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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 192 KB, 736x1024, everest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29024512 No.29024512 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not accumulating like real whales do? Stop wasting your time on /biz/ PnDs. Tomorrow release of AMA, Staking and Alphas.


>> No.29024912

Because if the app release is delayed to next week, then I'll get to buy this coin on sale.

>> No.29024918

staking and alpha is delayed

>> No.29024955

Post a source or GTFO!

>> No.29024988

Is this the new FUD we hop on now?

>> No.29025007

25k ID bought?
Whale litterly bought every single coin for some reason.
Ama won't do a shit to the price.
They won't release a shit tomorrow. They releasing this shit since 1 year.

>> No.29025103

>They releasing this shit since 1 year.

Can someone translate? I don't speak poo.

>> No.29025151

how low will it go when they announce the delay ?

>> No.29025208

My guess is 0,5 for a short while, then recover back to 0,6 and slowly move back up.
Week delay doesn't matter in the long run. Only weak hands will panic and sell at below 0,7.

>> No.29025215

0.58 atleast

>> No.29025547

The presale was 15 cents

>> No.29025646

you guys realise this does need to actually pump during this bull run? fudding for accumulation is all well and good but bobo will fuck this project in a couple of months and we will be left with the bags. tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.29026633

Yeah retarded nigger fudders have killed many other projects, see Spaceswap. Even though it was a sketchy project it could have easily gone to $20M but fudding greedy niggers tried to fud it and got fucked in the ass in return.

>> No.29026787

This project doesn't need /biz/. Either they have their tech ready and done with 4 years of dev or it is over.

>> No.29026864

This shitswap or whatever swap wasn't partnered with literal globohomo NGOs

>> No.29026890

This. As nice the idea of Everest sounds, we need this shit to start pumping during the bull market for maximum gains otherwise you will be waiting for 5 years for any usecase driven demand which isn't even guaranteed at all. All kinds of shit can happen to projects.

>> No.29027031

Yup I hold 10k of this coin but no product after 4 years is a death sentence

>> No.29027125

You can say the same thing about LINK which is the biggest globohomo shitcoin and look how that turned out. Limp dick pump to 10 dollars above previous ATH and continous crabbing, even boomercoin is outperforming it. No hype = no pump

>> No.29027240

The new fud is spamming "dis go to 60c sell NOW" all over the threads and the telegram.

>> No.29027277

Didn't link go 100x in 2 years? I'd be cool with those gains.

>> No.29027362

LINK was and still is completely different from every crypto project. Everest might be a nice project, but it is nowhere near Chainlink tier when it comes to connections, team, founder, tokenomics, no hype approach etc.

>> No.29027807

Checked. It did and its still massively undervalued. My point is that simply because a project has solid fundamentals does not mean that it will be reflected on the token price.

>> No.29028040

If these morons did one ounce of rudimentary research they'd know ID is the only blockchain solution from ID2020 backed by gates foundation and rockefeller foundation.

You're welcome for the spoonfeed amateurs

>> No.29028097

Toomas, Estonian Blockchain president, possible CIA Agent, Everest Advisor
Radio Liberty was a CIA front/psyop, that the CIA 'official' quit operating in 1976

>> No.29028146
File: 149 KB, 1276x956, 1613338869045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a newfag to biz guys
>but i did a ton of research. ill dump it here. the fud did almost get to me though today >when isaw the big wallets dump. i'm up tens of thousands on this and GRT



>> No.29028182

He was also a member of the trilateral commission.

>> No.29028192

It is still 0.88 though, rockefellers are not very happy about the project then

>> No.29028264

Rockefeller is the seed investor who is dumping

>> No.29028273

Yep, just spoonfeeding some of the anons here. There's much more information available if you decide to peer deeper, but many glowie spooks involved in this one.

>> No.29028316

I like to think it's a /biz/ whalebro keeping the price down for other bros, the chart says this thing is in an ascending triangle and that shit looks like it's about to breakout 20-30%

>> No.29028519

Also another crumb to look for is the mention of mojaloop.

>> No.29028527

on the 8th he said "next week or so", but on the 12th he just said "next week". relax

>> No.29029083

Yeah, I know. I expect Bob to deliver, but he might have overpromised and things might be behind on schedule.
Would be more reassuring for us if he established an exact date instead of saying "next week or so". But I suspect he's more interested in working on his platform than reassuring token speculators trying to 5x in a week.

>> No.29029151


Ding ding ding..

This guy is 100% right.

Go and watch the videos and read the press releases.

The app is built and tested, massive partnerships secured and governments would cup the balls of Bob the CEO to get on board.

Indonesia already is.. PNG doing stuff and they working with Australia financial intelligence agency AUSTRAC.

Seller of this before $20 are low IQ and deserve to stay poor.

The rest of us.. we secure the requisite 100k ID make it stack and march to the Citadel.

>> No.29029261

god I fucking hope you are right

>> No.29029542


I'm just like you, putting my faith in these shills

>> No.29029772

I hate this coin and I'm not even that deep in.

Nothing is worse than an Eth token so stable you can't even swing trade without gas rape.

>> No.29029778

that sounds like the linguistic patterns of a romance language speaker (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian)

>> No.29029828

where are you from, friend? we must resolve a series of internal questions.
t. sages internally

>> No.29029876


are you kidding me? It's constantly going up and down 10-20%

unless you're a poorfag trading less than 1k, you can easily make money if you're smart

>> No.29029934

you are an unfortunate person with a consistently negative outlook, and I don’t know if it’s something that can be trained out of you. It might be genetic. Is your family also very negative? What were your microsystem environmental factors like in relation to parental attitudes towards optimism?

>> No.29030113

Hello fellow 100k holder

>> No.29030147

exactly. even though I believe this will eventually 100x I will not be left holding the bags for a year. It pains me to say but i will sell if this doesn't move in the next week and I think that is generous, there just isnt enough time anymore, this needs to start ((happening)) now imo.

>> No.29030211

oh nooo, please sirs do not sell!!!!! Imagine what you will do that price sirs!

>> No.29030282
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>> No.29030293
File: 137 KB, 2422x1334, therideneverends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, i am actually the one who did this research, you are copy and pasting links from me
ive seen sold and denounced this project

>> No.29030362

this is terrible and who ever made this should feel terrible

>> No.29030414

I think this is a scam. The seed investors should not be dumping. Price manipulation from anyone else would be expected, but this just doesn't add up.
The project must have been a failure, and what we see now I think is the investment firms passing the costs on to you guys.
I will buy back in when they actually have something concrete.
The seed investor dump is unethical and might even be a SEC violation

>> No.29030458

I'm being realistic. You sound pretty triggered for some reason though kek.

>> No.29030470

So and what? They have huge amounts of collabs in this month

>> No.29030475
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>> No.29030521

But u can see on the charts! They are very promising

>> No.29030567


It's ARPA until MPC bubble (and free Bella Protocol) or nothing desu. You can't have it both ways.

>> No.29030570

I would politely request that you answer the question: were your parents and close family at all negative in their consistent outlooks? Did they always expect things to turn out “realistically?“

>> No.29030600


>> No.29030611
File: 400 KB, 750x747, 1605148006883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29030665

Srry but where’s all proofs? It is just your senses about Project nothing else. Keep calm and hold, let’s see who was right!

>> No.29030682

I understand. Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy continuing to create your own experience.

>> No.29030692

You lie. This seed investor is sitting on millions and hasn't sold in days:
Also, if you "did the research", then you should know Everest is a Maltese company with a Maltese banking license. SEC doesn't matter.

>> No.29030769

You're welcome bro

>> No.29030848

when i click on erc20 tokens it says he's taken out ID tokens 18 times. sorry
what would the sneed investors know that we wouldn't?

>> No.29030895

>when i click on erc20 tokens it says he's taken out ID tokens 18 times. sorry

Yes, he probably took out enough to cover his original investment. Now he's sitting on over 2mil $ID and hasn't sold in days.

>> No.29030935

I sold and took profit just like the price manipulators are doing.
this project won't get far at all without US compliance. Where is proof of their banking license?
A seed investor shouldn't have been able to sell at all. The seed investors are supposed to be big orgs.
Something just doesn't add up. I'm not risking this. These people were probably inspired by Elon Musk and decided they could get away with listing their product on a DEFI and recovering their losses on it.
that the product might be shit. all we know is that everest did do something, we don't know how well it worked. The only info we have about that is from Everest, so its biased and could be made up.

>> No.29030960

or does "out" mean out of HIS account and not out of ID? it says from his address to uniswap v2: id so i belive so.

>> No.29031061

could you link me directly to "the seed investors" adresses in question?

>> No.29031068

So what price are you fudders hoping for today? Yesterday 0.79 was the bottom, today it hasn't gone below 0,85.

>> No.29031105


>> No.29031140

As every day 0.7 will be possible and as every day 1$ will be possible too. Tomorrow will decide if we break out or not

>> No.29031190

I made 4k profit off of this shit show.
i just feel bad because I dug so deep into this and shared it, and I constantly see my words being copy and pasted to justify the legitimacy of this program.
Just because they have corporate ties doesn't mean its not a scam.

>> No.29031234


In the meanwhile another gold fish is accumulating. 120k and increasing.

>> No.29031254
File: 165 KB, 1490x839, sneed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it says "from" over his address and "to" over uniswap, doesn't that mean he's buying, and the money is going out of HIS account?

>> No.29031268

why are you so obsessed over fuding this if you are not a long term holder just trade and make money why bother fuding ?

>> No.29031298

any anime with crazy bitches like her?

>> No.29031378

He thinks he can influence the price with his low tier FUD. Only thing is coordinated new and original FUD like "Seed investors dumping" or "hahaha everything delayed" will make newfags dump their paper hands.

>> No.29031430

never mind
the ui is just terrible, if you click on the txn hash it says he sold id for ether

>> No.29031499

I've yet to see any convincing indication it's a scam.
Their idea is solid. (Digital ID does work in Estonia and combining it with biometrics and crypto is a good idea.)
Bob has a history working in IT and business.
The pilot project in Indonesia worked.
A lot of big names take Everest seriously.
He managed to convince seed investors to buy in for millions.
He's been making moves to get $ID listed on more exchanges.
He's been working on it for years.

Doesn't smell like a scam to me. Only concern is he may have overpromised and project could be behind schedule. But I'm patient. I don't need to 10x next month.

>> No.29031501

he could be swinging, its very predictable. it goes to 80c and then 12-24 hours back up to 1 dollars, then gets dumped to 70cents
not fud, i just feel bad because I know many bought into this because of the leads I discovered.

>> No.29031552

none of the wallets are locked, they are all private

>> No.29031634

You can check the TNX. He is only buying and never sold. Maybe he is a bigger gold fish and has a 2nd wallet which is selling, and buying only with this wallet, which would be a logistic mess. I doubt it.

You made 4k already, so time to find a new project and stop wasting your time. Either swing it or hodl it.

>> No.29031708

>he could be swinging, its very predictable. it goes to 80c and then 12-24 hours back up to 1 dollars, then gets dumped to 70cents

Last time it was at 70c was feb 15 and only for a short time.

It's so obvious you're just fudding. Not going to work though - most people holding this are smart enough to understand the project is good. Your low effort fud is easy to see through.

>> No.29031726

Oh no you are the retard from yesterday. Hugh Mungus stop it already.

>> No.29031730

he has sold before

>> No.29031946

I trust you more now. Why are you so sure that because of ONE (1) random investor it will never go higher and the app is doomed? Why would he have inside information? Would someone really create a website, hire or lure ID2020/Toomas Ilves/AAVE during several years just to clown on us?
Can you prove that the 80% wallet is locked and this won't be a rugpull?

>> No.29032140
File: 135 KB, 1365x679, Everest_lockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 80% wallet isn't supposed to be locked. Bob himself said in AMA that this week Everest's accountants will divide the tokens in team wallet according to this chart. And that's exactly what's been happening.

>> No.29032143

US law is currently fucked, and these people have deep establishment democrat ties. Even low level leftists in America can act with impunity even in murder cases. Elon musk can go on twitter and influence the crypto world with no repurcussions, and then use his tax grants to buy bitcoin.
This is something easy to get away with, especially if you are in the camp of people making the rules.
There is no good explanation for the seed investors to not have frozen tokens. Plus they omitted this from the tokenomics

>> No.29032207

the wallets they went to are not locked, its just regular wallets, that is my point

>> No.29032214

So... what coin are you invested in now? How sure are you that this will dump? Are you willing to put money on the line?

>> No.29032298

>Can you prove that the 80% wallet is locked and this won't be a rugpull?
He can't because they are not locked by a smart contract. That's why the tokens got moved ocer the last 2 days from the main wallet. Because they are not fucking locked. The CHANCE to get rugpulled exists.

>> No.29032303

I'm just in GRT right now, not sure what to go into next if corporations are going to start passing their failed project costs on to retail traders.

>> No.29032311

You fuck off!
We already know you're lying. >>29031708

>> No.29032474

wow bro I got the numbers wrong you sure debunked me
shut the fuck up retard, you know what I meant. It goes down to fucking 80, the dips to 70 get eaten instantly, breaking 1 dollar gets dumped back down to 70 or 80, this has been happening all week

>> No.29032573

btw, how do you check how much money an address has? do you just estimate on the amount of ether they buy/sell?

>> No.29032680

it says in the overview man

>> No.29032771


>> No.29032816
File: 26 KB, 1208x509, Everest_red_line_80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More lies. Since monday it has only been below 80 twice.

>> No.29033172

So are you basing your entire narrative of a project off of just an address? Are you sure you are reading his actions correctly and the situation is that all these high profiles banded together for years just to fuck over 4000 4channers? Even if you have one strong proof there is a lot of strong proof on the buyers' side

>> No.29033481

answer me, i am asking you in good faith