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File: 346 KB, 1065x1732, Screenshot_20210218-050711_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29011284 No.29011284 [Reply] [Original]

How am I looking boys? Working towards 100 LINK, then I have 3 different suicide stacks.

Is it called that because you won't wanna hero in the meantime in case it moons, or so you don't find the nearest bridge if it moons without you?
Either way post your poorfagfolios below let's see em and compare

>> No.29011327

when'd you first get into this

>> No.29011339

They're called suicide stacks because when the stack drops to being worthless you'll commit suicide. How does your portfolio being worth $0.00001 EOM sound?

>> No.29011407

About 4 months ago, why? Im very new

>> No.29011439

Looks like about a week ago with a 3k investment

>> No.29011462

I don't think I'll be killing myself over 5 thousand dollars lol. Why do you think that?

>> No.29011491

Why so late on GRT? That shit was shilled hard at .70 and went pajeet tier shilling at over 1.00

>> No.29011519

I've been a fan of PNK and RSR from when I started a few months ago, and kept accumulating LINK. used to hold a lot of eth but really it will what, double this bullrun?

>> No.29011575

It's an interesting new project, I'm not married to it though I know the tokenomics are horrific

Thinking about getting a small bag of nano or synthetix or adding to my nucypher. What do you think anon

>> No.29011577

Because anyone with less than 6 figures in crypto is a poorfag or boomer.

>> No.29011645

>biggest holding is LINK

You will make it despite your baby stack.

>> No.29011657

well yeah im clearly a poorfag, what of it

>> No.29011799

Thanks for the hopium my man

>> No.29012202
File: 427 KB, 1080x2007, Screenshot_20210217-230957_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me /biz/. I only started investing 2 weeks ago. (I've been lurking on and off though to have missed both ETH and LINK at prime prices).

I want to essentially HODL and trade as little as possible and DCA over time. But I need a big quick win to get decent capital. I'm betting on OPENDAO, but any suggestions would be nice. I just want to make it.

>> No.29012310

I bought Mochimo yesterday because of the constant shilling. Bought it at .08 per coin. Today it's .30. I fucking love you guys.

>> No.29012386 [DELETED] 

How am I doing so far /biz/? I got into crypto about a month ago, and I’ve got about $750 invested capital. I also have 45 AVAX, not included in that $750 estimate - I bought them at ~$15

>> No.29012398

You're the same as me anon planning to hold for years and DCA over long time. I'm young so have the advantage of time on my hands.

I think DCA into DeFi bluechips over time and you'll be set. fingers crossed we both make it!

>> No.29012455
File: 476 KB, 1170x2532, 7EFE5B31-D180-4B85-AA2D-C88ABB0E084B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing so far /biz/? I got into crypto about a month ago, and I’ve got about $750 invested capital. I also have 45 AVAX, not included in that $750 estimate - I bought them at ~$15

>> No.29012470

unironically bnb for DCA and put like 500 bucks in a couple BSC shitcoins.

Just pull out before you 10x or you're gonna rugged

>> No.29012522
File: 296 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2021-02-18-16-15-20-122_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with my rubic? Over all I'm up only 2x from where I started a month ago, feels like I've completely missed alt season

>> No.29012545

Actually I’m sorry, I think it might be a little bit more than 750 that I put in to get to the amount in pic related. I forgot about buying a second stack of NU, not sure how much I spent on it but it was a lot cheaper when I bought it back then

>> No.29012604

Buy Nu, sythetix or Bancor id say. A promising DeFi project in the top 100 basically

>> No.29012606

Consolidate. Seek more risk.

>> No.29012650
File: 398 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210217-223116_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a shitcoiner.

Always been a shitcoiner, always will be a shitcoiner. It isn't much but it is honest work and I can go home to my wife and dog proud every night.

>> No.29012680

Look kid im gonna be frank and i want you to remember these words. "You cant be a pussy in a bull market". Youre spread out too thin... Liquidate all those positions buy UNN and hold it til it hits. Once it does (it will) now youre really in the game and only one move away from the real money.

>> No.29012697

So which is it? Fast gains or long term holds?

>> No.29012754

Why link? Can't even stake that shit.

>> No.29012851

Honest advice here from a non-pajeet person with a 1 mill portfolio and been here for 4+ years

sell everything except LINK and maybe some GRT

youre better off with BNT and GRT for moonshots. sell everything else and buy more ETH LINK

sell nucypshit and buy BTC or ETH to stabilize your portfolio

youre a pajeet

youll lose it all but thats OK you had fun

>> No.29012855
File: 398 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20210218-003454_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29012856
File: 117 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210217-213910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ur graph up, I'd like to get some LINK n HBAR next potentially while increasing my grt n amp

>> No.29012922

not bad. sell XLM and BAT for BTC

you wont make any money

>> No.29012938

I also hold 1k XRP just in case $2k EOY pans out and everyone who didn't buy ends up roping

>> No.29012970

wasting your time and money

>> No.29012976

UNN doesnt seem like that great of an idea to me
And im planning to DCA over the next 5 or so years, im not worried about the price at the moment. Theres no way I'll be able to buy at these prices a year from now

>> No.29012988

I’m >>29012455 and thanks for the advice. I was planning to get out of NU at around $1.30 - do you not think it will make it that high?

>> No.29012995

>2k eoy xrp
>a mcap double size of the United States national debt
Xrp holders need to be shot

>> No.29012997
File: 48 KB, 1125x203, 65CE27E0-27AD-4814-A699-DA6D7DB5C976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my whole portfolio. And 100 isn’t a suicide stack, it’s more like a “I’ll get ‘em next time” stack. 1000 is a suicide stack because then you’ll be a millionaire if LINK moons to 1k. With 100 you will just barely hit six figures and then you’ll have to find another moon shot on the next run to make it.

>> No.29012999

At least that reef will be worth a buck a piece soon, and rubic actually sorta worked out everyone thought it was a scam originally.

>> No.29013025

I got $400k in stocks.
Crypto is for fucking idiots

>> No.29013047

Why would you pay gas to accumulate such minuscule amounts of shitcoins? I wouldn’t even fault you for owning any of those except FEG if your stacks were at least $2k worth. They could all go parabolic and you wouldn’t make shit except for RBC

>> No.29013138

U can not fud any of these coins faggot
Xrp will have it's day, although I'm thinking of selling some for more short term profits
GRT will do great
AMP looks very promising as well and you'd have to be blind not to see it

>> No.29013151

Thanks for the advice. I definetly need more link and after 100 will just keep accumulating for the next few years. I'm 18 so have a long time to stack up. That will be my main hold, maybe some ETH as well I'll see what happens with all the current ETH killer bullshit thought

Also im not worried about the PNK and RSR its just there incase it moons and i like the projects
The RSR is actually with $400 my mom told me to invest in cyrpto and I thought it would be hilarious to put it into the most racist shitcoin out there lmao

>> No.29013184

gas was piss cheap when i got these back december to early january. for the ones i did get wheb gas was expensive, LOTTO and FEG for example, I'll just write the fees off on my taxes.

>> No.29013199

You're right, you're right. It's no Suicide stack but we will make it in 10 years perhaps. Just gotta keep accumulating

>> No.29013251

in 10 years i'll be worth more than you

>> No.29013258

The former to then reinvest into the latter. But if I absolutely had to chose, the latter. I'd rather just play it say and wait 5 to 10 years to really see returns than to lose it all.

It's the most solid plan right? I just wish I had more to put in now.

I want to get stakable/delegatable stacks worth of both GRT and BNT. Going to use my upcoming bonus/tax refund/stimulus check to start getting there. GRT as I understand it though wont really "moon" more than it already has though right? How high do you expect those 2 to go over time?

I will look into that. Anything that can deliver low gas fees has to be good right?

>> No.29013336

Please take 10 minutes and pull up a few altcoin-btc charts. They almost all trend to nothing after a few spikes. The longer they're alive the worse it gets. Even eth doesn't look like it will ever break btc ath. You should own some btc, if not now then buy a bit when you take profits.

>> No.29013346

How does 8.1M sound in ‘26?

>> No.29013391

Too bad that there are no Waves on that list. If you want money to increase you should add waves to your bag.

>> No.29013490

Hey pussy we are in a frenzy and dollar cost average is for pussys. Remember its "DONT be a pussy in a bull market"

>> No.29013670
File: 133 KB, 1080x848, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag reporting in. Have another 1500 Ada staked

>> No.29013861
File: 236 KB, 1080x1139, Screenshot_20210218-000122_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it? These three have the most meme magic behind them on /biz/ atm.

>> No.29013978

If I buy bitcoin it's gonna what, maybe double this year? That would be incredibly difficult for BTC at its current marketcap. ALTs can do that in a good month.

Also I think link is one of the best projects in crypto, about as much as Ethereum and that has a marketcap currently about 20x higher. Just my thoughts

>> No.29014034

Praying us poorfags can make it in 5 years. Just keep buying, this is the best opportunity of our generation

>> No.29014323


That's the plan, but not sure what to stack most into for best gains. I'm guessing leave Ada as is and pump more into cosmos, ftm and algo

>> No.29014414

Fucking newfags dont even know what a suicide stack is. You have a kys poorfolio a suicide stack isnt an im poor af this is all i can afford stack

>> No.29014471

Pull your shit out of reef wtf.

>> No.29014489


>> No.29014629

That 11k reef will be worth $11k in a month or two when the client releases. Binance interoperability already built in.

>> No.29014653
File: 225 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210218-012044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My strategy is owning 1% of lowcap cryptos and holding til they moon

>> No.29015126

Sir, you are no poor fag

>> No.29015166
File: 214 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210217-233301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing bois?

>> No.29015170

Thank you anons for believing unlike the others

>> No.29016547

Same, dropped down from 4K right before trading was locked.

Id love $2k EOY but post-SEC id take breaking even

>> No.29017307

317x better than me anon

>> No.29017365

the link suicide stack is 20k