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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 400x400, pkake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29026187 No.29026187 [Reply] [Original]

This is blowing up anons. Shill me your shitcoins. Please no EGG, im already in it.

chartex link would be appreciated too

>> No.29026288


>> No.29026307


>> No.29026382

BAKE for sure

>> No.29026414

Centralised wash traded shitcoin factory, don't go near it

>> No.29026458


Farming live in 20 minutes.

>> No.29026463

ok enjoy your 5% crabbing, i'll go enjoy my 1000% moonshots

>> No.29026494

how to buy egg? can't find it on cakeswap?!

>> No.29026550

HODL and BFI both got nice dips going on right now.

You'll earn a % of all transactions just by keeping them in your wallet.

>> No.29026559

add as custom token with the contract address: 0xF952Fc3ca7325Cc27D15885d37117676d25BfdA6


>> No.29026576


>> No.29026598
File: 50 KB, 300x300, 1613338974621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poorfag here, any frens to explain how you guys track prices in real time of those pajeet food tokens ?

>> No.29026619

They're gonna be the dextools of bsc.

>> No.29026702

i want to do a transaction with the binance chain wallet but on pancakeswap it just says "waiting for confirmation"
i'm not getting a popup anymore. what do i do?

>> No.29026765

I have no fucking idea. You can use the exchange but it's a bit cumbersome

>> No.29026793

Binance chain wallet sucks. Use metamask. I had the same problem, took me 2 minutes to swap to metamask and it never happened again.

>> No.29026833

Berry go to moon

>> No.29026852

There isn't currently a way. See >>29026619

>> No.29026872

u got chartexpro bro ? could you please screenshot the egg chart 30 min ?

>> No.29026875

yeah I hold some BRY its why I'm asking but it kinda sucks not being able to see a chart in real time

>> No.29026933

I'd say REQ on binance but only if you're selling your BTC as it goes down.
It's the only pair (REQ/BTC) and it's on the 99 mean average, so you have 50/50 chance to make a profit

>> No.29026940

70% BAKE 30% BNB.
But I'm converting all the BAKES the moment I get a 2-3x. It's a shitty shitcoin and I can just feel the rugpull.

>> No.29026951


>> No.29026965
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>> No.29026992

chartex is out of sync right now

>> No.29026993


>> No.29027009

Obviously most of these can rug at literally any moment. CAKE itself is the safest bet, BRY is good, some of the poke coins (DYOR) look interesting.

>> No.29027010

it already has a higher mcap than DEXT
>sell signal

>> No.29027051

Go ahead and sell then.

>> No.29027052

this chart is wrong

>> No.29027166
File: 285 KB, 2559x1258, egg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one then?

>> No.29027351
File: 181 KB, 1079x857, Screenshot_20210218-134330_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extend Finance (EXF) was built for the BSC chain with 4% reward & 1% burning emission.
Redesigned to maximize profit.

EXF is about to take the next leg up.

>> No.29027442
File: 31 KB, 640x640, BURGERcoin123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BURGER is also a great option

>> No.29027483

>BRY is good
Its looks really scammy, take a look at their github they just stole docs from another project without even taking the time to rename them
also, no activity

>> No.29027500
File: 532 KB, 1080x1321, Screenshot_20210218_123913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FET but you need to act fast

>> No.29027577

apoyield.zyx if you want to make it

>> No.29027772


>> No.29028889

I want to trade exfwbnb but been waiting for confirmation since yesterday. What should I do?

>> No.29028979

Buy more EGG it's still the correct play for a good while. Check YFI charts for similar comparison.

>> No.29029294

Cobalt is the answer

>> No.29029584

Yep, mega low cap ponzi that can 100x from here easily.

>> No.29029617


>> No.29029648

You niid to increase slippage to 7%

>> No.29029669

this. Everytime I see BRY i think of that video

>> No.29030150

$SOULS for sure
even if this shit makes x3 i'm pretty rich

>> No.29030511

worked great bro

>> No.29030523

I've seen this a few times.
This as well.

Are they suited to pump? What's the upside on just buying BAKE and CAKE instead?

>> No.29030679
File: 69 KB, 1080x823, Screenshot_20210218-100112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BANANA man I made $2000 worth of that shit OVERNIGHT on apeswap, shits ridiculous but true.

>> No.29030834

it already did bro

>> No.29030852

apeswap.finance, 4500% APR by staking BANANA-BNB LP tokens, cashed out my initial investment today after staking yesterday and riding hard with my remaining money, shits free as fuck.

>> No.29030909 [DELETED] 

Can a kind anon send me like 20cent in BNB? I swapped using the Binance bridge but I have no gas to make transactions


>> No.29030961

Dont doit buy only coins listed on cake you cannot cash out this shitcoins

>> No.29031034

thx for the hint anon.

I'm out with a x2 and will leave whatever remains in BRY.

>> No.29031226

seems pretty scammy and ponzi

>> No.29031256


>> No.29031272

For collaborations with projects, ParaState will implement a pay-as-you-use (PAYU) business model.

>> No.29031326

Try this ParaState. Its a project with potential.

>> No.29031358

I'm sending you some

>> No.29031384
File: 55 KB, 1146x864, the new yfi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auto just broke 1.1 Billion Tvl, in 2 months. 500M in 7 days. Cheapest gas to profit from the Venus plays. Instant auto reward to be recompounded hold or sold for what you want

>> No.29031464


>> No.29031467


>> No.29031485

>Cheapest gas to profit from the Venus plays. Instant auto reward to be recompounded hold or sold for what you want

>> No.29031536

Seems expensive, I'd only be able to get a few. Good pumpenomics?

>> No.29031622

Their single asset vaults do the venus supply-loan-reborrow cycle, if you do it on your own or let one of the competitors do it, you pay your weight in bnb fees, and the auto reward is just a nice cherry on top

>> No.29031632

prolly is lol but you only lose money if you're holding the bag before the rug gets pulled desu

>> No.29031711

I can't even connect my wallet to pancakeswap for some reason.
I've got some CAKE in staking, it worked before, but now when I clicked 'connect' and then select 'metamask', nothing happens, metamask doesn't open by itself and nothing happens at all.
Metamask extension seems to be working fine, but I just can't connect to pancakeswap anymore.

>> No.29031775

Have you swapped over to BNC mainnet or are you on ETH mainnet?

>> No.29031902

Rookie error

>> No.29031926
File: 19 KB, 800x320, 1auto1btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its undervalued. As crazy as it sounds. Two audits, contract was timelocked, security flaws were removed and the strat is working. They support two chain yield farming are looking to expand, working on a swap and as soon as single auto farms arrive, capital will be drained
pic related on pumpenomics, burn on every harvest, automatic buy back with burn of auto. dev funds locked until october 2021
unironically 1 Auto = 1 btc

>> No.29031942


BSC mainnet
I'm not doing anything wrong, because it was working fine with these settings yesterday, I've made transactions.
Just today it stopped connecting to MetaMask.

>> No.29031961

It took me many tries to get connected.
Was just flipping between ETH and BSC networks when finally I got connected.

>> No.29031991

oh and auto can only be farmed by vaults
contracts check out

>> No.29032037

Thanks, flipping the network a few times fixed it :)

>> No.29032306

why do anons use metamask on BSC. It's a piece of shit, trust wallet supports BSC natively and includes a built-in BSC DEX

>> No.29032369

Have used MetaMask for years, feel comfy with it.
Using Rubic for BSC bridge

>> No.29032428

Check out SMOKE and CROW. Relatively new, good APYs and still flying under the radar.

>> No.29032513

how long has crow been around. I check bscscan fairly regularly and I seem to have missed it

>> No.29032524
File: 9 KB, 350x248, photo_2021-02-18_06-49-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29032534

Best on BSC is also the saltiest

>> No.29032580

It launched on Jan 30th.

>> No.29032596


>> No.29032686

What's the website, can't find

>> No.29032689

It looks really scammy indeed, BRY gonna be next big rugpull

>> No.29032702

Guys can you give simple step by step how to get into this asap?

>> No.29032717

Trust wallet friend, I just started using it recently and I’ve bought BNB through it with USD twice with no problem, but I tried to buy some ETH too and it has been pending for over 12 hours now.
Is this normal, and can I even view the transaction status anywhere?

>> No.29032836

oh late january, yeah, quarter finals of degen winter games season, stuff starts to get fuzzy around that time

>> No.29033037

Just bought, it shows I have some on pancake, but when I added token it's not showing up? Am I using the wrong contract?

>> No.29033146

Take a look at the Rubic's tutorial video on YouTube (Rubic cross-chain swaps), 4min long.
Should answer your questions

>> No.29033183

What did you bought? Auto? Staking auto is currently only possible in the auto-wbnb vault - To earn auto you can either stake a single asset in the venus vaults, there is a sub 0.1% entrance fee, or you stake lps in the other vaults

>> No.29033358

I just bought some auto on pancake. I'm not staking.

>> No.29033388

this is the real contract. Please dont say you bought that auto.l2.e whatever fake token. Please dont be that stupid

>> No.29033483

Based TY, got my auto stack starting. NOT GOING TO MISS ANOTHER FUCKING YFI

>> No.29033524

WYNAUT nigga

>> No.29033638
File: 4 KB, 289x88, autofarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are going to make it.

>> No.29033656

First EGG, then SMOKE and now BANANA?

All copying code and then changing some fonts and images to do the same shitty yield farming.

Just holding your all of your BNB or even CAKE - and not splitting it for LP - is much more profitable at the moment.

>> No.29033933

Can't see BRY on that
Do I have to add it?

>> No.29034008
File: 242 KB, 747x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shill me on this, is anyone in?

>> No.29034069

how do you make this appear?

>> No.29034444


There you go fren

>> No.29034638

all in on auto, this is unironically the next YFI

>> No.29034776

anon....the reason most of these shitcoins are getting pumped to ridiculous levels is quite simply because there's not an easy way to track price/mc/charting. it was the exact same scenario in the early days of uniswap. we just ape in and eventually hope to sell above our buy in price. kek.

>> No.29034869

So where do I stake auto? I can only see the LP on autofarm, and that's not really working for me

>> No.29035325

for now only the lp. Single vaults will probably be announced this week or so. Until then make more lps, their value rose from 1000 not even a week ago to 2700 and moan about il while the smart contract throws auto at you, or just hold your auto and trade it

>> No.29035358

Raven Protocol - BSC, Deep Learning, Active Community, Under the radar. Thank me later

>> No.29035439


post the website fag

>> No.29035535


>> No.29035547



AUTO-WBNB LP only for now but single vault is coming soon

>> No.29035642

did some anons say that egg cannot rugpull?sauce on that?

>> No.29035664

Anon check out $MCM
They are gonna rock soon.

> No investments
> no ico
> team volunteer

>> No.29035787

SMOKE is worth a punt.

>> No.29035850

If I just added BSC to metamask do I keep the same address I had on my acccount on ethereum mainnet but on BSC?

Like, I have 0x2aBD2f82AEacfcD87ff18s100D4589559F353F72 as Account 1 on metamask when I select Ethereum Mainnet, if I switch network to BSC I can still see that same address.

Can I send BUSD to that address and use it on pancakeswap?

>> No.29035858

post contract address

>> No.29035986
File: 143 KB, 814x720, 1590205944057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sherman Lee

Not touching that even with 5 feet pole

>> No.29036009


>> No.29036099

Not sure if mentioned but Cobalt Finance is comfy

>> No.29036156

post contract adress or fuck off

>> No.29036181

damn, didn't know the dragonforce guitarist is in crypto

>> No.29036294

Yep, just send it as BEP20 and you're set.

>> No.29036361

$WYNAUT seriously. Meme power is extreme. farms are making people thousands a day. And it's only just beginning.

>> No.29036362


>> No.29036468

Second this, hugely undervalued

>> No.29036516

dumb pajeet

>> No.29036525

Shit, this actually looks good.
I'll throw in a bnb.

>> No.29036553

crow, it's about to do what all the other bsc coins did
look at its chart, the bottom was yesterday

>> No.29036627

Post link to chart.

>> No.29036800

You do realize that pajeet scammers are often anonymous? Thats what the meme is about you retard.

>> No.29036825

look at pancakebunny's chart, the small peak you see on the left is the peak from a few days ago of crow
now crow is on track of doing the last peak of bunny, that is, it will probably 5x from here
90% of bsc were doing that 5x but crow stayed low
what do you think will happen to crow now? plus they jus rebranded and released the talons, with more to come, like the finalization of the audit, a second audit, vaults (this mande acs moon hard), etc

>> No.29036854

t. triggered pajeet

>> No.29036886





>> No.29036916

bsc coins* just* made*
I swear am not a pajeet sirs

>> No.29037062


>> No.29037085

CoinGecko app desu

>> No.29037121

Sure man stay poor.

From my 5 minute research I found that the team tokens are locked, and that the project has been going for 1-2 years (even longer maybe I'm not sure their twitter started in 2017)

>> No.29037306

EGG the best

>> No.29037830
File: 110 KB, 975x1024, IMG_20210219_014827_784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty obvious, get on this one way train while you can.

>> No.29038247

any anon in $SOUL?? seems fresh as fuck

>> No.29038253

Just buy some bakes the buy orders are amazing this willngo to at least $3 eow

>> No.29038817

What do you think about Berry - BRY?

>> No.29038911

$ACSI Your welcome

>> No.29038919

How do you find these sooner?
I wish I got on AUTO earlier.

>> No.29038933

Most legit project on bsc rn. Which also means don't expect a x100.

>> No.29039117

When do rugpulls usually happen?
I'm new to this and never seen one.

>> No.29039318

Is there a quick guide on how to trade on pancakeswap? I moved my BNB to metamask and created the smart chain network, am I ready to buy and sell on pancake swap or am I missing some step?

>> No.29039580

Follow this

>> No.29039582

WYNAUT. Hasn't exploded yet. Get your ass in here.

>> No.29039848


>> No.29040025


>> No.29040084


>> No.29040094

If you have BNB on the smart chain network you are ready. Link your metamask wallet to pancake swap, making sure your wallet appears in the upper right hand corner. You may have to manually add the contract of the coin you want so pancakeswap can find it if it's obscure enough.

>> No.29040418

Kiwi finance 7000%

>> No.29041202

It's already there

>> No.29041399
File: 5 KB, 400x400, Raven-Protocol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this just seems obvious

>> No.29041732

Doesn't even take the Binance Chain Wallet.

>> No.29042135

McBase - It's AMPL with the memeability of MCDC. Only 500 holders. This is also the only token on BSC out right now with a rebase feature. Definitely going to blow up.

>> No.29042210

Why don't the pancakeswap price charts show any data

>> No.29042470

Is it way too late to purchase BAKE?

>> No.29042506


>> No.29042570
File: 252 KB, 1085x775, mcbase01new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McBase - It's AMPL with the memeability of MCDC. Only 500 holders. This is also the only token on BSC out right now with a rebase feature. Definitely going to blow up.
based and geyserpilled

>> No.29043022

I just went all in with ~200$, hoping for a quick 10x.

>> No.29043093

Is BAKE worth hodling ? EOTW ?

>> No.29043098

It's mooning by the seconds, it will reach 5$ eow

>> No.29043138

>Is BAKE worth hodling ? EOTW ?
stake for bry


>> No.29043265

sooo basically transfer to metamask then stake for free bry ?

>> No.29043366

> This is also the only token on BSC out right now with a rebase feature.
are you retarded?

>> No.29043370

>basically transfer to metamask
they should already be there

you bought bake on binance? lol

>> No.29043417

How much BRY do you get?

>> No.29043447

isn't obvious that I'm a massive newfag ? lmao

>> No.29043457

no idea lmao

>> No.29043528

>isn't obvious that I'm a massive newfag ? lmao

you must setup metamask to use bsc
otherwise if you send bsc tokens to your eth wallet they are gone!
google a guide

>> No.29043553

is there a TG chat that gives you all the newest coins? where are you guys finding out about these so quickly??

>> No.29043682

i'm in $SOULS help me make it

>> No.29043755

>is there a TG chat that gives you all the newest coins? where are you guys finding out about these so quickly??
yes :)

>> No.29043821

I have already sent bnb back and forth. Wanted to jump in cor 2 weeks ago when I started but missed out. How much are the gas fees to get the cake from metamask to the bakeswap ?

>> No.29043882


>> No.29043889

can someone please give me a qrd, whats with all the fucking foods. I am an old fag, been in crypto since crypto. Someone please shill smart money on this. Do youtube, i will give biz and the anon a headnod for helping.

>> No.29043903

>How much are the gas fees to get the cake from metamask to the bakeswap ?
nah you just spend directly on the bakeswap site from your metamask wallet

basically once they're on metamask, all the sites read your wallet (if you authorize)
no need to have dozens of wallets

>> No.29043990

Any thugs in this thread?

>> No.29044030


>> No.29044633

Any SMOKE users know if its worth to get sauce or just focus on the trading pair?

>> No.29044868

whatchu want boi? look in the streets rather than on an american racist frog forum

>> No.29044918

Unironically crudeoil, presale & launched on PCS today and farming coming very sooon

>> No.29045252

Im on banana as well, it is doing fine.
Do you know the market cap? Seems to be quite small even now

>> No.29045284

Is AUTO still a good buy? It's pretty expensive who's able to huy this What makes it so expensive/ price

>> No.29045564

How can you even check for stuff like locked liquidity on bsc stuff? The lack of tools is making this annoying.

>> No.29045643

>who's able to huy this
you realise you don't have to buy whole coins? it's expensive because the supply is low

>> No.29045820
File: 21 KB, 461x550, cbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just keep 1 window open with a pancake swap tab for each shitcoin you own from 1 shitcoin = X USDT

>> No.29045919

So when you're buying in, how do you know if it's mooned recently or not?

>> No.29046040

here's a graph

>> No.29046087

You keep track and don't FOMO like a retard

>> No.29046156

Look up the coin at coingecko.

>> No.29046245
File: 482 KB, 1500x1500, 1613409656008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the answer. barely $6 million cap and it's not on coingecko yet. $1 eow is fud

>> No.29046314

astrotools, its kinda fucky but better than nothing

>> No.29046433

Most coins for bsc are not on gecko.

>> No.29046717

200 IQ

>> No.29046937


>> No.29047521



>> No.29047535

Can I earn more Wynouts instead of Meowths?

Seems like they switched to that token.

>> No.29047746

look how fuckin cute this is
you're so early were still just counting wallet holders.
you're welcome

>> No.29047935

McBase , geyser with cake just went live an hour ago

>> No.29048503

Link? How the fuck do I even find the coin.

>> No.29048533

APOYield most def! 21k Cap? easy win

>> No.29048585

Alright I'm retard. Can someone spoon feed me a source or explain from start to finish how to buy cake right now in the US? I have a metamask and coins on coinbase ready to go. Do I have to register for Binance.us? If so, some one want to send me a referral? I know I need some coin to use as gas, BSC right? How do I get BSC, only Binance? Does Binance.us have it? Also, I have to change the Meta Mask RPC right to some custom one? That wont fuck with the Etherium or Reef I have stored in my metamask will it?

>> No.29048613

Price target is 1/2 of current price? Why are people buying this at $12 when it re-bases to $5.66?

>> No.29048768

Go to pancake.swap and go to Trade, click on Exchange then Bridge (get on your VPN and connect outside of USA). Click connect, connect your metamask ETH wallet and bridge MM Eth to binance smart chain. The address you send it to is the same (eth/bnb) so it'll be your same wallet address. This is how you swap ETH to BNB/BSC Eth. Once finished, hop back on Pancake Swap and exchange your wrapped ETH to BNB or CAKE.

>> No.29048843


>> No.29048849

Search BSC RPC or Binance Chain on MetaMask and follow the insturctions to add a custom RPC.

>> No.29048901
File: 176 KB, 1125x1261, 311D4C37-FBDF-4C7E-8680-1868DCB607D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do I check prices on BAKE? I feel like the dextools isn’t right but I could be wrong

>> No.29048913

Kimochi you fat cunts
300-400k project.

Easy x100

>> No.29049002

drop a link nigger

>> No.29049067

What's the downside of staking?

>> No.29049269


just aped in

jesus so fucking early

>> No.29049281

Don't worry, smoothbrain. I just figured this out myself.

You're gonna want to use a VPN to connect to regular Binance.com. US version is gay; don't even bother with it. When you sign up for an account and deposit whatever coins into your Binance wallet, you can convert to BNB. It also allows you to withdraw the BNB directly onto BSC and into your Metamask wallet. To do so, configure Metamask to the custom RPC: Network Name: BSC Mainnet
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed1.binance.org/
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com/

Take the address of your Metamask wallet (should be the same as ETH) and use that for the target for your BNB BEP-20 withdrawal. In a few minutes the amount should show up in Meta.

Then all you have to do is go to Pancakeswap.finance (which is essentially the Uni of BSC) and do everything the same as you would with Uniswap, except using your BSC wallet.

>> No.29049305

ATH now

>> No.29049314

Beflect. Finance 0xbe609eacbfca10f6e5504d39e3b113f808389056

>> No.29049422

whats the dextools equivalent for BCS

>> No.29049711

I don’t even know man, nobody is answering me either. Apparently coingecko is pretty accurate but who knows

>> No.29049807

Only farm MEOWTH so you can buy more WYNAUT

>> No.29049891


>> No.29049894

there isn't one, that's how early we are.

>> No.29049974

Fucking newfags I swear. Look at TVL / FDMC to get a picture. Not that you understand what that means

>> No.29049998

You don't need to use the Binance bridge with VPN. Rubic.exchange does BSC cross-chain swaps, no need for VPN or anything. You'll need to add BSC network to MM, though.
Just a heads up, but if you see your wallet is still empty after the transaction succeeds, you need to add the Binance Pegged ETH token address as a custom token in Metamask.
Also, you'll need some BNB in your wallet in order to pay transaction fees, but they are very cheap.

>> No.29050069


>> No.29050127

Rubic.exchange is making it easy.
They also have a really good tutorial how to use the bridge

>> No.29050132

how close is CAKE affiliated with binance?

>> No.29050642

I thought Rubic was a scam like the McDonald coin lmao

>> No.29050749

Is that illegal? I don't want feds to arrest me over Pancakes.

>> No.29050776


>> No.29050891

The amount of fiver hired low quality fudders that usually just troll telegram and discord has arrived. Do everyone a favor, kys

>> No.29051019

ape into goodboi bro, hours old, get your 10x and bounce

>> No.29051073

Who else here is just buying every token that is created rn? Fuckin SEAL Yield just in, brb

>> No.29051101

KEBAB, about to 2-3x


>> No.29051208

I swear, by the end of this cycle I will do a world tour and kill shills - just for fun

>> No.29051264

kek their website suffer the same fate as goose

>> No.29051452

Whats with the salt? Not making any gains or what?

>> No.29051511

how do I buy this ??

>> No.29051562
File: 52 KB, 1503x625, unknown-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pegasus, wynaught/Ampl/ditto clone but with a use case. Crowdsale in 2 days. Pegasusprotocol org cya on the moon

>> No.29051784

Only got $400 where would you put it?

>> No.29051793

Can I buy BSC through MetaMask once I change the network? Then get cake through the swap?

>> No.29051799

do I go into BAKE or BURGER?

currently hodling like 14 burger

>> No.29053037

new meme token thats less than a day hold. easy x10, just pull out at x10 and dont get greedy because it will inevitably dump in a week

>> No.29053046

New PnD shitcoin.
Mc less than 50k.
Thank me later.

>> No.29053096
File: 12 KB, 532x311, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i do? theres no "confirm" option in my wallet

>> No.29053156

Egg has a 30x left in it
BFI also

>> No.29053177


>> No.29053217

this, desu banana looks strong as fuck.

>> No.29053234

only 300 holders i cant belive how early we are

>> No.29053236

if you are using binance wallet, switch over to metamask

>> No.29053318

$Gren token anon

150k MC
moon it to 1M with me anon

>> No.29053342


>> No.29053455

why do you think egg came before banana ?

>> No.29053621

kek, 2019 rugpull that got remade in BSC. their old coingecko has the same medium page too

>> No.29053709

FLATH official flath earth society coin
you can buy it on pancakeswap


>> No.29053844

Have they really burned more tokens than the current circulating supply?

>> No.29053925

Flat Earth Society is controlled opposition

>> No.29053993

I sold my my stacks on all of these yield tokens and swapped them to burger, bake, bscex, shield and venus. All of the big money is in these projects not in the 100 clones of yield farming projects that are being pumped out of the pajeet factory.

>> No.29054051

All about RAMEN

>> No.29054138

Did the broken english convince you? Or maybe was it the Twitter account with just 7 weird tweets?

>> No.29054176

BAKE is about to explode in the coming days thanks to it's relatively low mc

>> No.29054189


>> No.29054201

GOAT - just finished presale, AS EARLY AS YOU CAN BE ANON


>> No.29054210

$MDX easily. Binance's new exchange on the BSC. It's the next BNB that will 10x once it hits Binance. It's less than 8c right now- it's a no brainer.

Only available from Mandala at the moment.

mandala (Dot) exchange
5% off fees with 4X1V3629

>> No.29054229

>banned from tg for asking whether it contains migrator code
kek enjoy your rug

>> No.29054238

use pancakeswap
token contract: 0x4dA95bd392811897cde899d25FACe253a424BfD4

>> No.29054312

Burnt from MCDC. Why your token?

>> No.29054322


no, it was the fact this is less than one day old, had 200 holders up until an hour ago when they reached 400, a 400k mcap, the meme potential and the active telegram
you'd have to be a fucking retard not to buy it

>> No.29054353

shit niggas get in goodboi now

>> No.29054467

goddam it kimochi look fucking good haha

>> No.29054501
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>> No.29054577
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to all the newfags, this is what a rug with a fishing pole at the end of it looks like. every post is about "early", nothing about what it does or why its useful.

>> No.29054794

Holy crap you idiots just aping into random projects are going to get rekt hard. At least you'll learn something.

And stop talking about BSC. I know you're making money and want to share that with others but it's only going to hurt your future gains. Let the laggards figure it out on their own. When reddit gets a hold of this it's over.

>> No.29055555

So i swapped bnb to eth and it says "contract completed" in my wallet but i dont have any tokens. wtf help

>> No.29055687


all these BSC moonshots like Wynaut had no fucking use except number go up and it still made people rich, be smart about it ffs, recognize the fucking pattern, these memes always do a 10x if you buy DAY 2

>> No.29055690

Check BSC scan

>> No.29056050

how do I buy?

>> No.29056104

your wallet doesnt know what the shit is that you just bought. you have to add the new meme coins ID code from bsc scan to ur wallet so it knows what it is. You have the coin, try buying more, it tells you you have a balance.

>> No.29056119


pancakeswap anon


>> No.29056175


>> No.29056192


you are literally gambling on the greed of the team in mumbai with both hands on the rug. sure, its more profitable for everyone for them to wait, but i've seen rugpulls happen 30 minutes after they shill the token

>> No.29056256

but some in FLATH , the official flath earth society token is available on uniswap !


>> No.29056360

is this my chance to make it?

>> No.29056871

GBOI its mooning. 500 holders get in quick sirs

>> No.29056989


there's no fucking way to pull this rug, LP tokens burned, no minting, biggest whale has only like 10%


>> No.29057469
File: 54 KB, 564x601, 1150753835136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNB up 22% and everything else is red on Binance rn

>> No.29057779
File: 192 KB, 1241x1827, 4D815A30-6967-4598-B49F-25D9BDD3C68A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You not buying the actual fucking ath, right anon?

>> No.29057974
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, 1521504017271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to get Binance cash account verified so I can trade crypto like the big boys
>taking a couple days, alright kind of strange
>check average wait time
>takes 1 to 2 fucking months apparently

Yeah is there a quicker way to start trading this stuff

>> No.29058069

570 now

>> No.29058561


>> No.29058581

Buy on BNB on kucoin or just direct on trust wallet

>> No.29058594

I had the same problem, just use bank transfer instead of credit, you should be able to buy before the full verification (I have my ID verified but still not my address). It's gonna take 1-2 days for the cash to transfer over but it's better than waiting weeks.

>> No.29059078

you can buy bnb within 30 mins on trustwallet

>> No.29059278

Whenever I try and buy something it just says "confirm transaction in wallet" but nothing pops up in my wallet.

I am using Binance Chain wallet.

>> No.29059309

At least have the dignity of not having a presale on your shitcoin, pajeet.
Also, nice second try after the previous goat dumped to 0.

>> No.29059788


LiveCoinWatch has some of them, but not all.

>> No.29059795

people have been having problems with binance wallet, try metamask or trustwallet

>> No.29059835

What other coins are there? I have CAKE, CROW, KEBAB, BERRY, GBOI, BAKE, EGG
Got 0.2 BNB for fun in each one.

>> No.29059901


>> No.29059937

There's gboi and skat, both animal themed rugpulls started like 2 hours ago. Currently going up.

>> No.29060018

best play?
try to not lose your bnb

>> No.29060036

Oh, you already have gboi.
Uh... RAVEN then. Add anoyher bird tolen to your CROW.

>> No.29060112


FET is finally starting to catch up to BTC after bleeding for Q4

>> No.29060170

Another* bird token*
God I can't type on mobile.

>> No.29060177
File: 108 KB, 1268x2002, 14c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not buying GOODBOI early.


>> No.29060180
File: 37 KB, 176x176, 1530914011648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after I buy BNB I would just sell it on Binance to be able to buy other coins right

>> No.29060185

it already did a x10 and already rugpulled.

>> No.29060498

I can't believe all these animal rugpull shitcoins.

Is there not a real project being launched on BSC?

>> No.29060690


>> No.29060707

cool, now I cot crows, ravens and eggs made by geese, kek

>> No.29060779
File: 371 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210218-204940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaving this here

>> No.29061116

EGG dip now good time to buy, incubator coming lots of room to grow still

>> No.29061169

are you completely new to this? This thread is about BSC (binance smart chain) which are shitcoins that can be exchanged from BNB --> shitcoin, basically degenerate gambling. If you want to buy legit coins and hold long term just sign up for an exchange like binance, or coinbase pro and link your bank account and buy the coins you want directly. It will take a while for your identity to be verified though.

>> No.29061294

BUNNY (pancake bunny), not a scam unlike many of the other tokens here

>> No.29061442

ive been in bunny for a little while. what are your thoughts on this crabbing? 115-160 range is driving me insane

>> No.29061724

Consolidation I think, but if it dumps i'll ape out fast

>> No.29061940

Spoon-feed me about all these tokens.
I know nothing about pancake swap

>> No.29061966

How long we holding EGG for?
Also tg?

>> No.29062008

it's like uniswap but a thousand times more retarded

>> No.29062141

at least for 10hours more, im going to sleep, dont rug pull me