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File: 5 KB, 273x107, fireeprotocol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28970874 No.28970874 [Reply] [Original]

hey bizchads, i have never seen a thread about this gem so i figured i'm doing one now:

Fire Protocol is the next-generation DEFI Protocol. It is the first infrastructure to Huobi (Smart) Eco Chain (HECO).

some bullpoints:
>only 3M Mcap
>Fire Protocol is like the combination of Uniswap plus Compound with better performance thanks to HECO
>Fire Protocol’s Loan Platform supports all Huobi Eco Chain assets (H-Assets) like HT, HBTC, HUSD and more, giving traders the ability to access a wide range of credit types quickly and easily.
>CEO is Danni Christ (also CEO of Moonwhale)
>Partners: Blockwater Management, x21, Matic, UniLend, elrond, Orion and Ferrum Network
>Raised pool through Polkastarter: https://www.polkastarter.com/pools/3f23a4aed18065e191d8221b7d?section=project
>Around 20 working Devs, AMA with CEO: https://medium.com/theamaroom/fire-protocol-with-danny-christ-ama-the-ama-room-c66a1e718bb8

next steps:
>TOP 3 Tier CEX Listing in 2 weeks. (It is probably Huobi, since its based on the Huobi Eco Chain)
>FireSwap, Loan Platform, Staking launches

>extremely comfy pick, we saw the potential of Polkastarter projects
>The project is backed by heavy capital ventures
>3M MCAP for a Uniswap Compound Hybrid with upcoming TOP 3 CEX Listing (first infrastructure to HECO) -> nobrainer rn.




>> No.28971036
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, fire2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im already in fren

love this koin

>> No.28971449

Proof on elrond partnership, good sirs?

>> No.28971655

What makes it ‘next-generation’? So many defi projects popping up constantly... MC looks juicy though

>> No.28971832
File: 157 KB, 580x723, partnersss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its on their page if you scroll down.
CEO is Danni Christ, he has a huge network

>> No.28971984

Fire Protocol combines trading, lending and borrowing into one integrated platform.
(Compound/Uniswap Hybrid).

Based on Huobi Eco Chain, the fees are much lower. People want to bring their shit away from ETH, because normie cant allow to pay those sick fees.

>> No.28972102


Those ultra low fees will give compititive advantage to fire protocal.

>> No.28972144

How low is low?

>> No.28972834

There is zero gas fee on Huobi Smart Chain, in turn incentivizing more users to transact on the chain. Furthermore, HSC is also EMV-compatible for developers to enter.

>> No.28973504

fucking gas fees are killing.. waiting for it to be ~100 gwei, then I might consider jumping on this train

>> No.28974211

I took the gas fees like a champ.
Not gonna lie, my comfiest pick right now.

The huobi listing will pamp it even harder.

>> No.28974533

less than 5% of max supply circulating.

Maybe a bad move but I'll pass, sounds like a great opportunity for all those who have a hand in dev to dump while developing.

UNN is a similar token, better tokenomics

>> No.28974770


UNN is already at 31 M MCAP.
Fire is currently at 3,7M MCAP.

People who want to make money will pick the Fire Protocol.

>> No.28974910

Coingecko says most of that is locked for liquidity, it's not that part I'm worried about

>> No.28974964

Yep + the HUOBI listing in 2weeks will bring massive volume

>> No.28975705

Fire Protocol just did a partnership with GUM

Im personally in GUM and it will x10 pretty quick.


>> No.28976176


>> No.28976303

yuck disgusting scam, founder loves to dump. IYKYK

>> No.28977079


Have a respect for the ceo of fire protocal who already have achieved so much crypto space and try to make defi space better and more accessible to public by those low fees.

Please take the fud somewhere else.

>> No.28978286


>> No.28979355

how much is locked?

>> No.28979650

69M foe the lending liquidity and DAO
19M for the team
6M and some for the presale whales

>> No.28979830
File: 45 KB, 567x960, photo_2021-02-17_20-35-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. Thanks anon.
When will it be released?
Heard that the staking will begin in february.

>> No.28980785

Pardon, I meant April*