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29081801 No.29081801 [Reply] [Original]

Started with 500 dollars in link in 2017.
Sold link in early 2020 missed the pump.
How big of a loser am I?
Also post portfolios.
I'm sure some of you are still here and haven't made it.

>> No.29082380

started with 500 in eth

now at 30k+ with eth xlm and grt
made 1k swinging doge during Elon tweet price rise. starting get comfy

>> No.29082781

Did you also spend most of the time between 2017 and now at around 4k

>> No.29082786
File: 304 KB, 1125x1936, 5E3A34F7-0E88-4A48-AEF9-2AF03C29CCBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental scars from all the shit trades I made back then weigh heavy hold fuck all alts at the moment even while they’re pumping

>> No.29082911

Damn 2019 really killed you

>> No.29083002
File: 132 KB, 451x800, 2017boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought neo at $20
>bought bnb at $0.17
>bought link at $0.17-0.35
>bought district0x at the top
>bought dragonchain at the top
>bagholder of omg
>decided to go all in on digital oil before it was cool

>> No.29083162
File: 587 KB, 828x1792, E5F685AB-0F3E-4F85-92AD-4D6A5015F008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 invested. Lots of shitcoins like red, xvg, sia, etc

It went to £400 or so in the crash. I had a kid which distracted me for a bit then came back out of boredom to see how things were going when portfolio went over the initial investment again end of last year.

>> No.29083229

So you should be around 170k right now

>> No.29083318

No... no... I lost everything in 2018, but funnily enough I'm actually up $178k this year

>> No.29083434
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>> No.29083609

I only have 56k link and could have gotten to at least 75k. I'm so regretful and now 2m is dangling in front of me yet I cant get there becuase this fucking shitcoin will never reach 35.65 for the next month

>> No.29083642
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you still in the red with XVG, lol did you not DCA like everyone else did?

>> No.29083699

I also beat my hypothetical chainlink portfolio once this week. We can make comebacks.

>> No.29083872

initial was 2.5k
atl was 250
current is 115k

>> No.29083881

I started in 2019 and am already breaking six figures. What have you been holding since you sold your link?

>> No.29083933

December 2013fag here, averaged down to ~$600 and didn't hodl and now I'm poor with less than 1 btc. Fuck your survivorship bias.

>> No.29084000
File: 147 KB, 750x1334, 0F9762A8-20A2-43F2-8F8D-C10CC198DB0C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistakes were made

>> No.29084071
File: 432 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20210218-180015_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard faggot here, I should be a millionaire but I bought nothing during the bear market

>> No.29084083
File: 1.25 MB, 2390x1241, autistic_portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017 oldfag portfolio
Reminds me of the "autistic portfolio" guy from 2017. Anyone remember? Wonder if he still posts here. Pic related.

>> No.29084122

Arpa. It did nothing. Avax brought me here after December.

>> No.29084255

Fuck bro sorry to hear that. Maybe I got lucky but instead of trading I've been holding for long term CGT treatment and buying new projects I like, started with around 10k initial and only held link, RSR and ID. I only invest in shit with serious international connections or heavy silicon valley backing.

>> No.29084326

You’ve been here for four years and have less money than I’ve made from getting into crypto 8 months ago

>> No.29084367

what was your initial and atl?

>> No.29084431

Initial 8grand
Current 35grand

>> No.29084477

Oh shit, I remember that autist.

>> No.29084485

I started with $400 mid 2017. I hit $9k just a couple of months after, and I missed so many moon missions. Thats just to show you how crazy 2017 was

>> No.29084587
File: 279 KB, 828x1792, 4B1D11AE-3FB7-489E-98F8-B276072EEBE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I sold end of December 17 I think. Few weeks before the antivirus guy tweeted about it. It’s be worth more than I paid for it now for sure.

I used to swing small 5k stacks when I was new. I’m up on it for sure. But it’s not much. Like enough to buy a footlong sub

>> No.29084743

well that makes a lot of difference, man

>> No.29084806
File: 431 KB, 1242x2138, AD8B55BE-9E89-4A0A-82E8-86903DC10DFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.29084991

First time I bought crypto was the 2017 top. Btc xrp and a bunch of vaporware. Needless to say I lost almost everything. Overall I've invested about 10k and literally today I finally broke the 100k barrier. I'm probably the worst trader on this board. I sell too early most of the time and when I catch a 10x plus move I add on and inevitably sell at an overall loss. But my winners outweigh my losers thank God. Over half of that money is in link and has been since after the google pump. If I could give any advice it's to be conservative with your risk. It's a grind trading like that but you'll beat the s&p.

>> No.29085443

Yeah I guess lowering risk is good.

>> No.29085498

Cant wait to see dumb fucks like you panic selling the bottom

>> No.29085576

Keep holding that rsr but beware of the dump in 3-r weeks

>> No.29085636
File: 344 KB, 1125x2304, D718FBCB-59C8-43B2-930C-5075322299D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any of you retarded faggots guess what I hold?

>> No.29086098

I was looking through some old portfolio threads from 2017 I had posted in and found it interesting how common it was to show your portfolio in terms of BTC. I guess somewhere along the way it stopped being about stacking sats. Still makes the most sense to me to judge your portfolio performance against BTC, but I don't think many people do it.

>> No.29086235

No. What is it?

>> No.29086562


>> No.29087012

i would if my portfolio wasn't fucked up by bao, where shitfolio showed it as being massively inflated by accident

>> No.29087321

Rubic? BNB? PAID? Idk but this is extremely parabolic, congrats and take some profits

>> No.29087339

I guess back in the day TUSD pairs weren't common and it was pre uniswap so everything was relative to BTC pairs

>> No.29087519
File: 535 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_0016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could have bought all the LINK i wanted at $0.25 but didn't because i thought there was too many memes for anyone to take it seriously. oh well still gmi

whatever it is, convert it to ETH or BTC now. don't become a statistic

>> No.29087622


whats this wallet?

>> No.29087780

What can we agree on?
That we've got to pick real projects that hit the ground running in a way and hold?

>> No.29087785
File: 451 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210218-195210_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek my Req bags are finally moving. I have refused to sell them for 3 years now

>> No.29087816


Just a tracking app, though you can set it up to buy stuff now I guess.

>> No.29087948

I had a 13k LINK stack. Thought I was smart and swung trade until I lost it all. Never bought back in. Would have had 300k+.

Not selling my PNK ever. I’ve learned.

>> No.29088014
File: 36 KB, 671x779, 1580070245147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Req only needs to 4x from here and I'll almost get my money back

>> No.29088018

I was also reqt

>> No.29088089
File: 208 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210218-195553_Blockfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started crypto in 2017
Was a student until recently so couldn't buy as much as I wanted
Gonna do my best to make it by next cycle

>> No.29088106
File: 230 KB, 1080x2240, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since we're posting these graphs, here's mine. Probably the wildest one you'll ever see.

>> No.29088245

based, keep those pinkies close and remember: It has the same supply as Link

>> No.29088247

3 years and you 40x'd your initial. not bad cunt, some faggots would kill for that

>> No.29088466
File: 107 KB, 882x1024, bf2182021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started in mid 2017.. total invested $8000
I should be really happy, but i lost over $100k in 2018. Here's to hoping it doesn't happen again

>> No.29088787

im here with a lot of you poor old fucks and i sincerely hope you all make it because this life is a redundant clusterfuck and you deserve it

>> No.29088935

Thanks fren

>> No.29089957
File: 251 KB, 750x923, 4645A2D4-0226-4111-BFAD-6E862619D89E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stack of barrels

>> No.29090136
File: 403 KB, 750x1334, 34082D9C-F9B9-4826-8F4C-A24BEA9F3E8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My old profile. I sold half my link for don and sold the rest of my link before the pump like OP :)
F us

>> No.29090261

I’ve nearly x3 in 3 years. Winning! I cashed out £4K in August to be fair... and missed the latest pump lol.

>> No.29090359
File: 67 KB, 750x275, 523AADFA-7C3E-4C64-830E-A33ED49FA6AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, 3 grand not 4. That’s what it’s currently worth :)))

>> No.29090478

Just noticed... the dollar really is inflating. That used to be exactly £3000 lol.

>> No.29090960

I came in 2017 too and made something like 12k off a few hundred bucks. Then I had to sell everything I had at the bottom of the 2018 summer dump because I was injured and needed money for medical bills.

I'm up the same amount right now during this run, the difference is I know to actually do my research and buy based on fundamentals rather than just throwing my money at random coins like I did in 2017.

>> No.29091092

holy fuck imagine not havng health care and literally unironically in reality missing out

>> No.29091135

bought 10eth and 1btc in 2017 for 5k total
lost most of it picking the wrong shitcoins and falling for pajeet pump and dumps
just now back at 1btc

>> No.29092430
File: 276 KB, 828x1535, 0F43889A-7E1C-40B8-89B0-8C1A08763B1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been here since early 2018, all in LINK and BNT now