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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 599x423, czbtfoingem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29022296 No.29022296 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29022312


>> No.29022386

Bots spamming 0 transactions.

>> No.29022527

this is funny, how must be vitalik feeling right now

>> No.29022668

We're all on BSC now get left behind niggers

>> No.29022716
File: 355 KB, 1103x2167, 090f3ce9-6f93-434c-96a1-cde0acedf7fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's real lmao.

>> No.29022785

sorry not buying ur chinkerum

>> No.29022809
File: 418 KB, 750x744, 1613520274956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29022846

The block: https://bscscan.com/txs?block=4985285

>> No.29022895

Is there something chinks can do without lying?

>> No.29022914

and i'm sure the validators are making next to nothing, because they're all run by CZ and he's just using this to pump BNB and dump on a bunch of retards

>> No.29022973

has anyone tried to run a binance node?

oh that's right, you can't. only ccp operatives can run one

lmao at this, peak bull market

>> No.29023046

its not a lie, I did 50 transactions on bsc today and only 2 on eth. They weren't substantial though just compounding farms. Eth were real trades.

>> No.29023051


>> No.29023118

God I love him so much, he really cares about bringing accessible finance to the whole world. I cannot wait for BNB to be the world reserve currency. Anyone else been jerking off to pics of CZ these past couple days?

>> No.29023167

Holy shit is that a literal copy of etherscan?

>> No.29023172

He says as were about to hit 2k

>> No.29023194

U jelly?

>> No.29023197
File: 42 KB, 646x595, 1596853004886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has there been no transactions for almost the past hour?


>> No.29023230

stay away from CZ shitcoins holy shit

I feel bad for the people about to be rugpulled by bnb

>> No.29023250

I've done more transactions on BSC during the past 7 days than during 4 years on Ethereum lmao. It feels like 2017 all over again, the fees are so small that you can easily get in/out of projects

>> No.29023324

reminds me of when EOS claimed they had more volume in eos dapps than on ETH dapps, but if you looked into it it was just a few users named like EOSTOTHEMOON spamming 50k eos 49.xx% dice rolls kek

>> No.29023454

Lol I've got a decent stack riding on bonded finance ive been considering the fact that no cunt is gonna buy eth shit fml

>> No.29023494

Etherium users are good goys, paying up those fees aka interest rates to the jews.

>> No.29023523

It's Chinese, what do you think?

>> No.29023584

that's a great move the most of the normies won't get

>> No.29023586

Etherscan team created it.

>> No.29023649

How big are the fess compared to ETH?

>> No.29023680

Bots down. Don't worry.

>> No.29023713
File: 192 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210218-101223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I hate Etharium, I can't even move uni out cos high fucking gas fees. I'm a poor let who has no spare cash. Fuck what should I do .

I severely hope that Etharium gets butt fucked

>> No.29023735

He should be more grateful. Ethereum has done more for the crypto world than his exchange has. His exchange literally wouldn't be where it is today without ETH. He made billions on the ecosystem.

Talking about a knife in the back. He should be supporting them, not mocking them.

>> No.29023772

Based China wins ONCE AGAIN

>> No.29023808
File: 775 KB, 220x220, 1613298565306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. Can't say I'm surprised, China's doing what China does best.

>> No.29023848

Why are retard poorfags like you too stupid to trade on a CEX?
If you can't cough up the gas money and you're choosing to trade on the chain with the biggest gas fees, why would you ever consider doing things actually on chain?

>> No.29023858

Lmao now that I think of it the "compounding" on things like pancakeswap is counted as a transaction. People do this dozens of times a day. Not so hard to get millions of transactions then

>> No.29023921

Feel sorry about yourself, etherfag.

>> No.29023940

>muh volume of transactions
t. every single ETH killer

>> No.29023948


>> No.29023982

Nobody says a CDEX is going to replace ethereum, but I have to say, the experience of low gas fees and fast transactions feels amazing.

I can see a long lived future where it coexists and acts as a swing trading shitcoin station

>> No.29024036
File: 78 KB, 800x757, 1613559025876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you CZ for creating an entire blockchain for Indian scammers to be contained on so the rest of us can accumulate and stake in peace on eth!

>> No.29024090

lol vitacuck must be absolutely seething right now

>> No.29024200
File: 77 KB, 323x315, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29024299

>read his twitter
>he's a full on scammer
I don't feel so good using binance bros... I thought this is a serious business run by a serious businessman

>> No.29024605

I trusted a friend who inevitably knew nothing about crypto. As such since I've switched services I've seen a doubling of my assets. But doubling of $300 is still only $600

>> No.29024774

Cz is just a scamming chink lmao. When binance 'crashed' and no one could trade spot for an hour bsc transactions dropped to fuck all. The day before cz was boasting how they had overtaken eth in transactional volume for the day. Pretty obvious there is a high level of manipulation.

>> No.29024795

Isn't BNB just an eth clone, but CZ controls all the validators, setting the gas prices rock bottom?

>> No.29024836


>> No.29024898
File: 18 KB, 2108x132, warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every fucking exchange on BSC give me this same warning message when I click the Info page? Just how janky is this Chinese malware?

>> No.29024922

lmao thats the worst chink scam of the year, yet
why are brainlets still falling for obvious garbage like this?

>> No.29024976

the day this chink and his scammer friend justin go to jail is the day crypto will mature into a respectable market

>> No.29025053

Get fucked ethkike

>> No.29025059

it shows 0 BNB when you trade tokens you retards

>> No.29026134

Still q fucking adress responsible for 56 million txs.
More users my ass.

>> No.29026502

This Just like Satoj spamming BSV with spam transactions, cringe, seethe, and dilate

>> No.29026739

Look at all the failed transactions retard. They are filling blocks with fake tx.

>> No.29026985

Jesus the FUD here is fucking pathetic. Are all the fudders low IQ pakis or something? Come on you fatass burgers, come with up better FUD just because you yanks are left out hahaha. Fuck off ETHKIKES HAHAHA

>> No.29027041

Looks fine to me retard


>> No.29027118

cope and seethe ethfags

>> No.29027346

>chinks wash trading

>> No.29027595

You know it's 300k liquidity to get onto launchpad right?

Next September if something doesn't launch through binance you'll be saying "rugpull pajeets, can't back their own product"

>> No.29028072

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