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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 400x400, BvaZ9nbV_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29036653 No.29036653 [Reply] [Original]

We are about to take off. Get in!

2.6M MC GEM on BSC!

Listed on Coingecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/extend-finance

Extend Finance was built for the BSC chain with 4% reward & 1% burning emission.
Redesigned to maximize profit.

- Similarly to RFI with 1% fee.
Extend Finance works by applying 5% fee which is 4% to each transaction & instantly splitting that fee among all holders of the token & 1% is automatically burn that continuously reduces the total supply of Extend Finance (EXF).

Swap https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x6306e883493824ccf606d90e25f68a28e47b98a3&inputCurrency=BNB

>> No.29036758

creator of new millionaires

>> No.29036796

thanks Tony looking into this one

>> No.29036814

That's a really bullish chart I'll throw a little at it

>> No.29036847

Yesterday people were fomoing into this. New ath today?

>> No.29036896

did you say BSC?
that is literally the only thing you need to say

>> No.29036930

You can buy but you can't sell?!?!

>> No.29036967
File: 62 KB, 810x675, lataus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pump it

>> No.29036994

I got in yesterday and sold for 5x, I'm back in today, it's gonna go again.

>> No.29037066

I sold yesterday?

>> No.29037100

Parabola to Valhalla! LFG

>> No.29037144

Just increase your slippage and try removing decimal amounts friend, it's fine

I threw $50 into this and it's like $100 now. Perk of bsc is I spent....$0.70 in fees total lmao

>> No.29037195

How could you? I have been trying to sell since yesterday , it just keeps saying waiting for confirmation. I increased slippage to 40% no confirmation still?

>> No.29037332

Waiting for confirmation? Is your wallet notification not popping up?

>> No.29037410

OOOOH, you're using the binance wallet, right?
It sucks. Swap your funds to metamask.

>> No.29037468

if its waiting for confirmation for more than 10 seconds...something is wrong with the transaction anon. this isn't eth. post tx and we'll take a look

>> No.29037498

No doesn't pop up. Not only me but many suffer from the same issue. Just go to pancake Telegram group and you see

>> No.29037503
File: 22 KB, 377x325, 4377fc7a0cb8c63b5dddeadec7bbcd81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>increase slippage to 12%
>no decimals

If BSC extension shits the bed, install Trustwallet on your phone and link you wallet there.

If you are Apple faggot like myself, you have to go thru here to make it work on iOS https://community.trustwallet.com/t/trust-wallet-removed-dapp-browser-to-comply-with-apple-app-store-guidelines/30593


>> No.29037543

Yeap its beacuse of Binance wallet

>> No.29037579

I can't even confirm , so how come there will be a tx?

>> No.29037580

Here's ur fix.

>> No.29037643

If you're using the binance wallet, switch to metamask. It's not the token, I can promise you that

>> No.29037693

Thanks anon I'll try

>> No.29037773

My EXF coins are in my bsc wallet not metamask wallet

>> No.29037780

bought a fat stack at 0.0006
sold my principal once it was 0.0026

now it's free riding, it's at 0.0029

>> No.29037853

That's not EXFs issue

>> No.29037987

Metamask doesn't open with pancake exchange WTF

>> No.29038036

Yeah it's most likely related to Pancake swap and BSC extension. For example goosedefi works like a charm with BSC extension.

>> No.29038055

Guys do I need bnb or smartchain tokens?

>> No.29038161

>An entire thread full of paid shillers

>> No.29038333


>> No.29038374

True. We're all getting paid on every transaction. Suggest you'll do the same.

>> No.29038569

It's not your money untill you cash out. People who bought can't sell because keeps waiting for confirmation for ever even with 40% slippage. Shillers here are among the scam gangsta

>> No.29038719

dude, you need to put some effort into learning about what you're trying to do. metamask works fine, but you have to switch to the bsc network....obviously.

>> No.29038991

I literally spoon fed you the solution to your problem. If I have to hold your hand more you're going to have to suck my dick.

>> No.29039108
File: 181 KB, 1080x810, 20210218_150249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically:
>Rope in Asians and Indians to put money in
>code is scraped from the standard ETH
>Somehow supply is burnt by being sent to the burnt address yet supply hasn't changed
>Liquidity is 1 BNB, which rapidly shifts as new entrants drop in their money so whales can drop their bags
>Banning anyone who calls it a scam
The price hasn't shifted at all, you've managed to pay for a sponsored post on coingecko, and the website DDOS excuse will make people catch on. There's like 7 bots in there also.

SEA needs to get nuked

>> No.29039186

>The price hasn't shifted at all,
then how comes I already sold over my principal?

>> No.29039303

Yes it's scam. I have been blocked in their telegram group. EXF is SCAM

>> No.29039630


it's on pancake,
it's good
stay poor rajesh

>> No.29039651

I suggest you learn what you're doing before you get burnt again. You can't blame other people for your ineptitude.

>> No.29039731

Well I 5xd yesterday and cashed out, I'm back in today for more. I've really been scammed lol

>> No.29040138

HOLY FUCK the absolute State of this board how obvious is this PAjeet coin look at the replies

>> No.29040783

Lol stay poor, I'm making money I dont give a fuck about anything else.


>> No.29040964

You are scammer too. Fuck off kumar. EXF is scam

>> No.29041101

Lol I'm a poorfag making bank you Muppet.