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28979646 No.28979646 [Reply] [Original]

Easy 5x over the next few days

Buy Berry Data BRY

Buy Cobalt finance CBT

Both available on Pancake swap

>> No.28979740

If any of you guys are waiting for the next easy shitcoin that'll pump to the moon, these 2 are it. Everything on BSC is pumping like crazy these projects are new so you are still early

>> No.28979988

BRY for sure, not sure on CBT.

>> No.28980025

Is there any way to see historical pricing on Cobalt with Pancake not up to date??

>> No.28980116


>> No.28980130

lowest caps: WYNAUT, APE, EGG

>> No.28980212

WYNAUT mooned, EGG is boring af, APE is extremely sketchy. Buy SMOKE.

>> No.28980216

I meant BANANA, it's not on CMC yet

>> No.28980266

>WYNAUT mooned

>2M market cap

>> No.28980277

They're not lowest anymore. If you wanna buy the dip go for Wooper, HODL, EXF and Cobalt

>> No.28980341

>CBT in the list

>> No.28980421

Can I pick those on binance?

>> No.28980464

sorry but this website looks like shit

>> No.28980553

they are lowest among non-scams. pretty sure wooper and exf will rug pull tonight

>> No.28980559

This entire thread smells like curry

>> No.28980655

Does anyone have the bscscan page which shows a list of new bsc coins with a rugged status?

>> No.28980734

best looking website in defi, stay poor unicorn boy

>> No.28980822

There are no whales in Wooper who are able to cause a rugpull. Check the contract

>> No.28981066

Look man some of us have to gamble on 5x before we can actually invest. Believe me I'd love to buy a huge stack of LINK and chill but some of us got in late

>> No.28981252


useful too

>> No.28981411

It's not up to date, it's behind like PancakeSwap

>> No.28981747

as a newfag burger american, how do I interact with this exchange? me want buy bry

>> No.28981819

thanks fren this the one i was after

>> No.28982101


>> No.28982288

Reminder that SOUP is still under the radar, only $1.2M TVL. The price has started moving.

>> No.28982350

piece of dogshit with BSC
Trust Wallet on your phone, which supports BSC out of the box. you can buy BNB from most exchanges and withdraw to your wallet. from there you can use dapps like pancake swap etc.

>> No.28982369

contract address? site?

>> No.28982449

Raven protocol, I be the first to make the call

>> No.28982482

>piece of dogshit with BSC
how so? it works just fine with bsc

>> No.28982533

Since everyone is gambling, at least put your money in coins that have yet to hit CMC and CG.


As long as you hold, you earn.

>> No.28982585



>> No.28982587

Open kucoin account. Buy BNB. Install Binance wallet. Add Binance chain to your metamask wallet. Withdraw BNB to your Binance wallets BEP-20 address. Send the BNB to your binance smart chain wallet address on metamask.

This was how I did it there may be an easier way but it's a pain in the dick as an American because you can't withdraw BNB to their smart address and you can't use the Binance bridge to convert your assets.

>> No.28982634

need to manually configure the network. also each and every token needs to be added manually by copy/pasting the contract address. what a piece of shit. Trust wallet adds them all automatically and supports BSC out of the box. it also has a built-in BSC DEX

>> No.28982636


this just got shilled in the other thread, aped $20 bucks in and already did a 6x fuckin lol

>> No.28982713

was it you who did all these 42 transactions though?

>> No.28982804
File: 441 KB, 1200x707, 6378495068093746932768546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeet scam

>> No.28982823

>stay poor
post hands

>> No.28982860

takes like 10 seconds to manually add the network, also i duno about you but all my bsc tokens show in my MM wallet.

>> No.28982899

not gonna refute one bit but id like to see what 20 bux can do, it pumps it pumps

simple as

>> No.28982985

post tits

>> No.28983017

sorry i'm a brainlet can someone tell me what to think about this

>> No.28983124

Does someone has that pic that shows altcoins marketcap showing that altseason might be starting?

>> No.28983125

never liked metamask so I am biased. was using trust wallet before as an ETH wallet and was delighted to see it also supports BSC in a transparent manner. both networks blend beautifully without me having to configure anything. also, Trust Wallet is the recommended wallet on the Binance BSC page

>> No.28983126

try to sell some of it. you are either a pajeet or you are being pajeeted

>> No.28983248

i rescind, was pajeeted. enjoy that $20 rajesh

>> No.28983437
File: 140 KB, 840x436, 3765983246837986443262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all live and learn, fren

>> No.28983622

lmao i put 10 in too, guess he needed it more than i did

>> No.28983649

gonna have some time to spend on trading now
but this pajeets try to shill their fucking trashtoken
good that I use bot ocean bot and strategies
no reason to believe in this fuck

>> No.28983809

Check out $WLT also, thank me later

Not your average food/pokemon coin..

>> No.28983968


someone check this?

>> No.28984041

scam, no official announcement from TheGraph

>> No.28984072


BSC Is a cesspool of scammers and fugpullers

>> No.28984172

don't act like you're above this shit anon....these threads are unironically why all of us are here.

>> No.28984479

the rug is pulling on EXF as we speak

>> No.28984596
File: 47 KB, 591x631, 1606752278797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find it yourself. I didn't get spoonfed this shit.

>> No.28984599

is there any other oracle for bsc besides bry?
if not this piece of shit will be parabolic

>> No.28985164

chainlink works with bsn just fine

>> No.28985211

>4 days old
>All coins are in circulation
>3% "burn" per transaction
>All burnt coins are redistributed to holders on a transaction by transaction basis
>Not yet on CMC / CG
>500k MCAP


>> No.28985213

then it is a useless piece of shit? lmfao

>> No.28985305

I was thinking the same.. I was to throw 5 BNB to BRY but I guess no...

>> No.28985346

i am financially decimated

>> No.28985647


Saw this in another thread
yPIKA YieldPikachu, new wynaut clone with higher yield
im already up 10x off $20 kek

>> No.28985868

Who needs another fucking rfi fork, its like 50 of them everyday

>> No.28986011

I recently joined a site like this called Cake DFI. Assuming it's the same shit. Anyway I put in like $100 worth of tokens and am getting jack shit.
How much do you need to "invest" in these things to get a decent return?

>> No.28986264

Does this mean they will be available on Binance in a few days or do I have to do the fucking conversion over 3 sites and 2 wallets?

>> No.28986283

Are you seriously thinking these projects are built to last? lmao Get in the hype, do x5-10 then get the fuck out.

>> No.28986381

big scam. doesn't let me convert back.

is there a way to check this from the contract before I put money into it? don't wanna lose a dollar every time I test a new token lmao.

>> No.28986422


>> No.28986544

Dont buy those shit with 20+ holders with with 20 buys with 1min. They are doing this from their wallets to attract you to buy

>> No.28986605
File: 10 KB, 262x262, 1_IiNKlJ_aIbfnfUl4JbGZcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have 300 SPARTA you're ngmi

>> No.28986608

Is there any way to check things like liquidity though?

>> No.28986674

Ig you want to be extremely early, go APOyield

X50 easy, X100 possible. Be honest

see below :

BUY $SOUL https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x67d012F731c23F0313CEA1186d0121779c77fcFE


FARM: https://bsc.tenet.farm/pool/detail?id=86

ASTROTOOLS : https://app.astrotools.io/pancake-pair-explorer/0x5cb8c8de0465d0c22cb949556cd79236fd6fbbe5

APOyield is a deflationary friction less yield project with it's own token called SOUL. Initially the number of SOUL tokens is equal to the number of citizens of earth. With every transaction 2% of the SOULS gets condemned forever and lost in hell. Yet another 8% gets another chance of survival in a shattered form in wallets of all remaining holders. ( hence you need to set slippage to 11% )

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/apoyield

WEBSITE : https://apoyield.xyz

>> No.28986673

>me want buy bry
dont. its a shitcoin

>> No.28986761

Ig you want to be extremely early, go APOyield

X50 easy, X100 possible. Be honest

see below :

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/apoyield

WEBSITE : https://apoyield.xyz

>> No.28986772

literal scam. 0 liquidity. money drain.

>> No.28986829

Have you considered death?

>> No.28986914

No but i'll consider after make it with APOYield

>> No.28987023

do you have a cubicle? do you shill multiple pajeet shitcoins in a day? or do you just focus on one a week?

>> No.28987073

Just stop dude.

>> No.28987102

IF you aren't on the BFI 0xbe609eacbfca10f6e5504d39e3b113f808389056&inputCurrency=BNB you should really visit biz more often, it's on the road to 0.4 already

>> No.28987264

wtf is this shit ?!

>> No.28987389

>Berry Data
where can i even buy this i googled it and it shows nothing.

>> No.28987446

hoge with a fresh coat of paint
same pajeet scammers, you can set your watch by them

>> No.28987512

i do like that gif on the front page of their site though, I will save that. most valuable thing about this project most likely

>> No.28987678

how did you know this before trading it?

>> No.28987814

BRY on PancakeSwap

>> No.28988291


The transaction cannot succeed due to error: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

>> No.28988443

What did you buy? Don’t tell me yPIKA

>> No.28988492


>> No.28988571 [DELETED] 

literally cant sell. jesus christ

>> No.28988601


Change to chink wallet bro

>> No.28988669

look into $FUEL

>> No.28988731

berry is nice but winding down
cobalt sure it has some meme energy left
bullish on this one

>> No.28989283

I'm surprised it hasn't already. Basically just bots spamming 'buy buy buy'

>> No.28989286


>> No.28989401
