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File: 243 KB, 737x784, N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28994502 No.28994502 [Reply] [Original]

As somebody who occassionally identifies as Black(TM), I welcome this push for more diversity in the cryptosphere. What we REALLY need more of, are urban "youths" (Hispanics and Asians etc. need not apply).
Let's all work together to make this a welcoming, safe environment for Tyrone and Lateesha.
(Please clap)

>> No.28994564


>> No.28994604

why does he always seem to be concerned with giving niggers money, i'm not sure what would motivate a white guy to do such a thing.

>> No.28994635


>> No.28994671

more bagholders the better, as far as I'm concerned

>> No.28994675


>> No.28994756

Good for him. Compassion is key for a good life.

>> No.28994763

> He attended the Catholic Bishop DuBourg High School. In his younger days, Dorsey worked occasionally as a fashion model

Never mind, just found out is was raped by some priests when younger. Explains his faggish behaviour.

>> No.28994778


>> No.28994810

He took cock when he was younger and now hates his own people.

>> No.28994815

he should invest in TTT (tapcoin ) then
these nigs are doing a great job and are getting 0 recognition.
but he probably prefers to invest in some low IQ rappers that waste it on hookers or something

>> No.28994907
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Indoctrinated by (((fellow white))) leftists from an early age and brainwashed into white guilt because of muh slavery.

>> No.28994933
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Only this time they'll be paying.

>> No.28994934

This. they are scraping the bottom of the barrel if they are trying to push the bubble with money from niggers

>> No.28994953

Imagine thinking youre helping someone by telling them to buy bitcoin with united states fiat. What a cunt.

>> No.28995001

>UN supply drops now include GPUs and diesel for generators
>african warlords scramble their troops to secure these before the general populace does
>all out war over an air drop of 5 mid tier GPUs
>dozens dead as a lone 12 year old drags his backpack of gpus and bloodied machete
>he kneels before his warlord covered in various alt coin logo stickers his clothing
>he cries and asks what to do now that all of his friends are dead
>the warlord gives him a gpu and says only one thing
>buy the dip faggot

>> No.28995074

Yeah i see that now, aged 44, billionaire, no current relationships or kids.

Very possible a homo and a pedo.

>> No.28995136


>> No.28995141
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Now that's a way to look at it I can get behind.

>> No.28995269

The distribution of wealth is probably already much more black heavy in BTC than it is in USD, simply due to the silk road days. Jack Dorsey is a leftist faggot who would fit into the ETH community much better since they had self identifying communists like Vinay Gupta.

>> No.28995326

Congrats, Shanice

>> No.28995330

What a nigger lover

>> No.28995418

Ays yall dis bitcoin thayng fidna detinate n sheet

>> No.28995427

What's with the nigger lovers though?

Airborne Ebola, now.

>> No.28995442
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Looking forward to the documentary, "Coiny 2031"

>> No.28995453


>> No.28995535
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>> No.28995541


This is typical jewish behavior. God, I hate the ww2 fag "veterans". I hope joggers get those who are still alive and put them where they belong. In wooden caskets.

>> No.28995607

The cynic in me says he is doing it for tax purposes, the bigger cynic in me says he unironically believes in 'diversity and inclusion', what a joke.

>> No.28995776
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This worked out well last time.

>> No.28995996

I hope he dies soon
Watching his life play out is too pathetic to bear
And it's not helping that HE's one of the ones shilling crypto


>> No.28996140


>> No.28996193
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Jews have been ordered by the Anunnaki to transfer wealth to back to blacks in order to reverse negative karma

>> No.28996239

Shut the fuck up with your diversity shit you retarded nigger, genuinely off yourself and never come back to this board

>> No.28996379


>> No.28996491

Jack Dorsey is a fucken piece of shit nigger lover, fucken cuck. Hope this Fucken brainwashed PC nigger lover gets his ass beat.

>> No.28996619

if these kikes want more black millionaires then
1) buy $1MM worth of btc
2) send it to nigger wallets
3) done

>> No.28996699


>> No.28996733

Is there any fucken ''celebrities'' doing something for white people these days. Ffs nigger lovers like jack dorsey dont understand not every white folk is rich and well off.

>> No.28996825

whites have to do literally do everything for blacks

>> No.28996969

Yeah white mans burden has been going on for years and our lives still dont matter. Thats why I would never give shit to a nigger.

>> No.28997010

this unironically shows you how high btc can go. its literally impossible for it to go up enough to enable any sizable about of niggers to actually get rich from it, so probably no more than a 5-10x left in bitcoin in absolute total. enough for early adopters/billionaires, not enough for niggers

>> No.28997018

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the sell signals keep on coming.

>> No.28997071

I guess someone needs to stay holding the bags lol

>> No.28997128
File: 531 KB, 854x480, ScreenShot-VideoID-x8LroCgg3uc-TimeS-125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"These people will simply break their necks to get this money back to us"
>has anyone ever meet a blackie ever hodl?

>> No.28997142

Even if it were to still go to like 250k in 10 years 95% of niggers still dont have the IQ to manage investments, probs would just spend it on some dope.

>> No.28997207

So do I just email him to send me an undisclosed amount of XMR?
>t. literal monigga

>> No.28997273
File: 479 KB, 769x787, 1609157993721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would Blackx people become billionaires when BTC is already 52k? Most BTC billionaires are people who got in when it was just a drug currency and had like 10,000 lying around they forgot to spend and then realized they were rich. It would be impossible to replicate the kind of 100,000x that BTC has done from 2009 to present with retarded niggers who can't into computer.

>> No.28997301

You probably have to send him a tweet.

>> No.28997302

Leftists have pathological altruism, rather than normal levels of ethnocentrism. They’re literally dysgenic mutants, as Dr Dutton would say.

>> No.28997495

>People are pushing for increased BTC ownership by women and minorities when we've already done a 14x in less than one year and we've only got a few months left at most before it all comes crashing down
That's pretty cruel, isn't it? 99% chance those blacks and women end up becoming bagholders for the next 3 years.

>> No.28997536

I can see it now

kikes have been crying racism and white supremacy over BC and other crypto lately
they get nogs to jump on the train then rug pull them while using the media to blame it all on racist white supremacist because "they dont want blacks to succeed"
dindu take to the street and dindu because dindus are dumb and fall for everything

>> No.28997552

I don't use Twitter: They make TOR registration virtually impossible without a phone and only accept SIM phones.

>> No.28997606

Andreas Antonopolis and Bryce Weiner are both BTC shills and known leftists. Then of course there's Samson Mao who is unironically a literal cuck

>> No.28997643

I'm actually a nigger and I'd love it if you gave me a few hundred butcoins Mr Dorsey!

>> No.28997996
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Yeah but BTC has Szabo/Satoshi.

>> No.28998036

Can we please push this once we're done accumulating. I'd love to see niggers and faggots holding bags and hating crypto

>> No.28998194

even 250k means you'd need to invest 200k in the first place. if some nig is throwing 200k into btc chances are they're already a millionaire anyway.

>> No.28998245

>why does he always seem to be concerned with giving niggers money, i'm not sure what would motivate a white guy to do such a thing.

Because his boyfriend, DeRay Mckesson, is black.

>> No.28998405

exactly. but this goes for humans too. if you want to get rich its a bit late for bitcoin and getting there for ethereum, which probably has another 2-4x it can do against bitcoin at a maximum.

alts will keep being made and dying though, only a handful stick around for more than a couple of bull markets, so that's where niggers would need to look to make money, along with everybody else. doesn't take a genius to see why low-iq of all species will have a hard time getting rich in crypto from here on out

>> No.28998446


>> No.28998484
File: 52 KB, 623x702, 1612471649307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive influx of nigs in crypto
>EBTcoin and Despite.finance start popping up on BSC and Uniswap

>> No.28998574

>fucking children
wew lad

>> No.28998627

Same. Boomers are saints compared to the "greatest generation" faggots. May every WWII vet be burning in Hell.

>> No.28998630
File: 34 KB, 500x500, C0984D0E-7E04-4FBE-9E5B-AA976F2C5F3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re just going to give them 200k of Bitcoin, which they’ll withdraw and immediately spend on jewelry, clothes, cars, rims and drugs.

>> No.28998674

Honestly this dumping bags on negros is going to be funny and now they can’t call crypto racist.

>> No.28998826
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ITT: top-buying noobs

>> No.28998935
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>> No.28998962

the top of btc doesnt matter because its within 10x-25x of it's top anyway, and long term its going nowhere.

>> No.28998964

Gibsdemdat. Literally, unironically, setting wealth on fire.

End result ... lost bitcoins when these financial geniuses can’t remember their keys or logins, or never bothered to understand what those were for in the first place.

>> No.28998981

is this real?

>> No.28999041

with any luck, white people will have it as good in 2040 as black people did in 1840.

>> No.28999439

Moral sense of superiority. When he goes to parties he must get a fucking raging hard on when he talks about all the woke shit he's done
>yeah I censored Trump on twitter
>yeah I raised awareness in crypto to the n- black community
I don't think any of them care so much about actually improving the world as they do about inflating their sense of grandeur

>> No.28999561

god i hope this faggot gets shot in the leg and left to get eaten by stray dogs

>> No.29000081

Based more scarcity will pump bags.

>> No.29000499

jack literally fucks black men in the ass
main twitter handle had "black trans lives matter" in bio
jack loves to fuck nigger trannies

>> No.29000690

Reminder that niggers will just lose their passwords when they get arrested or die in their next drunk driving accident, and take a shitload of btc and alts out of circulation. Nigs are deflationary for once.

>> No.29000856
File: 46 KB, 600x447, 421566_110052819134743_1827862103_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god i hope this faggot gets shot in the leg and left to get eaten by stray dogs
Plot twist: Dorsey's program creates several black billionaires, one of whom moves in next door. Black neighbor's cousin Dy'nerious comes to visit, breaks in to Dorsey's home and murders him for a can of Dr. Pepper.

>> No.29000943

Holy shit, hadn't thought of this. You're probably right though. Based.

>> No.29001390

Hes a typical wigger. Nothing new there, they've been around for years. But he's acting and dressing like he's still in high school so it makes sense he acts like a wigger in high school.

>> No.29001476

there's no way I'd get involved in this shit, think about it
>be black
>collaborate with a bunch of other blacks to make money in crypto
I can only imagine how many people are going to end up becoming targets through this
I'm gonna say no thanks, no one needs to know if I have any crypto, especially not other blacks

>> No.29001597

Trillions of dollars have gone to blacks in the last year and their race won't improve one bit.

>> No.29001752
File: 32 KB, 720x727, 09CD60B9-F914-43F0-9D4C-5FD29DFF6754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get in on this
I promise I will be a merciful god

>> No.29001967

So.... how can I get in on this?

>> No.29002415

Bitcoin will be banned when LaSqueesha loses their keys and passwords, then can't pay for kraft macaronic an chee'. Mark my words.

>> No.29002757
File: 83 KB, 634x728, 7987466-0-image-a-196_1546266121669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his girlfriend is a nigress

>> No.29003109
File: 205 KB, 150x134, 1512839256237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tweet the screenshot to him and tell him it'd be racist not to include you in the program.

>> No.29003209


>> No.29003214
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*smack lips*


*smack lips*


>> No.29003230

So this is what they meant by the black market?

>> No.29003278

god damn she even looks like a gold digger

>> No.29003302

You're a nigger and your people lack the foresight to invest early hence when you're left out in the cold you'll scream racism and exclusion but we won't care because the government can't print and devalue our hodls to feed your baboon people.

>> No.29003495

any time i hear a nigger talking about crypto (which has been not a single fucking time in my entire life) im going to tell them crypto is a jewish scam to keep black people poor. and then remind them that jews owned all the slave ships that brought their ancestors to america.

>> No.29003500

He knows there is no future for the White Race. Smart Man.

>> No.29003554

DA J00s ...yeah right. Black people don't trust you ya white faggot.

>> No.29003652


>> No.29003703

Why are Americans obsessed with niggers

>> No.29004019

Because they didn't listen to the sand niggers and castrate their slaves as niglets

>> No.29004272
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>> No.29004305

>look everyone I am dating a female and she's a nigger too so you know I'm not racist ha ha I am clearly not a gay pedophile

>> No.29004372

I thought I was mixed and aesthetically looking Spanish/Italian, but now I consider myself black.

>> No.29004538

this, unfortunately. that's why elites have no problem with giving blacks unlimited welfare in every aspect of their lives. that money ends up back in the hands of mega corporations within days

>> No.29004554

There are so many other races besides black people. I'm so fucking sick of seeing them all over the media. Every ad now is half black half white. 60+% of the population now for some reason has the same representation as 15% of the population. hispanics have like zero representation.

We have college scholarships just for black people? gimme more
We get accepted to college more often due to diversity quotas? gimme more
We get jobs we aren't qualified for due to diversity quotas? gimme more
We are massively overrepresented in the media? gimme more
All streaming platforms have sections just to promote black movies? gimme more
Business funds exist solely for black business owners? gimme more
Biden is giving small business relief funds to black owned businesses first? gimme more

It just never fucking ends.

>> No.29004667

This. Every dollar minted and handed to the poor just ends up lining the pockets of asset holders(stocks/real estate/crypto, etc.) eventually.

>> No.29005092

that's what happens when you enslave people a drastically different race than you and then set them free to live among you. The white guilt will never go away.

>> No.29005369

It's also why so many megacorporations shill for open borders and mass immigration into the West. Even the least qualified immigrants and refugees will end up getting welfare money, and that's formerly inaccessible tax money that now ends up in the pockets of said corporations. It's all about increasing their customer base, they don't care where the money comes from.

>> No.29005496

What they don't realize is that this is turning everyone racist. By giving them preferential treatment in every situation while shunning white people it is turning white people racist. If anyone remembers pre-obama then they will remember all the races kind of just doing their own thing and treating each other like people generally. Now you are forced to look at the color of someones skin and you are forced to change how you act based upon their skin color. Skin color is now the most important aspect of ones identity. It's making everyone racist.

>> No.29005559

He's a modern day Robbing Hood

>> No.29006169

Yep that's the plan to divide and destroy America pushed by Marxists. They've infiltrated the schools, media, and government over decades so America is fucked. Civil War or Economic collapse is inevitable.

>> No.29006210

Why doesn’t he buy homes for them in his neighborhood instead?

>> No.29006284

fuck you nigger and fuck jack dorsey. mofo gonna fuck around and find out in minecraft.

>> No.29006545

They are doing a fantastic job at it. I hear there are elementary schools where they are teaching "critical race theory".
I've already decided to homeschool when the kids or school age. Might put them into a classical education school if I get a few more 10x bets

>> No.29006635
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>> No.29006956

Whites didn't enslave blacks. They were already enslaved in Africa and white people just purchased them from the markets. Slavery actually benefitted modern day blacks because now they get free gibs and affirmative action. Meanwhile the blacks whose ancestors were never enslaved are suffering in Africa.

>> No.29007426

Imagine being so lazy that you want to be paid for something that happened to your great great great grandmother.

>> No.29007849

Whoa this is actually based... http://www.lifelineexpedition.co.uk/content/view/34/80/