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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29001517 No.29001517 [Reply] [Original]

>Currently 7m marketcap
>only 700 holders
>Yesterday Partnerships with MATIC(polygon)
>DXSale will build integrated token platform services for Polygon(MATIC) that are 1 billion Marketcap


>2 weeks ago partnership with Zilliqa(1.5 billion marketcap)

>20m tokens burned with the burn mechanism the token have so total supply is only 70m and cicrulating only 26m

>Team and project crew is very active and make new announmect and daily sneak peaks with pictures in telegram group

this is definitely going to 2$ in short term


>> No.29001655

Based coin. Such an easy buy

>> No.29001691

Checked and agreed anon, feels good being early for once

>> No.29002011
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We just hit 700 holders and are hovering around 25c. Great time to buy a stack if you haven't already, because we'll be at $1 within the next week or so.

>working product
>partnership with Matic and Zilliqa
>rumor that they're about to integrate with bsc, ada, and dot
>based white devs who don't burp on Livestream and aren't literal dogs
>competitors are at 100m marketcap, SALE is at 6m with more features and partnerships
>big announcement coming tomorrow and again on the 28th

We told you at 10c biz, this is a fucking gem and you're still incredibly early at 25c. DYOR and get in soon.

>> No.29002130

7m marketcap and only 700 holders. Rug proof token launch platform with DAO governance and performance based funding for teams. Stakers receive fees for staking but additionally 1% of eth/tokens are distributed from each presale to stakers. Staking has a 2% fee to deposit and 8% to withdraw which is burned.

Working product and roadmap

Partnerships with Matic/Polygon and zil

TrustSwap is 100m market cap. It does what TrustSwap does staking, locking and swaps. But is also going to have the ability to launch tokens directly from it, farming, and an NFT mechanism. It won’t only be used on the ETH chain either, it’s built blockchain agnostic. It’s going to be used across multiple chains, they already have partnerships with ZIL and now Matic/Polygon. At 1$ we will be at 25m market cap.

What is dx sale network?

>> No.29002182

The partnership and launch on Matic/Polygon will be directing to DxSale and then onboarding them into the token sale and directly onto QuickSwap exchange. So they won’t have to do anything else. QuickSwap is the UniSwap of Polygon. Polygon partnership means new launching tokens will launch from DxSale as a standard for any new project. They will also likely require a minimum stake or gelded to participate in IDOs (initial DEX offerings).

Anons TrustSwap is 100m market cap. These guys are going to do what TrustSwap and unicrypt do. Except make it rugproof and give investors peace of mind. You also get 1% of every sale (ETH and tokens). The biggest difference is this is blockchain agnostic and will be used as the standard to launch on many (if not most) chains soon. You will know you won’t get rugged, the sale and lock are both done through the platform. At 1$ we will be at 25m market cap. This will be on eth, Matic/polygon and zil so far. Also BSC is in the docs so that’s coming soon just not announced, and Cardano will come very soon too. Imagine buying trust swap at 0.02 cents, this is like that except it does everything trust swap does with more features and will be used on more than just ETH.

>> No.29002242

Also on top of this they are going to have token DxSwap for swaps, DxFarm for farming and DxNFT for NTFs. It will be a one stop shop with the features of TrustSwap, uni crypt, token swaps, farming like sushi/bao, NFT minting. This will save projects 100s to 1000s of hours of not having to do this coding themselves and will have these features at launch through DxSale and can just focus on the products they are building. All the while stakers will collect fees for all of the DxApps.

The project is virtually fucking unknown and once people realize what they are doing and how rewarding staking will be it’s going to go there. Once projects are launching here on ETH, Matic/Polygon, etc. They will be the way to launch and people know you’re not a rug, no one is going to want to invest in things not made on DxLaunch anymore, why would they? Especially with support from all of the network builders like Polygon and Zil (with more to come likely BSC announcement coming soon since BSC is already in their documentation) it will become the standard to port over or launch your token. When this happens stakers will get 1% of the Eth and token itself OF EVERY FUCKING NEW TOKEN LAUNCHED.

>> No.29002388

Thanks for your service

>> No.29002469

Im a fucking idiot. How do i buy?

>> No.29002676

Uniswap or hotbit. If uniswap just search for dxsale and import it from coingecko

>> No.29003566


>> No.29003744

Checked and your welcome

>> No.29003756

I actually bought this, but I want you to tell me something and be truthful. Are u shilling this with a group? I don't have money to lose :(

>> No.29003820


>> No.29003856

>ERC20 token

>not on BNC

Not buying it

>> No.29003866

That is the shittiest looking photoshop job ever. This is a scam.

>> No.29004394

Fuck, guess I'll go down with the ship

>> No.29004927
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>> No.29004990

Me too! At least push this until tomorrow. Use codeword ' stinky blue balls' when it's time to dump

>> No.29005218

No. There is no pnd. This is $1 by feb 28

>> No.29005731
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>> No.29005881

No I won't dump until it reaches $5

>> No.29006035

Lol what a funny roadmap.. Looks shit.. But people love the graphic and not read the most funny and without progress roadmap i ever seen

>> No.29006060

anyone else been holding their free 1000 this whole time?

>> No.29006522

Huh free?

>> No.29006669

there was an airdrop for scam victims. A lot of the holders are probably from that

>> No.29007468

Pretty cool

>> No.29007905

yeah, it was very nice of them. SALE was worth about 1 cent when they did that, but it looked like a pretty good project with hard working devs so I'm glad they're finding success

>> No.29008778

I fucking hate it when niggers say low effort no value-add pajeet ass shit like this

>> No.29008827

it's all so tiresome

>> No.29009019
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>> No.29009709

Jannie? Based. Get in now before $1

>> No.29011450

Fuck I wish I had seen this 2 hours ago, just hit 40c

I want to fomo in but I dont want to buy the ath

>> No.29011476


>> No.29011532

same. I'm at a dilemma

>> No.29011731

It sounds legit and these kinds of things do move fast...
however the board spam also feels inorganic.
But 35c to $1 is an easy way to double my stack

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh indecision

>> No.29011775

Fuck it just go in, I went all in with my measly $4k

>> No.29012481
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this is top 100 token

>> No.29012732
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Something I saw on their TG that hasn't been posted yet