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2906862 No.2906862 [Reply] [Original]

>all these threads about converting into and storing BTC for "free" BCC
>all these newcoiner brainlets thinking they're going to the moon Aug 1st

this is your last chance to stop being poor and do something intelligent for once in your life. SELL. you should be 100% in fiat right now, ready to buy the monumental crash in a couple days. remember anons like myself told you so when you make those demented pink wojak threads on Tuesday

>> No.2906871
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>> No.2906874

I've been out since $2950.

At what point do I jump back in?

>> No.2906880

I'm one of the few newfags (only here since january) who bought at ~1800 and sold at ~2800. Waiting in fiat for the so-called crash.

>> No.2906886

if i go into fiat, suddenly i owe 30% in capital gains when i file taxes next year and fuck tether. crash? bring it, i'm ready.

>> No.2906936

btc holders will likely convert to alts.

>> No.2906990

alts will crash with btc, that's a pointless move

>> No.2906997

altcoins exist for this purpose.

some will. some won't.

>> No.2907003

yeah that's the reason why i'm not going into fiat either. is tether the same as usd ?

>> No.2907006

Cloned cash has no value.

Turning value from one currency into value in another currency requires some kind of Proof of Burn.

>> No.2907011
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>Mad gains
>Best tactics
>Top keks
>Going USDT or full BTC tomorrow, not sure yet

>> No.2907012


No, tether is still a coin

>> No.2907018

If it hits 1800 again and slows down that'd probably be a safe bet.

Who knows how low it'll go though.

>> No.2907022

on a side note, just who is going to buy BCC ?

>> No.2907027

>please sell so my trade can become less terrible

Never change /biz/

>> No.2907035

so this crash you speak of
how long till it rebounds?

>> No.2907036

>be amurrigan
>get raped with taxes
>land of dhe vree :DDD

>> No.2907049

>massive buy walls
>btc crashing

top kek

>> No.2907065

>almost listen to this thread and out at 2735
>all of a sudden 60btc buywall on bittrex for 2729
if anything the price is going up until tonight, there might be a sunday dip but there'll likely be a monday feeding frenzy to hoard btc and a tuesday bloodbath to unload it all

>> No.2907076

>what is fake buy walls

>> No.2907080

segwit is supposed to lock-in mid august, so not long afterwards

words can't express how much of a brainlet you are to be looking at buy and sell "walls" and thinking those give you any indication of price movement whatsoever. honestly, there's no helping some of you

>> No.2907110

thanks anon next question if you please I have 3.234 btc in electrum wallet, is it 2 late now to transfer and sell would you say I just ride it out?

>> No.2907120

You don't get any BCH. You're going to be butthurt when BTC closes above 3500.

>> No.2907121


I agree OP, it's really amazing that not more people are buying LTC.

>> No.2907125

I have mostly ETH and BTC so I disagree with OP.


Buy walls = SELL. They are FAKE. ALWAYS. It means whales are trying to sell out their positions at the top before dropping the price walls and letting the price plummet.


>> No.2907127

Litecoin is b8.

>> No.2907136

meh, won't be the first time i miss out

but it is the first time where i don't care about missing out

>> No.2907140

it's too late on August 1st. the crash may even begin late monday night

>> No.2907156

I mean with to late now because of the transfer delay

>> No.2907159

What determines if a buy wall is fake or real?

>> No.2907209

Better safe than sorry

>> No.2907210


You guys realize taxes only on cashing out to fiat is for the most part a fucking meme right? You really think the IRS is going to just hand you like-kind treatment on hated crypto? Maybe they will, I wouldn't go losing money on unconfirmed assumptions though. To find out for yourselves I link the 2 page form which you can complete and submit for their assessment


Try not to leave this until the last minute NEETs as it needs to be completed for every individual trade.

>> No.2907373

If you figure that out, you'll be rich AF

>> No.2907390

I sold all my DGB for 540 yesterday so I could have more BTC and therefore get more Bitcoin Cash. Today DGB is 650. Did I fuck up? Will DGB dip again?

>> No.2907430

how about you fill that out

>> No.2907439

also i go back an forth into fiat all the time, also i go long and short, what does that count as? lol pussies

>> No.2907563

bitcoin will crash massively and if you're honestly so stupid you believe your btc will remain $2000+ and bcc wil be above $100 i feel very, very sorry for you. this is the textbook definition of greed and you WILL get all of your fucking arsehair burned off.

i tip my fedora and wish you all good luck. this crash will be huge. hold ETH/ETH alts or tether so you don't have to blow your brains out.

screencap this

>> No.2907572

It's always fucking fake. Just assume it's fake. Holy shit you're new.

>> No.2907583

screencapped :^)

>> No.2907595

>nucoiners see people moving into btc
>move their altcoins into btc, even though their altcoins are down 20-40%
>realize altcoin loss to move into btc at btc peak
>btc crashes
>move back into altcoin losing even more

>> No.2907598

I'm just wondering why you use the word real or fake. I'm not sure I understand what a real vs. fake buy wall implies

>> No.2907644

thanks ^^

>> No.2907672


whales put up fake buy walls to trick people like you.

>> No.2907681

Isn't all this stuff already priced in? If anything, the value will go up, as segwit is a move in the right direction.

>> No.2907874

All into my pockets. I've got plenty of space, and I'm rubbing my lucky shekels in anticipation.

Keep selling your bags, goys

>> No.2908079

I was about to do what you did and I'm glad I didn't.

BCC is a fucking meme and it'll crash hard. The risk/reward of attempting to leave my DGB position just for some new altcoin that will most likely get immediately dumped sounded stupid to me after I went over the plan in my head.

DGB's going to get pumped the farther along we go in August due to a 2nd hype about the huge rumors of a Citibank partnership because of the delayed awards, in tandem with Jared vaguely saying that in the "coming months" there are exciting things happening, including a rebranding.

Not sure if it'll actually be worth all of the hype, but not buying DGB before Aug 1st is dumb, as you'll miss out on the new pump for easy gains.

>> No.2908080


How can it already be priced in when people are being forced to not sell in order to receive BCC?

>> No.2908093


Umm... No.

>> No.2908107

>hold ETH/ETH alts

all alts with very few exceptions will crash with btc, including eth. the only surefire safe position to be in right now is fiat. even usdt is a gamble because the tether company can easily say "we're not comfortable with the volume of usdt being redeemed for usd right now, so we're pausing service for the time being," causing usdt to plummet and your worth along with it

>> No.2908144


Professional Investor here.

It's funny seeing your college kiddies trying to play the market.

Let me give you a piece of advice:

Get out while you can. Bitcoin used to be a hobby for noobies, but professional investors (think Goldman Sachs type investors) are ready to use the same tactics we use on Wall Street to rape the noobies in Crypto-currencies.

You've been warned, children.

>> No.2908222

you're.. going to rape children? this stuff is too scary for me, im selling

>> No.2908447


Goldman buttsachs thinks he can outsmart all the NEETS on 4chan.
Out of his league.

>> No.2908485
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It's much easier to short a crash than time a pump

>> No.2908488


We know all the Jew tricks.

I saw what you have been doing on AMD. You downgrade the stock while accumulating more.

I saw what you did in 2008. You sold garbage MBSes and CMOs telling investors they were AAA, meanwhile shorting with CDSes. You FUCKING scum.

Your Jewish tricks will be your downfall. For with Christ by my side, I can see the truth.

Enough minds meet.

>> No.2908632


yum yum

no bailouts here

>> No.2908642

Nice! Raped 100k

>> No.2909019

>wallstreet isnt already using bots in the crypto markets

kek @ this massive larp

>> No.2909388

>predicting the market in the short term
Yes, yes, you are so smart

>> No.2909440


>implying the crypto market isn't full of greedy idiots
>implying these greedy idiots won't Fall for the obvious fallacies

Most coins are so volatile because there are so many fags who try to time the market or simply act out of emotions.

>> No.2909453

And BTC will never go to $1000 again, either

>> No.2909622

Lol yes it will

>> No.2909807

but dass too much dawg

1500 is more realistic

>> No.2909820

Threads like these remind me how retarded the average crytpo investor is, with literally no investing knowledge or experience.

News flash, we've known about Bitcoin Cash for two weeks now. I've known, you've known, and every other person holding Bitcoin's known. It is already priced into the price of Bitcoin. Nothing is going to happen.

If someone said "Apple's revenue is going to drop 50% in two weeks from now" people aren't going to wait two weeks to sell the stock, they sell it the minute they hear the news you fucking retards.

>> No.2909895

the only difference is that bcc is not like 50% of the btc, there just some stupid chinks trying to play the cool with the market

>> No.2909937

Pass I want some free BCC for mad long term gains

>> No.2909950

The difference is that people have to hold BTC to receive BCC, and people are going to dump BCC and move out of BTC and back into alts and fiat after the fork. This is not the stock market

>> No.2909954

>This is not the stock market
The people who already know all the tricks of the stock market are fleecing idiots like you who think they're the first person to discover certain investment principles.

>> No.2909960


Consider that many people are margin-long on BTC so they can get free BCC for borrowing.

That said, no one knows what the fuck is actually going to happen. Just hedge your bets and pray.

>> No.2909968

To dump BCC there would have to be a buyer. Literally nobody wants or will buy this piece of shit coin. It's not going to be worth the transfer fees of moving your coins off a private exchange and into a wallet.

>> No.2910024
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tfw I have no money to invest, meanwhile you guys make five figures in a week.

>> No.2910072

An order can be cancelled at any point. If the trader doesn't intend to cancel the order, it's a real order (a real wall).

>> No.2910075

>holding eth/eth alts
>in a billion dollar ico bubble

>> No.2910560

i agree with you desu everybody wants to sell BCC but who actually wants to buy all this shit?

>> No.2910639


Stopped reading at "professional investor here"

>> No.2910647

Roger Ver and Jihan. Once they hold a lot of BCC they will start pumping it and calling the "end of Bitcoin". Dumb people will actually believe it and buy in. Basic pump and dumb market manipulation tactics. Either way they win. Makes Bitcoin Core look worse and make some money in the process.

Holding a lot of BTC and BCC at the same time will give you extraordinary powers to control the market.

>> No.2910650

Can't lose if you don't sell though.

>> No.2910787

time to USDT or hold or sell for alts?

game fucked up mans

>> No.2910876

do all and minimize the risk

>> No.2910882

>People are going to get for free a shittier, less utilized, publicly reviled, chink-controlled version of BTC that no one's even going to want to use ever past the initial sell-off so that the subhuman chinks can go die in a ditch
>Somehow this is supposed to make BTC crash to oblivion

>> No.2910948

What's gonna make BTC drop in price is the mass of faggots who get scared of the fork and go into alts. Control the masses = control BTC.

>> No.2911008


I've been holding since 2011 and BTC's future has never looked as bright as today.

The scaling debate is resolved. The two sides are going to part ways and implement their respective scaling solutions. At least one of the forks is going to the fucking moon. Maybe both will.

I feel sorry for the clueless idiots who haven't bought in before the 1st, since they'll miss out on a free ticket for both moon rockets.

After the 1st you have to buy both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and hope you made the right decision.

Whichever side you support, the fact is that a two year long stagnation and bitter fight is OVER. Bitcoin's price was rising despite that shit. Now there is nothing to hold it back.

You can see the first small ripples of this in Eth's price. The flippening is not gonna happen now Bitcoin has sorted its shit out.

But don't listen to me, I've only been telling 4channers to buy since single dollar digits. Stay poor faggots.

>> No.2911021

I'm just going to wait for the pump, if I cba even to convert to BCC to sell it. I already have all of my BTC off the exchanges.

>> No.2911036

well LARPed, my friend

>> No.2911044

>The two sides are going to part ways

That's not going to happen. Ver and Jihan are just trolling everybody because their egos got hurt. They're not going anywhere. They will stay as long as there are retards out there to fool, which in cryptoland is forever.

>> No.2911047


>> No.2911056

future is never known

things that were considered certainty's can always change

>> No.2911077


>> No.2911093

Nice, just bought 100k ETH.

Thanks Mr. ETH bagholder.

>> No.2911109



kissing goblins.

>> No.2911120

no-one redeems USDT for USD, you dumdum. They exchange it for btc and alts when they're comfortable enough to re-enter the market

>> No.2911188

What makes you think that?

>> No.2911210

Other people's greed.

>> No.2911546

most don't, but some do, including major players. the Tether company basically operates on a giant bluff, hoping most people use it in the way you've described. but all it takes is for a few too many whales cashing out from USDT to USD for their bluff to be called, and then it's game over for all you little fish USDT holders

>> No.2911549

1 post for this id.

>> No.2911575

goldman sachs has never done an internet battle with the weaponized autism of neets.

>> No.2911586


>> No.2911640

yes sam hyde is 100% right