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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29009758 No.29009758 [Reply] [Original]

Truth be told, everyone in here is a pajeet shilling rug pulls, or a complete idiot without knowledge about crypto. Those who knew something are rich and out of here by now. Keep your money for yourself or you will get raped, you were advised.

>> No.29010144


>> No.29010253

Your not wrong, I'm the poorfag who enjoys talking to the actual people here about life problems that don't pertain to wealth.

and calling out pajeets.

>> No.29010314

You ain't wrong king stay woke

>> No.29010369

there are pajeets but also smart investors scamming the newfriends. If you get in early and know how the scams work, you can make money. If you're a retard just leave now.

>> No.29010411

I only come here to laugh at nigger-obsessed nocoiner /pol/tards and eth maximalist wigs.

>> No.29010515

Dude, I have a bot, I am not going to get scammed. So go on, how do I earn money from this shit? The pajeets been accumulating long before shilling.

>> No.29010614

Well yeah, the pajeets are outright scammers. But some coins shilled here are actually a really good buy if you just gauge the interest based on the first threads.

>> No.29010704

I am an anon who just started buying BTC 3 weeks ago and now ive made some profits which I really didnt expect because I was going to just play the long game with it, but man I am pleased with how its gone so yeah this shit seems like literal free money somehow.I hate fiat currency and already stack silver and gold so this is a way to diversify.

Also fuck stonks those are for kikes

>> No.29011578

Sure kiddo, kikes and jews... store rocks and shit meme... that snake symbols is really gay btw...