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29033375 No.29033375 [Reply] [Original]

I’m trying to set up an automated service to report the available space of tokens in different Bancor pools when large space opens up.

So far I’m having no luck with web scraping as the page is dynamically loaded with Javascript. Maybe if I build in a delay.

Other then that, I’m trying to parse the info from the json file of api-v2 dot bancor dot network/welcome, but I can’t seem to find info about the available space. This is probably calculated somewhere in the javascript that I can’t seem to find.

Any senior web devs willing to chime in? Or should I take this to /g/?

>> No.29033900

There is a Bancor developers chat on Telegram, maybe they can help you: t DOT me/BancorDevelopers

>> No.29034000

Why the fuck are you web scraping for these values when you can read them directly from the ETH chain?
Use Infura

>> No.29034098


>> No.29034432

Thanks fren

>> No.29034486

Can you spoonfeed me a bit more about this, anon?

>> No.29034697

To put it simply, best staking DeFi projext out there.
Severely undervalued.