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File: 11 KB, 231x250, bitcoinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28979428 No.28979428 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that waiting for a dip, even 10%, will only get you a just a small bit more if you anticipate BTC going far higher in the future. On the other hand, if BTC goes to 100k this run and only dips to 60k or so, you will be forever priced out of the money you could have had. Choose between guaranteed gains or potentially missing out forever We've broken the 50k barrier, do you really think it stops here? Give into the FOMO, because it's right to.


>> No.28979734

do you motherfuckers dca monthly into btc, or is that retarded

t. wagie

>> No.28979793

DCAing is better than nothing

>> No.28979873

DCAing is a great strategy long term, but we could very easy begin looking at mass institutional investments in the very near future. I'd recommend putting down a decent lump sum now and then DCA when you can.

>> No.28979901

Also you have to take into account DCAing might not seem worth it, but if Bitcoin goes to where it looks like it’s going 10-20 trillion or more market cap, it’s 100% worth DCAing now even if you’re getting cucked and cucked every week by the amount of sats your dollar gets you

>> No.28979914

DCAing would be good if the price drops and goes up again but if it just goes up obviously you're better off buying more at one go. choose the one you think is best

>> No.28980005

>Reminder that waiting for a dip, even 10%
>He doesn't realise that we're nearing the peak and that the dip is going to be a lot more than 10%

>> No.28980113

And what if you're wrong? You're priced out. If I'm wrong, I lose out on some current gains, but it will rise again so I have no worries.

>> No.28980153

thank's anons, ill do both - cashing out my shitcoins tomorrow when gasthereum drops a bit

>> No.28980217
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im only buying Ethereum though

>> No.28980269

Those bags getting heavy already?

>> No.28980420

For some of us poorfags it's the only way.

>> No.28980425

ok but for real, what the fuck was that

>> No.28980433

Also to add, if it dips, I can also buy that dip and make up for the lost gains assuming it goes back up. If it keeps going up, you can do nothing to recover your opportunity cost.

>> No.28980538

hype around btc hitting 50k obviously

>> No.28980698

Or ya know, look for crypto that outperforms BTC like Luna or KCS and not worry about it.

>> No.28980897
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S O O N...

>> No.28980990

This. Open a big position, then DCA around it. DCAing in a huge uptrend is pointless

>> No.28981290

can he PLEASE hurry up.. i want to buy IN

>> No.28982227

>And what if you're wrong?
How long do you expect it to go up like this parabolically? The chances im wrong are like 1/10 and I'm willing to take that chance rather than buying at the peak and then waiting another 3-4 years to sell.

>> No.28982239
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I'll buy after it crashes

>> No.28982835

Listen frens - you need to be extremely cautious. We are in a bull market but the crypto market as a whole seems to run on a 4 year cycle. Assuming nothing crazy happens in the world we are, optimistically, looking at a run through summer and possibly all the way to the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. However, it will still end and bitcoin will crash. Altcoins will crash with it.

Stop asking yourself what your entrance strategy is and start figuring out your exit strategy. That means setting goals and drawing lines in the sand. Make a plan of action of when to withdraw gains and stick to it. Also make a plan of action concerning what you're willing to lose in a full-body crash. I highly recommend that you either A) withdraw part or all of an initial lump investment after making gains or B) use dollar-cost averaging and invest a little bit at a time.

Do not trade on margin. Do not risk more than you are able to lose. Be able to move forward financially in the real world even if you lose everything in the crypto space. Learn about the different types of orders you can set up for different parts of your portfolio - limits and stop-limits both. Do not forget about security; always use 2-factor authentication if it is available, use strong passwords, and if you plan on holding for any duration, move your crypto off the exchanges and into a trusted wallet.

Things have changed in a big way recently. Gamestop and Dogecoin are waking normies up to the potential of crypto and new money is flooding in. Big institutions are adding crypto to their portfolios. Things are a lot different than the previous run and subsequent crash of 2017/2018. It is anyone's guess as to what could happen now but we are going parabolic and there WILL be some kind of correction - hopefully not as bad as last time. Ride the wave but be prepared for the worst, and you can move forward confidently knowing that worst-case you can come out ahead with no regrets.

>> No.28982898
File: 57 KB, 593x563, 1593111465248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful what you wish for

>> No.28983061

>>28979793 >>28979873 >>28979901 >>28979914 >>28980420
normie-tier advice desu
dca is mostly a tool to manage psychology
but here's a high EV trade for you
go on binance and select the june (or whatever long date) futures they have
long it and put your freed up capital some place where you're getting yield
it's that easy

>> No.28983163

Why not just hodl forever and ot think about it?

>> No.28983440


I mean, that's a totally different animal. If you just want to treat bitcoin like a savings account with better interest then go for it.

My post was geared toward people FOMOing into bitcoin or some other rugpull altcoin they've been tricked into believing is the next best thing.

>> No.28984539

Good advice right here. In a strong bull market, lump sum investing outperforms DCAing, although DCAing is overall a better/safer investing strategy.