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File: 34 KB, 159x256, trickledown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2903988 No.2903988 [Reply] [Original]

Is trickle down a meme?
Are we all slaves?

>> No.2904015

Trickle down is a strawman created by disgruntled commies that were bumblasted by the fact that taxing your country's businesses into oblivion makes them noncompetitive globally

>> No.2904026 [DELETED] 

t. faggot who loves tonguing out Trump's asshole in the futile hope it will make him rich

Yes, trickle down is a meme and you're an idiot if you fall for it.

>> No.2904040

Get the fuck out of /biz/ retards, this boards is about capitalism and free markets
>>>/r/eddit is more appropriate for you

>> No.2904048

Trickle down is retarded because the rich actually save much more of there income than poor people.

Give $10 to a poor person, and that money is going to be immediately pumped back into the economy, give it to a rich person and he'll probably just save $5-10 dollars of it off shore or in stock of global corporations who launder their profit off shore.

>> No.2904052

Trickle down is a Republican enslavement device for dumb wageslaves. You have to make something of yourself to succeed

>> No.2904089

>8 richest people own as much as bottom 50% of world population (7.5 billion people)
>b-b-but trickle down is a meme
>implying it is not fucking unjustified that eight people own more than 50% of people who are poor because they're born in a shitty country and the rich are rich because they were born in the right families
But yea, keep believing those capitalist lies that "You have to make something of yourself to succeed". The rich are laughing at us so hard. The rich are laughing at all those working class people who are cucked into voting for policies which do not benefit them at all. Meanwhile European leftism is absorbed with social justice by fighting the symptoms of capitalism, but not fighting capitalism itself. The only people who truly benefit from this system are the 100 or so richest people on earth. All other people are slaves, you included.

But keep defending them. Keep sucking the dicks of Bezos/Gates/Soros/Rotschild/Rockefeller. We need them! They are such exceptional individuals! They started as poor people but they made billions because they worked so hard!

There is a reason almost all 20th century intellectuals were Marxists to some degree. But now Marxism has become a boogeyman word and is equated with the Soviet Union or SJW's. Meanwhile the rich are rubbing their hands, pointing at us, laughing at the fact that we are so blind.

>> No.2904095 [DELETED] 

You know, someone who calls trickle-down a meme agrees with your viewpoint, not opposes it.

>> No.2904120

>tax the hell out of the rich during the 40s-60s
>USA prospers
>country turns to shut in a few years
Thanks a lot dumbfuck boomers

>> No.2904164

Correlation =/= causation
Might as well bring segregation back by that logic

>> No.2904210

The Marxist idealists were satanized for a good reason. Now look at how hillbillies support a capitalist system that is worse for them than socialism.

>> No.2904216

>trickle down

AKA Pyramid scheme

>> No.2904217 [DELETED] 

almost as if the solution is... somewhere in the middle...... really makes u think huh....

>> No.2904270
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Because real world results have shown that mixed economic systems are the best performing.

>m-m-muh marxist intellectuals

What a load of horse shit. Almost every educated person in a civilized country is a social democrat.

Keep clinging to your draconian 19th century economic ideals. The world has already evolved without you. In fact, it did long ago. Marxism only really took hold in agrarian backwaters and former colonies that lived in near serfdom, the industrialized capitalist states largely bypassed socialism and communism and went directly to ensuring workers rights and social safety nets through democratic means. Marx was wrong, feudalism will lead to socialism; capitalism leads to social democracy - the best form of government, no matter how much internet neckbeards from reddit and leftypol cry about it.

>> No.2904273

They should

>> No.2904305

Embarrassing post.
>almost every educated person in a civilized country is a social democrat

Yeah, europe has really demonstrated how good social democracy works. 1% growth and they throw a party.
Libertarians are the ones with the highest education levels, this has been proven time and time again. Social democratic parties are only elected with the help of low-class trash who want gibs and handouts.

>> No.2904318

You guys should have voted for Hillary Clinton. Surely Goldman Sachs were funding her campaign so she could bring about marxist utopia.

>> No.2904328

The US had a communist party until the red scare

>> No.2904347

>Is trickle down a meme?

Yes of course. Why would the 8 richest people own as much as bottom 50% of world population if that were the truth?

>Are we all slaves?

Lets see:
>taxed when earning money
>taxed when spending money
>taxed on property you "own"
>inflation to steal the value of your savings
>usury to keep you in debt

The monetary system is an abomination and responsible for many problems placed on the idea of capitalism.

>> No.2904352
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are multiple variables involved. I do think trickle down is NOT a meme and that wealth has to come from somewhere (duh) and this often means the "rich". There's also the fact that even with a flat tax, the rich would be paying much more in tax. I mean, in theory, since federal spending is something like $50k/person, if you pay less than $50k in tax, you are a freeloader. Of course, that depends on whether or not you agree with the things which that money is spent on.

I do think socialist policies seem to work fine in certain countries—Scandinavia comes to mind—but you'll notice that those countries are virtually all racially homogeneous among other things, so that doesn't work in niggerfied America.

>> No.2904401

Communism can't work without an oppressive government to enforce it. Marxists like to pretend people don't act out of self interest. Capitalism is the only system with class mobility. Communism will only work when all and every labor is that is needed for survival is automated by technology but will be so much more advanced that it wont be communism. People supporting communism requires society breakdown for a chance to fill the power vacuum HOWEVER communists will loose because the military will not back you. The military loves freedom more than life it's self good luck getting them on your side.

>> No.2904402 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 1067x600, goldman sacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah unlike Trump who would never associate himself with goldman sach- oh wait lol

>> No.2904404

>this boards is about capitalism and free markets
Actually it's about business

>> No.2904407


>> No.2904412


I support the mix, but even a mix is already satanized. Personally I don't agree with Marx, but if everything associated with socialism is instantly rejected, how can you get a mix? Look at Obamacare. It's called communist law by Muricans.

>> No.2904414

>Yeah, europe has really demonstrated how good social democracy works. 1% growth and they throw a party.

If you know a bit of economics, then you would know that anything in between 1-2% is quite normal for first world countries.

Growth of 2+% is normal for second world states like china, indonesia and brazil.
Or even more so in third world countries like african states, mongolia or russia.

>> No.2904415

>Libertarians are the ones with the highest education levels
Yet they have almost no foothold in any government and economists laugh at them constantly

>> No.2904424

Marx is the ultimate shit lord look at his personal life reflects the kind of people that buy into his bullshit.

>> No.2904428

Your sentence doesn't make sense, and you also proved my point. Thanks.

>> No.2904441

China uses a communist dictatorship as its political system and uses state capitalism as its economic system, making it a new superpower.

>> No.2904453

>economists laugh at them constantly
Which economists ? Krugman ?
Modern societies are found upon classical liberal ideas.

Also, you're delusional if you think that government positions are held by the capable or the smartest.

>> No.2904457 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 1300x957, 1476125572001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the capable and the smartest

>> No.2904461

He got a degree he never used. His wife had to support his family. He lived off of borrowing money from people and never paying them back. He claimed to be for the workers but never knew what the life of a working man was and governments who espoused his ideas made conditions worse for the workers. He was a leech.

>> No.2904469

>liberal ideas.

Liberals != libertarians...

>> No.2904471

The man let his children die of starvation rather than indulge the idea of performing labor to support them.

>> No.2904479

You have the numbers all wrong. Before the eurozone crisis EU countries would regularly have growths of 3% and up. 1% growth leaves no-one happy.

Also, a growth of 2-3% would be a national disaster in China and other developing countries, they want 5+%.

>> No.2904484

Your murica is showing

>> No.2904488

Oh wow...

>> No.2904504
File: 31 KB, 600x450, 99f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Capitalism is fine if there is a moral code to guide society, a sense of social responsibility - in other words in an adult world.

Boomers ruined this because of their warped perspective (which came from unearned prosperity) and you can't tell them that it's not OK to rip everyone off because they subscribe to "might" is right which is just a vile philosophy of weak desperation masquerading as strength.

The problem is not one economic system or another, it's just shitty people who should be exterminated.

>> No.2904510
File: 20 KB, 306x306, tiredofyourshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before the eurozone crisis EU countries would regularly have growths of 3% and up.
What a coincidence that you seem to miss out the fact that we had a huge financial crisis which had hit these countries hard... but well, if you want to push the blame all on the euro alone, then we can stop talking about all of this, as this crisis (and its aftermath) has not a single source but several.

>China and other developing countries

>> No.2904524

"Trickle down" aka "Letting people keep their money and not letting libtards funnel it into dem programs to secure voting blocs".

>> No.2904549

Why don't you marx cucks just put your life savings in meme coins then an hero?

>> No.2904550

>>8 richest people own as much as bottom 50% of world population (7.5 billion people)

about 90% or so of that 7.5 billion is literal genetic waste tho

>> No.2904554
File: 90 KB, 640x640, 1496177552856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as people like to make money, capitalism works, because it forces you to impose responsibility on yourself to do so.. Rich people naturally want to take their money and turn it into more money. And to do so they need to invest in the economy, people, upstart businesses, etc. This is a demonstrable fact. You are only a slave if you choose to be, or give up your individual rights to a govt that wants to live your life for you. The income mobility in the US is quite high.

>> No.2904555

None of the names you list believe in trickle down economics. Perhaps that ought to make you think?

>> No.2904580

we are in the process of killing every single filthy boomer on earth. This operation has been expanded to include all economic subhuman criminals such as jews and lawyers. This program of mass extermination will continue until people are treated with dignity and kindness. kill jews, babybomers and lawyers at will until program is complete. 111

>> No.2904597

/pol/ cuck salty he doesn't have any jew friends to help him with taxes.

>> No.2904611


>boomers embrace feminism, which destroyed the economy and family
Might made it right

>you destroy the boomers, feminists, and other infections without mercy
Might will make that right too

>> No.2904613

Communism was not ready for prime time in the 20th century.

In the 21st century, where we are now 15 to 20 years, at most, away from robots and AI doing all the jobs, capitalism has begun to out live its usefulness.

And there is a debate on giving people UBI,
because in the short term if the masses have no money, than who is going to buy anything?

and in the long term if too many people are permanently out of work it isnt long before they start entertaining ideas about a Revolution, an actual one, not a marketing slogan one.

>> No.2904642

its actually trickle up. they call it trickle down to fuck with you.

they give welfare money to the poor (the bottom) and the poor spends money at big corporations sending the money to the top.

You just have to try to catch as much as you can while it trickles up, do this by getting stocks of places that poor people shop at and make sure they pay a dividend.

>> No.2904652

where does welfare money come from, dingus?

>> No.2904671

Profits trickle up.
Big investments are made first, in the hope that there will be profit trickling up later.

For example, Boeing spent billions of dollars building an assembly plant in south carolina. It will take years for them to recoup the cost of the plant, but during that time, they will be making planes and hiring thousands of people to do this...

>> No.2904689

communism will never be ready because its retarded in principle. power corrupts, and people work harder when they pursue their own interests. I can live my own life better than you can live it for me.

unless we reach a point where robots produce everything, serve everyone's whims, and there is nothing left to do, we will have already reached utopia and evolve beyond the need for money anyway.

>because in the short term if the masses have no money, than who is going to buy anything?
people will start saving their money, producers will lower prices as low as necessary to be affordable.

>and in the long term if too many people are permanently out of work it isnt long before they start entertaining ideas about a Revolution, an actual one, not a marketing slogan one.

luddites, techophobes, etc. all stopped smashing machinery and learned a new job eventually. low-skill jobs are dying and high-skill jobs are in demand. this requires a major overhaul of the broken education system so people can learn new skills. currently public schools are a joke and the govt has made tuition overpriced with grants and student loans.

>> No.2904690

taxes on wagecucks

>> No.2904710


>In the 21st century, where we are now 15 to 20 years, at most, away from robots and AI doing all the jobs, capitalism has begun to out live its usefulness.

Top Kek

People have been saying this for 50 years.

>> No.2904727

Kek, so much for your halfass anti-capitalism. Modern poorfags remain poorfags because they didn't even try to unite and challenge the richfags. Marxism is only the ideology, the main thing is that, do poorfags ready to shed blood for their own fucking sake? Or they choose to live the life of slave?

19th century and early 20th century poorfags are the people who had shed blood for their fucking sake and made richfags cowered in fear. That's they had gain so much, and escaped poverty.

How about our current poorfags? Degenerate culture, identity politics, disintegration of family, rampant individualism, drugs abusing, etc. No wonder they deserved to be poor.

>> No.2904746


The wright brothers didn't throw their first aircraft off a cliff before they put wings on it just because it was "time to"

>> No.2904770


Communism is the future. Capitalism is doomed.

And, people like most of the people here on this board are going to build it for me.

You cant wait to automate the Transportation industry, while people like me tried to warn you what will the people that work in that industry do for a living then? it's the most common job in about 30 states??? I hear "oh be quiet , they will retrain for imaginary high tech jobs," ( i quietly chuckle to myself every time i hear that one.) Spread that same automation out across every industry in the US, and even the ones that dont get hit will be hit when they lose the customers they depend on.

Do you see prices being lowered anywhere? This is the automation myth, That automation equals = lower prices. A company automates and passes the extra money on to the top, not as savings down to the bottom. And, they would usually prefer to go out of business rather than lower their prices.

On top of that poor people have no money to save, if you have bothered to glance at the financial situation of the bottom 50% of the USA

I'm not a luddite. Technology will build the New Communist Age!

"unless we reach a point where robots produce everything, serve everyone's whims, and there is nothing left to do, we will have already reached utopia and evolve beyond the need for money anyway."

^ that is the plan, easy enough to build.

the people crying about their "Lambos" are the ones that don't want to see it.


>> No.2904810

The recent Kansas experiment tells us that trickle down economics is utterly retarded

>> No.2904829

anyone who thinks usa is capitalist is just fucking stupid. the stock market is rigged OFFICIALLY and publicly with QE, PPT, and the wholly jewish printing press to enrich jews. We live in the age of overwhelming rampant jewish and government crime against the people. GOOD MEN KILL JEWS

>> No.2904831
File: 100 KB, 952x500, 1moryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And, they would usually prefer to go out of business rather than lower their prices.
I almost took you seriously for a second

>> No.2904854


And lets not tend to forget that China has huge amount of cheap labor which makes them competitive.

>> No.2904921

this, cryptos are the only incidence of true capitalism in today's world

>> No.2904936

Oh look another gommunism thread with the exact same

>it's not real socialism/communism
>muh automation that we've been saying was coming since the cotton gin was created
>muh 1% owns more than everyone in Detroit
>lets tax businesses to give welfare to dindus and illegal l immigrants and import Syrian rapefugees
>muh you benefit those services, even though the infrastructure and emergency services are absolutely shit due to big government

Liberalism really is a mental disorder

>> No.2904944

>Give $10 to a poor person, and that money is going to be immediately pumped back into the economy,
you don't understand how economics works if you think that helps the economy. if you give people money to spend, all it will do is cause inflation. Productivity is the key to economic health.

America is wealthy because we're productive, which makes goods cheap. We aren't wealthy because people take paper money that is worth nothing and exchange it for goods at the store or online.

>> No.2905019


These are diametrically opposed world views

>> No.2905085

I will never understand why someone from the working class is against leftist politics. White Americans have been brainwashed by the Red Scare into believing that the state taking care of some important stuff is unfreedom. They'd rather get 100.000 dollars health bills because Obamacare is 'socialism' and somehow leads to unfreedom. Student loans, extremely expensive health care, no maternity leave, food stamps (seriously, which other first world country still has these?), expensive lower education, crazy penalties for drug possession and some Orange guy to lead it all. This is what Americans call 'freedom' while the rest of the world is laughing at them. What a joke of a country. I'm sure living in the white suburbs must be nice, but all other areas are piss poor third world tier areas. But hey, they're Americans, at least they have their freedom. Is this what Marx meant with a lack of class conciousness?

>> No.2905175

Because the working class understands muh free socialism money isn't free.

>> No.2905206


>it's not real communism

Ok snowflake

>> No.2905219

>it's not real communism

Not what he said, but well... education is horrible in the US, so it is technically not your fault.

>> No.2905226
File: 34 KB, 1222x519, top marginal .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trickle down
No, it's not a meme. Fucking kys


>> No.2905264

>here take the opinion of a random guy from forbes which do fit on a fucking single page of paper


>> No.2905274

Why keep poor people alive when robots produce everything? If robots and computer can manage all of civilisation and produce vast wealth, enough to sustain everyone. Why even bother keeping the poor. Robots are probably good enough to act as soldiers by then.

>> No.2905287

>Communism is the future. Capitalism is doomed.
Only because of the flood of shitskins who demand it. Who cares. Good riddance.

>> No.2905355
File: 164 KB, 745x559, dumbldore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people that think they will fill the power vacuum by dismantling societies hierarchy. I'll give you a hint, they're wrong.

>> No.2905415
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>> No.2905498


>Do you see prices being lowered anywhere? This is the automation myth, That automation equals = lower prices.

Are you seriously saying that automation doesn't reduce the cost of production and make businesses more competitive?

And what does lead to lower prices? Price controls? Look at what's happening to Argentina now.

>On top of that poor people have no money to save

Poor people don't have money to save because they spend it on expensive goods and services.

>> No.2905537
File: 22 KB, 992x527, LEVELS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we all slaves?
yes, it is.
the only way to survive- buy bitcoin

>> No.2905575
File: 51 KB, 521x443, IMG_20170724_033847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing worse than arguing with a marxist commie. You fucks will spout "muh true communism" definition over and over without ever considering how things really are. If anyone is brainwashed it's you cucks.


It was Lenins fault actually, and Marx was a lazy, retarded, bum who took advantage of workers and sued hard working folk for actually helping workers in a constructive way beside his bunk ideas.

>> No.2905577
File: 172 KB, 1200x682, Alexandre_Cabanel_-_The_Birth_of_Venus_-_Google_Art_Project_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism is where workers control the means of production. It should be rejected as taxing the profits of capitalism and redistributing them is a far better system for running a nation.

Yes, as did most industrialized nations. But they never achieved a revolution or a democratic takeover because the common man found his quality of life was vastly improved by the liberalization of capitalist powers.

>> No.2905594
File: 213 KB, 1200x717, 1200px-Francisco_de_Goya_y_Lucientes_025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let socialists claim the succeses in Scandinavia. The countries are not socialist. They are social democraices.

These words may sound the same, but socialism is where workers own the means of production and social democracies are capitalist nations tax businesses and the rich to run social programs.

>The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism or Nordic social democracy) refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, and Sweden). This includes a combination of free market capitalism with a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level.

Don't let socialists and morons like Bernie Sanders who keep confusing the terms poison the narrative.

>> No.2905599

>Degenerate culture, identity politics, disintegration of family, rampant individualism, drugs abusing, etc. No wonder they deserved to be poor.

That has always been poorfags. This is literally what Marx was and most of his faggot followers, crazy SJWs obsessed with identity politics were pretty much founded by Marx who he even said were crazy and didn't follow his ideal visions but were dubbed useful idiots.

>> No.2905620
File: 47 KB, 484x479, Trikle Down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap I was just having this conversation with some whore on OK cupid ha ha ha

>> No.2905689
File: 123 KB, 786x563, BernieBot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the face of a cult member.

Won't listen to reason, can't listen to reason, and too brainwashed to leave even as they're walking into their own demise.

“I was raised on the most progressive politics,” says Jon (pronounced “Joan”) Milazzo, who co-owns Retrofit Home, a furniture shop on a busy corner of downtown Seattle.

>> No.2905746

>Not what he said

That's exactly what he said.

No one cares about whatever definition you have of liberalism that allows you to keep your argument fluid.

Liberals are socialists, which inevitably leads to communism

Robert Conquests laws still hold true today

>but well... education is horrible in the US, so it is technically not your fault.

This attitude is why you retards keep losing elections in the US

>> No.2905766

but she would have continued an appearance of a competent executive branch coupled with a continuation of the same moderate policies that carried us out of the global financial crisis while the rest of the developed world was still shitting its pants

>> No.2906279
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>there are only two views of the world and we all should be afraid of the commies

>> No.2906299

Then why can't we talk about those things? Are you butthurt?

>> No.2906412

Yeah, carried through a metric shitton of debt and a complete clusterfuck in the Fed's balance sheets

>> No.2906441

>There is a reason almost all 20th century intellectuals were Marxists to some degree.

Ivory Tower syndrome.

>> No.2906496
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ITT nazis eternally BTFO

>> No.2906529

>it's not considered socialism if it's nice
Nazi BTFO.