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2903331 No.2903331 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody here is gonna make it.

BTC will hover around it's current price for a while and then fade into nothingness.

>> No.2903338

We're all not gonna make it.

>> No.2903337
File: 31 KB, 640x350, patheric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto BTFO!!!!!

>> No.2903343

I'm a nocoiner, and i disagree.

Wait until another inevitable recession of the US and possibly global financial markets, and see what happens to BTC.

>> No.2903351
File: 10 KB, 366x366, 1474794143680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see what happens to BTC

You really think Mr.Shekelberg would allow that? Fool.

>> No.2903639
File: 307 KB, 2190x1080, 1498071910562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good my friend. If BTC stabilizes we can trade alts and make real money.

>> No.2903680


OP is right no matter how much you neets wanna try convince yourselves otherwise.

BTC pumped up to 2800 because of BCC (muh free monie) BUT all smart investors know they will make more money in the long term by selling BTC at a premium thanks to the dumb money.

Whales don't care about BCC, because either way the market will be flooded in seconds, making the BCC you do want to sell for "free money" relatively low. thus it makes more sense to SELL BTC AT A PREMIUM and buy when all the dumb money has got their BCC pennies and proceeds to sell btc as people naturally want cheap alts again.

tldr: bcc is a trick to round up sheep into a dark room while the whales soak up that premium BTC PRICE.

>> No.2903696


>> No.2903700 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 1110x250, crypto btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I guess bitcoin is dead now


>> No.2903732


it's pretty much mathmatical at this point.

Their will be a huge supply of BCC and very little demand, so the BCC price will tank.

Now thanks to people holding BTC for the fork, the price has risen accordingly.

Now do the math, you could of sold for 2800 today or you could wait till the fork when the price of BTC will be significantly less (LOOK IT'S ALREADY LOST 130 IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS)

Where is this new money going to come from to pump up BTC now? alts are bled almost dry, fiat is exiting hard (total market cap is dropping hot)

Should of sold for that premium BTC price friend

>> No.2903734


>> No.2903742


1. Sell BTC @ 2800 per

2. Sell 2000 per BTC and 100 per BCC post fork

What is more worthwhile?

Do you really think the crowd is right? Because the crowd is what fills the whales banks.

>> No.2903751 [DELETED] 

"Surely this will be the end of bitcoin, this latest issue will surely cause it to die" - Increasingly nervous man for 150th time this decade

>> No.2903773


Cute memes little friend, but let's be serious here. I am bullish on bitcoin LONG TERM, in fact I am a maximilist. I have always been awed by BTC and I cannot stress this enough it is more profitable to of sold BTC for a premium thanks to dumb money than holding BTC down to collect soon to be pennis.


>> No.2903801

The collective market sentiment I found is to dump BCC on arrival for free money, therefore I conclude BCC will be worth a fraction of it's futures price, and those who didn't hold during the fork get the privledge of premium funds to purchase dirt cheap BCC.


>> No.2903879

You fail to realise Mr shekelstein is powerless to stop it.

>> No.2904038

Won't BTC's price rise even further when people sell their BCC though? They'd be selling their BCC for BTC, so they will be practically buying BTC.

>> No.2904044

Speak for yourself I'll short all the way down

>> No.2904068

That's acts a fair question. But I would assume the panic selling will keep its price dropping regardless

>> No.2904088
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maybe if you dont invest in promising alt projects.
