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File: 1.24 MB, 1885x544, screenshot-www.streetfighter.cards-2021.02.18-15_04_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29065019 No.29065019 [Reply] [Original]

Saw a thread yesterday about these official Street Fighter cards NFTs that are being sold on wax.io, sell is currently happening till tomorrow.

>> No.29065483

I have a question. Why are these worth money? Are they all original art by the official artists I guess?

>> No.29066785

I'm assuming they do use original art and NFTs are generally all the craze right now amongst the crypto community and because they are verifiable unique digital assets.

>> No.29066897

Can you resell them?

>> No.29067466

yea you can re sell on the wax.io marketplace

>> No.29068510

bump bringing awareness to other anons in case they wanna grab a pack

>> No.29068710

>verifiable digital assets
But there's nothing unique about the card, you can just prnt screen it and have the exact copy. It's only data locked in them that's unique. You're paying for meaningless unique data. Here's some hdlashfjdsqjuiw325R%&$her289374u21. How much is that? It's unique

>> No.29068801

Try learning about NFTs bud

>> No.29068876

yeah but it doesn't represent chun-li's thighs visually so it's worthless. first time retarded huh?

>> No.29069287

Oh that's right those pictures will all be different because there will be a small randomly rotated star in the corner or some shit like that. Oh that's very meaningful

>> No.29069443

Surprised no one is taking about NFTs on /biz. I thought we were a crypto board.

I just bought a pack and I was buying RYUs last night like crazy at .12 now they're on sale in the marketplace for double that.

We can't even open the packs yet, that's until sale ends tomorrow. That's when things will get wild.

Don't say no one told you about this /biz.

>> No.29069472

These are digital funko pops

>> No.29069610
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SFV fucking sucks COCK

>> No.29069679

Do I buy at streetfighter.cards/shop?
>these TLDs are getting out of hand btw

>> No.29069740

they're unique in the sense that these are specific cards minted on the wax.io blockchain and it's an official collab. NFT market will grow exponentially this decade and already you got even big clothing brands like The Hundreds who are dabbling in this field https://thehundreds.com/blogs/monologue/cryptomedia

>> No.29069743

No, they are unique because they are tokenized. People own a token representing the card. Ownership. It's different than just copy and pasting an image.

>> No.29069798

/biz/ is too retarted to understand NFTs anon, I tried weeks ago and gave up.

>> No.29069830


yeah that's where I bought from

>> No.29070076

They're licenced by Capcom so there won't be any other SF NFT, so there's that. Then, if you want to "level" up a cards rarity, you need to "burn" the same card. It's basically crypto but you get a pretty card or sticker representing a coin.

There are only 36k promo RYUs, for example, and once people start burning them they'll be even more scarce. Not to mention the lower "mints" sell for significantly higher than higher mints.

>> No.29070281

I have to pay with credit card?

>> No.29070330
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>The avarage NFT trader

>> No.29070350

Thanks, got myself an Ultimate Pack. This is kind of fun.

>> No.29070453


I got Ryu promo just in time Im hodling this baby for at least a decade lol


>*Primary sale packs can only be purchased with a credit card.

>> No.29070499

but I can own an image just by taking a screenshot bro

>> No.29070586

but you can buy from wax.io marketplace with wax tokens if you missed out on initial sale

>> No.29070601
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>Why yes, I do own NFT

>> No.29070724

where do i buy this shit?

>> No.29070832

So what's the plan here? Do we unpack tomorrow or sit on these packs for a while?

>> No.29070831
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>How could you tell?

>> No.29070843

its my first NFT purchase anon mainly cause I love SF hold on to these precious cards they'll be worth a lot in the coming years

>> No.29070934


>> No.29071159
File: 51 KB, 250x250, 1446480206103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy these but will I be able to hold them and trade the cards and packs on the ethereum network? or is it only on WAX?

>> No.29071169

Same goes for me Anon, let’s hope you’re right. What did you get? Also don’t forget to put 2FA on your wallet

>> No.29071667

I got two standard packs and I was lucky enough to get the Ryu promo yesterday which ran out hehe yep on it right now!

from what I understand only on wax blockchain currently unless there's a way to bridge into the ethereum network that'd be neat too.

I might open one my packs tomorrow

>> No.29071918


i just bought 5 ultimate packs lets go



im up a lot on nfts lets go

>> No.29071961

Posting ITT too:

so you need two build cards to upgrade two identical cards, then you do that 5 times and you will get that upgraded card with a random rarity on it, do I understand that correctly?

>are all the cards capped or just the build cards? in other words, do we have to 'play the game' to make money or can we just hold and let the scarcity creep in over time?

>> No.29072029

Same here. I only spent $100 though so if they're worthless hey, I got some pretty SF pictures to look at.

This specific one is only on the WAX network.

Cashing out seems like a pain though. You need to convert your WAXP into WAXE and then send that to a ETH wallet.

>> No.29072336

regular packs are almost sold out - about 200 left

>> No.29072352

I dont get it with NFTs but I like Streetfighter.
How likely is it that these cards will have value?

>> No.29072370

You're getting the gist of it. Yeah so for example theses Series 1 packs will not be for sale at retail again. You will only be able to buy them on the marketplace from other holders. Burning cards to level them will increase the value of the rest.

>This is kind of fun.
IDK why but I feel the same.

>> No.29072618

You'll own the image on your pc bro but not the token on the blockchain

>> No.29072651

NFTs are such a no-brainer investment right now.
their value can only increase, especially branded ones like these

>> No.29072681


The marketplace looks pretty active

>> No.29072806

This was stopping me from buying a pack. I don't know why but they kept declining my cards. Strange because I was able to buy some WAXP last night with them.

You can also buy them with WAXP but they're going for $15+ retail price. Tomorrow they'll likely be selling for more.

>> No.29072819

Oh fuck how much for Chun Li doing spinning bird kick where you can see her knickers. My first fap
>Yellowfever ever since

>> No.29072829

do we really think there's more profit in not opening the packs and selling them whole? I need guidance

>> No.29072991

Transactions are fast and if there are fees I haven't noticed.

I sound like a shill I know, I just cant help but feel super bullish on NFTs as a whole.

>> No.29073017

I'm interested to know too I don't mind not opening if that makes them more valuable.

>> No.29073226
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>paying money
>for JPEGs

i thought gachafags were bad

>> No.29073289

I think so anon. Don't quote me on this because I'm new to this side of crypto as well. I did a lot of research last night and from what I found unopened series 1 packs of other NFTS sell for almost double their original price depending on the popularity of the cards.

Don't do anything hasty. I personally am going to wait until tomorrow to see how much unopened packs sell for once they start opening them.

>> No.29073386
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>not understanding the concept
i thought boomers were bad

>> No.29073894

good advice, we'll regroup tomorrow
we need NFT generals to become a thing