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28988358 No.28988358 [Reply] [Original]

Someone asked me how much crypto I hold on a zoom call with 50 other employees on it. I was an autist and said "i dont wanna talk about it". I spoke to these normies about crypto in like 2016 and they still remember...

I think I fucked up...

>> No.28988406


>> No.28988450

Tell them to buy Ripple

>> No.28988452

if you weren't an autist you could've come up with something witty to deflect the question

>> No.28988464

How is this a fuck up I don't get it

>> No.28988494

Judging by your pic related and the fact you're on a work call you have not yet made it have you?

>> No.28988529

Yeah wondering the same

>> No.28988582

If they ask again just say you're embarrassed because you sold it all when it crashed in 2018. Easy.

>> No.28988583

you can then explain, "I invested and lost a lot, that's as much as I want to tell you"

>> No.28988592

What kind of classless mongoloid thinks it’s okay to ask you that question, much less in front of others?

>> No.28988624

kys normalfag

>> No.28988626
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Because he doesn't want alot of people to know about his future wealth, money changes people are ruins relationships

>> No.28988637

>"How much crypto do you own, anon!?"
"Heh, a magician never reveals his secrets."

>> No.28988645

is the problem that you lost it all or that you have tons of money that don't wanna disclose?
if it's the latter say that you don't wanna talk about it because you sold early and now dont have any
if it's the first case get fucked lmao

>> No.28988651

You should have just said your lil bitcoin stock doin some. They’d think you have like 300$ of it

>> No.28988702


>> No.28988723

I have 400 eth, which is probably a make it stack later this year.

>> No.28988747

>something witty to deflect the question
"I've moved on to trannys"

>> No.28988760

Literally just bullshit and say you sold at the last peak and don't want to get back into it.
You are fine.

>> No.28988831

How does it feel to be a nigger?

>> No.28988846

"thats a man"

>> No.28988849

We have 1000 of these threads a day in one form or another.

>Never tell anyone you are in crypto
>If they know already, tell them you sold a while ago
>Never bring crypto up to any potential dating partners
>Never bring it up to family unless they are quite well off and you becoming a millionaire wouldn't strain things

>> No.28988887

say you made a bad trade and lost it all. works for me

>> No.28989048

you are a real autist if you managed to hoarde 400 eth.
However, nobody will remember this conversation by the end of the day so dw

>> No.28989062

why do you care? It's coworkers, not family. Not like they're going to ask you for handouts lmao.

Way bigger deal if friends/family know. I couldn't give a flying fuck if random coworkers know.

>> No.28989322

>Coworkers talking about crypto in online standup
>"Hey anon, didn't you hold crypto since like 2017? Did you cash out yet?"
>"I ain't cashing out till I can quit this job and buy a Porsche. So I guess I'll stop by in a Porsche once we're back in the office in a few months"
>"Haha allllright anon, make sure to give me a ride then will ya!"
>Play along and act like it's a crazy outlandish scenario
>Everyone thinks I only have peanuts in crypto and am still stuck with them in the wagecage, preserving the status quo and not setting off their seethe mechanisms
I already picked out my Porsche 911

>> No.28989445

nothing wrong with your response

its unprofessional to discuss personal finances with coworkers and i dont blame you for feeling uncomfortable

>> No.28989503

Paranoid much? But you should have said none, retard.

>> No.28989774

just tell them you sold it

>> No.28989880

Should have said you went all in on niggercoin and lost it all

>> No.28989980

Cope retard. Go tell your parents and your Hatsune Miku blowup doll how much you’re hoarding in crypto and see how it goes over you sperg

>> No.28990092

/"sold long ago"
it's that easy op

>> No.28990159

"A nigger broke into my house and stole it all." How hard is that?

>> No.28990197

Lmao, make all the women at your job poorfags and then force them to suck your dick for money

>> No.28990242

should of said "not enough" or something funny without saying anything, people would be like ooo he serious but funny, perhaps have sex with female collegues, but you didnt want to talk about it

>> No.28990332

A good answer would be:
"crypto is a scam I sold it all to buy stocks in 2018, lol"

>> No.28990366

at least it wasn't dangerous street gang members, I did that when btc was worth nothing and they remembered

>> No.28990416


>> No.28990466

Yes but he gave a complete non answer. It could mean anything. Learn to politic youngins.

>> No.28990512
File: 124 KB, 590x680, Euc_faiXIAcNAl8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus anon, i got 1/4 of your ETH, and i feel anxious when talking about my crypto holdings. I hope you make it this year anon

>> No.28990577

Yeah i know it was worded badly by him. I just understood it because im autistic as fuck aswell

>> No.28990590

>I lost all my crypto in a boating accident

>> No.28990666

Did some Tyrones kick your door in and take it?

>> No.28990767

>something witty to deflect the question
Fuck you motherfucker. That's none of your god damn buisness. Haha, just kidding. I have 1,000 BTC BITCH! I QUIT! Go fuck yourself. Haha! Shove this up your ass.
::::start waving a floppy dildo in front of the screen::::
AHHH HAHA Up your ass! Up your ass! Up your ass! Aaahhhh hahaha!

>> No.28990805

No it was worded fine. He gave an answer without lying or telling them anything meaningful. Get it?

>> No.28990849

what are they going to do? rob you?

>> No.28990939

>Someone asked me how much crypto I hold
and then you ask him "how much money you have in your bank account?"

>> No.28990958

my bad, missunderstood your reply

>> No.28990981

400 eth is already making it unless you're financially illiterate