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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 1200x630, BAKE12m32222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29078949 No.29078949 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29078986

R u tard

>> No.29079041

SMOKE you retard



>> No.29079044

Why not both?

>> No.29079050

one is 1/10th the marketcap of the other and has a 10x better site.

>> No.29079073


>> No.29079098

BAKE. Lower mcap and it hasn't pumped as much as CAKE yet. We might also be taking off again soon so hurry up

>> No.29079120

bake easy choice

>> No.29079166

based and smokepilled

>> No.29079167

BAKE the CAKE bigot

>> No.29079175


>> No.29079176

The bags are getting heavy, aren't they?

>> No.29079191

Kek how is this even a question? Who the fuck is buying cake right now?

>> No.29079221

Fuck it, I'm buying BAKE then

>> No.29079265

Welcome aboard fren

>> No.29079343

Buy BAKE, easy choice here

>> No.29079394

Bake has more room to grow short term

>> No.29079483
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1613566764973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you fren

if bsc keeps growing I wouldn't be surprised if cake goes to $30

>> No.29079818


>> No.29079829

It wouldn’t surprise me if bake hits $30

>> No.29079859

no i bought in at 2 cents comfy

>> No.29079866


>> No.29079958

let's see, CAKE has almost more volume than Uniswap and TVL almost double their market cap...

BAKE has a market cap 3x higher than their TVL and peanuts for daily volume.

tough choice.

>> No.29080026

I was about to make a big shillpost about smoke, but apparently the system thinks im a spammer. Let /biz/ buy this at $50.

>> No.29080039

sorry bro, I'm a retard, what's TVL btw?

>> No.29080086

Buy both for the double rug.

>> No.29080322
File: 2.56 MB, 320x320, hodl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29080669

Total Value Locked - the amount of money people are putting on the platform in farms and pools. It's used as a general yardstick for how to value DeFi protocols - market cap generally goes towards the TVL. It's one of the reason CAKE is pumping nonstop, they're still trying to catch up to TVL and it's rising fast.

>> No.29080723

thanks fren

>> No.29080784

Niether. Buy Spartan Ptotocol, very undervalued BSC project imo

>> No.29081220
File: 3.53 MB, 300x300, toad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, don't fuck this up. You've gotta buy HODL.

Listen to the toad, and read about it before you take my word for it. Don't get scammed by the pajeet needful rug pulls getting dropped all over /biz/

>> No.29081474

$BAKE going to moon harder

>> No.29081629

what HODL retards?

I could only found a dead coin on called "hodl" on coingecko, I'm guessing it's not that but another new ponzi from bsc

>> No.29081968

this 3bh

>> No.29081977

is BRY over or should I buyed?

>> No.29082046

of course, pumped by chinks, bought by western cucks, dumped on normies, it follows the ?biz? school of trading, APE>RUG>ROPE

>> No.29082179



address on pancake, im going big on it at least 10x in the next few days then who knows

>> No.29082240

>next few days
more like rug in 3 hours fucking indian shitskin. kill yourself

>> No.29083460

person who created the contract has over 90% of the tokens, I wonder how that ends?

>> No.29083465
File: 48 KB, 500x319, 32589237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAKE/BUSD pair opens in 6 hours, I suggest you load up your bags anons the next couple of days seem really bullish

>> No.29083715

that is concerning

>> No.29083737

anyone got an idea what to expect from bake?
will it hit 2$ or 3$ or it has a potential for more?
I am new to this

>> No.29083786
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