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29079090 No.29079090 [Reply] [Original]

Every other post about a coin on BSC is about rug pulling. More like 3/4 of the posts...

Seriously, I'm new to this, I'm curious which coins have been rug pulled that gave you all so much PTSD? So far I've been in a few coins and they're all looking perfectly fine to me.

Surely you can name some examples... seems like you're all obsessed with rug pulls. Which coins got rug pulled then?

>> No.29079148

I've been rugged 4 times in the last 2 days. BSC is a nightmare.

>> No.29079212

I have yet to use BSC, I've been buying shitcoins on uniswap. Isn't BSC supposed to be more professional than true DeFi, doesn't binance verify the coins it or something?

>> No.29079217

and anything that isn't rugging at this point is because the owner controls the supply.

>> No.29079280

What the fuck, why did you not name a single coin? Do you not even know what you're buying? I'm trying to figure out what you have been rug pulled on.
I think you're full of shit unless you name me one fucking coin

>> No.29079341

CHINK rugged in 10 min kek

>> No.29079464

Kek ok, note to self, don't buy racist coins... who would have thought...

>> No.29079467
File: 272 KB, 1154x2048, 1588754382384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah BSC seems entirely dedicated to cutsey poopsy animal rugpulls. Eth chain has scammers but not this bad.

>> No.29079541

You didn't name any examples, dipshit...

I'm starting to think all this "rugpull" shit is just fud. Seriously. What a pathetic, low-test reply to my OP. I'm asking for a fucking example, not a circle jerk.

>> No.29079734

This one pulled in 10 minutes. They're so common it's not even worth mentioning them by name. Pretty much anything with a cutsey animal face and shitloads of shilling is a garunteed rugpull.



>> No.29079764


Not a single example except for some racist asshole obviously being a piece of shit
Got it.

>> No.29079840

It's your money to lose gambling on shitcoins. Have fun.

>> No.29079846

Dude... Are you joking?
First of all, yes, you fucking deserve to lose your money for buying a fucking coin called CHINK.

Same goes with a fucking McDonalds coin but that isn't even BSC you retard.
Neither is HOGE or SHIB, those are both shitty dog coins, all shitty dog coins are rug pulls. But it's not even BSC.

Are you...okay, anon...? Seriously...

>> No.29079848

can you hear it anon?

it's the noise of a soft:
>eth maxi seething

>> No.29079873

It happens but not nearly as often as this board would make you think

>> No.29079932

Just check twitter and see the community around the coin, you can tell which one has actual people behind it rather than some retards from telegram posting a thread on 4chan and tricking more retards to buy a fucking coin called chink and nigger

god damn some of people are dumb

>> No.29079940

Idc the charts and logos all rook same. I don't really care which chain a scamcoin is on.

>> No.29079973

if you can't see them I'd suggest thinking twice before handing over any money

>> No.29080018

Well then you aren't really getting the point of my thread, but sure. Hope you have a good day bud

Fair enough, I'm sure, I mean it's no surprise a coin like CHINK would fucking rug pull... can't imagine being retarded enough buying a coin called that though

>> No.29080038

muh rug pulls is FUD
Literally just mETH heads that were screaming poorfag last week made that everyone is flooding into usable chains.

>> No.29080103

thanks but i think i have a pretty good idea on which are bullshit or not
as i said i look around online, check twitter etc, and if there is a decent community with real live men and women and not just Pepe avatars, I'll gain confidence in it.

>> No.29080148


>> No.29080174

I'm starting to think so. The only example we got ITT is fucking Chink.

Surely someone lost a bunch of money on one of these 'rug pulls' that they'd like to mention.

>> No.29080278

id get on-board with their communities too, tend to get a better feel that way, even if their socials are pretty legit

>> No.29080400

yep good advice for sure

>> No.29080403

also, I don't fuck with alts too much but saw at least 2 or 3 this past week that were ridiculously obvious rugs waiting to happen with the same shitty cutsie animal name

>> No.29080423

Yes BSC is just filled with ponzi schemes and I learned my lesson today, I lost 50% of my savings after making a +100% on my initial investment, basically it was a lot of time lost since Im back to square one.
Hopefully I didnt actually lose my money, but it could have been possible.

Participating in BSC shitcoins PnD is basically willingly trying to participate in mass scams, the money doesnt come out of nowhere, youre just redistributing some guy who got scared to lose it all in a matter of minutes right into your pocket, its just gambling, its not investment.

It was the same with ETH but BSC is definotely on a whole other level.

>> No.29080430

I wasn’t affected by it but I know DISTX and BREE rugpulled last year

>> No.29080470

whats ur bet on apeswap?

>> No.29080505

I got rugpullrd by RUGP BSC coin..

>> No.29080513

Thanks for the money, faggot. Fuck you, you deserved it.

>> No.29080528

someone compared it to the 90s pink sheets - it's the perfect opportunity to exploit dumb money, it's the wild west and full of fucking bandits

>> No.29080543

it depends for me
something with a shitty rushed logo/design like that fucking GoodBoi shit is an obvious rug pull
but nicely designed sites with beautiful clean art like that PandaYield shit and ApeFinance shit seem perfectly legit to me

Now check the difference between the searches on $GBOI and $BANANA on Twitter. One has 4 tweets by Pepe's, another has real live normies and even women.

>> No.29080675

Why didn't you name the coin?
Because you're full of shit?

That does suck but I also don't think those coins look good on first glance

I'm in Ape swap. I think it's completely legit. We'll find out one day, if I'm wrong I'll admit it.


lol yeah, thats completely true

>> No.29080725

Safu, just read their blog and twitter they are kinda cringe but 4k apy is not cringe

>> No.29080797

>This whole thread
>He identifies rugs by racist things
This is obviously not a place for you, so far, i have not seen a single rugpull in months (in the threads that i have been in).
Most newfags and fudders think/consider rugpull as a 10% drop in price.
Rugpull is when a dev wallet sells 70% of the supply in one transaction, rugpull is when the dev drains all the liquidity from a project.
Both can be avoided by reading the contract and checking the wallets on etherscan.

>> No.29080897

Faggot, if you have to put the fucking token code to trade it, it's your fault for buying pajeet scams.
Now eat a shit etherfag.

>> No.29080929

What's with the dip to 0 on the pandayield chart?

>> No.29080955

I know what a rugpull is thanks, I don't identify them as racist things but CHINK is obviously going to be a piece of shit coin for piece of shit people.
Not sure why you're saying this place isn't for me... kek

>> No.29080974

assume that all of them are rug pulls unless you do a lot of research and know a serious team is behind it. its rug pull bonanza right now, even for a few dollars. dont buy anything new even for a few dollars.

>> No.29080990

Nigger pajeet

>> No.29080998

Rugs that happened over the last bit
R3FI, MCDC, CHODE, a few more Pokémon/meme based ones. I think there was a dog coin that rugged too

>> No.29081050

$CHINK pulled in 10 min for 400 bucks lmao

>> No.29081059

lmao look at this obvious redditor. get the fuck out of here

>> No.29081109

Naturally a coin with those names will not be listed or taken seriously, its the easiest IQ test that you can find but some anons really like to "donate" their tokens.

>> No.29081133

You have to go back

>> No.29081203

i dont care about racism you street shitting sand niggers, but if you're buying a coin built around being racism, you're legit braindead

All of those sound absolutely shitty to me, so I think the food ones are all still good sounding.
I've been burned on dog coins too before, never trusting a single dog coin again.

>> No.29081271

dude you bsc faggots are all the same "no fees bruh"...well youll find out the hard way. You think everyone's on eth cause theres no alternative? there have been dozens. But nothing beats collective experience on the blockchain. This place used to call out rugpulls everyday (before the newfag infestation) because we are so used to checking etherscan and wallets are so well known and trackable. i doubt bsc will last that long-people will realize its a scam to get your data-but even if it is here stay...itll be years before its as stable as eth

>> No.29081273

Yep exactly
Glad some real people exist ITT...

No ones buying your Nigger coin, faggot.

>> No.29081279

fucking hell I laughed so hard reading this thread on getting rug pulled after buying a coin called CHINK that I literally woke up my neighbors

>> No.29081365

alright bud

I'm thinking of making a coin called FAG for these people, might get rich off of some of these suckers

>> No.29081397

Watch out for Wooper. The only two pokemon based coins (other than Ditto) I trust right now is Wynaut and Meowth, they're NEETcoins, the rest are pajeet shits.

>> No.29081534

kek thanks
I went for WYNAUT which was already silly of me, got out after a quick 2x, but I'm done with Pokemon coins, it just doesnt sit right with me

>> No.29081642

i have the strangest feeling the whole Binance ecosystem is a giant rugpull.
In exchange for your BTC, ETH, USD, and USDC, you will get a Binance pegged equivalent.
The CCP could call cz and just say "rugpull em" and BAM. Your precious BTC, ETH, and US backed currencies are now theirs

>> No.29081704

they're all shit chinkcoins, being absolutely milled out by cz

>> No.29081785

>be cake maxi
>make a killing off rugpulls
There is no comfier hold in crypto. Ahh, yes pleb, come try your luck on this other tokens hehe

>> No.29081794

also, stop using biz as a source of inspiration - 90% of this shit is larping faggots who haven't made it but pretend they have

occasionally you'll get a good thread. there's a Finnish(?) anon who posts here occasionally with genuine "made it" gains - and even he said it was down to luck, being an early adopter, and extensive research

exactly what you would do if you were investing in anything else in this world

>> No.29081944

I feel sorry for you midwit, mate next cycle you can try again

>> No.29082007

“Collective experience” what in the fuck are you talking about retard Jesus the state of /biz/ nowadays

>> No.29082050

fucking reddit fags

>> No.29082055
File: 2.20 MB, 480x480, ezgif-1-5a8d06f3747d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HODL is anti rug pull. Arguably the best launchpad you can hop on right now.


>> No.29082066

>early adoption
>extensive research
Exactly, if anyone tells you otherwise, they're larping. Getting rich is 80% luck, being in the right time and place to invest. Then 20% hard research.

>> No.29082149

This guy bought dogecoin and thinks he’s smarter than the people making money being early

>> No.29082184

>its just gambling, its not investment.
Yes, that is how it works

>> No.29082202

>50% of my savings
dude you're supposed to put like 1% maybe 5% tops into these scams

>> No.29082300

I got rugged like an hour ago it was pretty based ngl

>> No.29082500

Based and magic carpet pilled

>> No.29082809
File: 738 KB, 790x1009, __ahri_star_guardian_ahri_neeko_and_winter_wonder_neeko_original_and_1_more_drawn_by_pacha_pachastuff__0ea62a9b3e8c2a3bcf55ce6dfcfbdff7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the case even in non-scams. The one who pulls out first, wins. It's just that BNB is fee free while ETH is garbage.

>> No.29082891


sorry you got dumped on by your Nigger coin, retards

true i dont use biz solely just a bit

sounds cool

you sound angry... jesus christ

ok im pretty happy for you thats based

>> No.29083479

where can I find a list of BSC only coins? like a BSC coingecko version