best outcome really.
Canada is debt free, chance for renegotiate wages, housing bubble safely deflated, a lot more difficult for under-the-table dealings which leads to less corruption.
Alternative is crashing the economy or having hoard of homeless people.

>> No.29090909


>> No.29090951

I know God is real and the truth. time to listen to and follow Jesus, thank you for the reminder to get right, need to get my house in order