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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29021833 No.29021833 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is happening with BNB? why that fucking bat eater shit so high?

>> No.29021865

not buying BNB and XRP on principle

>> No.29021879

Because you obese sharters can't buy any jajajajajajajajajajajajaja enjoy watching you cuckold

>> No.29021899

>Year of the Bull
I see now...

>> No.29021938

Pancakeswap is overtaking uniswap, and projects are now beginning to integrate with BSC

>> No.29021985

Because pancakeswap uses BNB. When you see all these ponzi scams being shilled here, you know it's time to buy BNB.

>> No.29022017

Bugs N Bats

>> No.29022078
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Its literally just because they forked the quickest. Solana, polkadot, cosmos are about to take a huge amount of the bsc mcap

>> No.29022098
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If any anon misses this gold rush while it is happening you give up your rights of ever posting pink wojakcs

>> No.29022187

It's sad that peeps here don't seem to remember what happened with STAKE/xDAI/HNY a while ago.

History repeats itself.

>> No.29022347

The Chinese are winning for now , accept your defeat graciously and give them your paper dollares.

>> No.29022416

because accounts are being verified and binance is the largest trading platform.. Plus they advertise their coin all over the platform.

>> No.29022948

crypto is literally ran entirely by the chinese lmao, how the fuck have you not realized this yet?

>> No.29023014

He made a rip-off Uniswap with even more blatant scams because people want to flip and trade right now but don’t want to pay insane ETH fees.