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File: 4 KB, 450x112, bnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2904334 No.2904334 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.2904338


>> No.2904341
File: 63 KB, 1891x233, Capture41233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trusting you anon

>> No.2904342


>> No.2904356

also why is it beneath the price floor?

>> No.2904360
File: 14 KB, 253x446, 1499180629453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2904483

Also ACTUALLY just bought 0.5btc of Banc. Can't wait to watch the NoBancs cry!

>> No.2904498

There is no price floor newfag

>> No.2904501

New to crypto, what's its should I use to purchase and why is this crypto gonna be more successful than other like BTC or Etherium?

>> No.2904529
File: 105 KB, 1244x515, 1501191181875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might buy that shitcoin when it's 0.5$

>> No.2904543

i tried to warn people on here,

the Jews you want to follow what they are doing are the ones in NYC and London.

the ones in israel they think of as their dumb hillbilly cousins.

>> No.2904566

I'm waiting 1 more day. It's still going down.

>> No.2904614

I would trust any jew more than a biz idiot

>> No.2904627

This is why you're poor. How negative are you on your (((Bancor))) investment?

>> No.2904638


They don't want you /biz/ members buying BNT. Use your head. Look at the volume for what it is. The day is coming

>> No.2904649

brainwashed bag holding retard

just kys

>> No.2904653


Time will tell. It's a gamble I'm willing to make. I have balls. You're a sissy bitch. Take some risks.

>> No.2904672


I'm actually getting toasted in terms of USD holding BNT. but the same thing happend when I sold my ETH because of the DOA and ETC debacle. I won't make that mistake again. gonna hold no matter what. If Bancor doesn't bring in the mainstream public crypto is done anyway, so whatever.

>> No.2904711


biztards are exactly the opposite of smart investors they live the buy high sell low style.
Bancor will succeed. there might be better short terms and the price fell but all it did to me was increasing my position on the way down. now we wait for the first bancor projects and see the price rise til the nobancs buy into fomo.

>> No.2904749

Or did you ever consider that Bancor literally does nothing that can't be done on basically any other crypto? No spread or slippage is a fucking meme. It's completely impossible without price setting. Enjoy your communism coin, which would explain why you're all going hungry right now.

>> No.2904771

just because you dont understand it doesnt mean that its not useful. I wont bother to explain it the 100th time to a biz brainlet. Talk to you in a few months in a pink wojak nobanc thread

>> No.2904772

just bought 2 million usd worth of bnt
I'm israeli btw

>> No.2904783

You're asking too much of them.

>> No.2904788

BNT is a shitcoin. You've fallen for a sophisticated marketing scheme.

It's people like you who encourage these """developers""" to pump out a new pre-mined ICO shitcoin each week and damage the legitimacy of crypto. Copy/paste a whitepaper, throw up a pretty looking website, and shout some buzzwords and you come running "woah this shits gonna moon! lambo!"

It's pathetic.

I hope you lose everything.

>> No.2904809

This is the most jewish coin I've ever heard of.

>> No.2904825

>I've tried to explain socialist magic 100x and still nobody will buy my bags :(

I can already tell you whats going to happen. In about a months time you'll capitulate and sell at a massive loss and a year from now you faggots will be trying to explain how it wasn't real communismcoin.

>> No.2904840

I can tell you the opposite will happens and you legit have suicidal thoughts.
stay salty little nobanc

>> No.2904842

>they fell for the bacdor meme

>> No.2904845

>it only goes down

Nice, just shorted 100k.

>> No.2904865


gonna keep accumulating through the FUD. You will beg me for my BNTs in the coming months. Have your buttchecks ready, I'll be a pretty big guy by then.

>> No.2904872

Wish fellow bancucks would stop all this BNT shilling and create more false flag fud threads instead. More accumulation for (((us))).

>> No.2904874

This is on a downward trend overall. It will be cheaper.

>> No.2904878

I like how you faggots think accumulation is what you do in a hard downtrend in a coin that does nothing and is obviously going to zero.

>> No.2904887

Lmao and I thought chaincoin cucks were the most delusional of all

>> No.2904892

I have more real coins (see: bitcoin) than you will ever see in your lifetime. Keep dreaming retard.

>> No.2904894

hahaha we will have a talk in august

>> No.2904905


You don't get it yet anon? Bancor is the only means to end the alt coin plague. All the alt coins with instant liquidity as BNT as the reserve. Crypto will spread itself into oblivion unless something comes along to provide some kind of structure to the market.

>> No.2904913

this coin is going to 1 cent

>> No.2904945

Here is what is going to happens faggot.
BNT will hover at around 1$ and you'll continue to post your "bancor is unstoppable" shill threads to try and lure in gullible suckers, promising them it's going to be 2$ soon I swear!, just like you did when it was 4$ then 3$ etc. All the way down.

And then at around 0.8 you'll finally sell at a tremendous loss out of despair as >>2904825 said, like the faggot you are. lol.

Once BNT has reached a reasonable value, meaning around 0.5$ that's when the smart money is actually going to come, not before.

>> No.2906156

just got 100k

>> No.2906202

Just sold 50k BNT when I read about Stox
How fucked am I?

>> No.2906218

you are fucking trolling right anon?

when the stox ico reaches its hard cap in 2 hours bancor will fucking double at the very least

you should probably get those bancs back buddy

>> No.2906325

you are pretty retarded if not trolling desu

>> No.2906422
File: 31 KB, 640x560, 1501192276373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how it feels to lose everything to a jewish scam coin.

You just KNOW there are a number of people who went all in on this. Wowza!

>> No.2906448
File: 146 KB, 645x773, nobancs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> jewish scam btw
yes poltard the world is a conspiracy to get your imaginary wife dicked by 8 inch bbc and you get cucked into sitting on a computer in your basement raging about all the minorities who put you into your miserable life. must feel pretty sad I know but it gives me joy that you soon will think about killing yourself buying into the bancor fomo.

>> No.2906455

Hope you're right Sage. Just bought 0.5 BTC so like 600 BNT. Wish me luck

>> No.2906468
File: 602 KB, 586x619, 1499203666947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for you man, you lost everything on Bancor and now you have to spend time shilling it, only to watch the price continue to plummet despite your efforts. Sad, very sad.

>> No.2906475

Man we'll see.

>> No.2906489

How much % below ico price now?

>> No.2906492

I am doing nothing more than collecting screencaps from salty nobancs having nothing better to do than fuding a project.
I havent lost everything mate and Ill gain a lot. I feel sorry that your small dick and your insecurities keep you from investing into the next big thing in crypto but I ll tyrone to stop bully you.

>> No.2906498

Don't worry at least one person listened to you and bought some Bancor. Hope you were right

>> No.2906513
File: 53 KB, 540x370, dtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2906516
File: 266 KB, 850x535, Its-easier-to-fool-people-than-to-convince-them-that-they-have-been-fooled..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just depressing to read. The complete and utter delusion.

>> No.2906524

Is it a coincidence it looks like Cancor?

>> No.2906560

Bacdor is the papa roach of crypto. Way too late, and way too blatant

>> No.2906713

How low is this going to go before it's a good time to buy it?

>> No.2906751

If you're getting in, I'd do it before the Stox ICO senpai. Before August 2.

>> No.2906852

>yfw bacdor is below the "absolute lowest it can ever go"

Turns out "muh smart contract" and "you're an antisemite" aren't actual defenses against a scam coin scamming

>> No.2906975

Um why is Bancor mooning

>> No.2907490

6 bancs, wowza august 3rd you'll have $30

>> No.2907496

>up 7%
>after a 60% drop
>this is now considered "mooning"
Jesus fuck I want this summer to end

>> No.2907506

i did read they'll adjust the smart contract to ramp so it ramps up the price a lot faster, maybe i'll buy some if they do it

>> No.2907512

This is like buying eth for $2 lololol nobancs btfo

>> No.2907514

and have you put thought into how they are going to achieve this liquidity?

do you have any idea how much money that would take?

>> No.2907536

Serious question: isn't Bancor just a glorified ETH token? Why shouldn't I just invest in ETH and benefit from Bancor's growth through that?

>> No.2907558


why not just put your eth in bancor as bancor grows, you essentially get more eth.

>> No.2907560

When it's much lower. About 0.5$ seem a reasonnable value. And don't worry it will get there lol
