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28959364 No.28959364 [Reply] [Original]

>use dating app
>girl writes kek in middle of sentence
is that a good or a bad thing and how do I profit from this

>> No.28959471

Don't just take a /pol/ tier larp and add "how do I profit from this" at the end. Fuck off

>> No.28959527

thanks just bought 100 ETH

>> No.28959614

You can write with a pen, but not if said pen is broken. People love eating frozen tunas!

Wow, there are so many chalks in this computer! Frozen tuna is good to eat. I hear that being an astronaut pays handsomely at 187 thousand dollars a month. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor.

>> No.28959665

its not a larp never heard anyone say kek ever except from this cestpool and wold've never thought i'd hear it from a girl of all places. a hot one as well. did I find the one frens?

>> No.28959669

That's probably a man.
I never read a real girl writing "kek"

>> No.28959688

Context of sentence?

>> No.28959707


I made this pepe.

>> No.28959739

It's also a twitch meme, fellow autism fag

>> No.28959748


>> No.28959800

Maybe she used to play WoW.
Fuck off "/pol/ boogeyman" jew.
Heil Hitler White Power 1488, now go cry more pussy.

>> No.28959831

Need to agree here, probs a twitch viewer.

>> No.28959852

assuming this is real, don't fall in love with someone just bc they said le epic meme word. how autistic can you be man?

>> No.28959931

say nigger in a sentence and see how she responds, if she doesn't care then go all in

>> No.28959942

aaaahhh ok that makes sense

>> No.28960015

>how autistic can you be man?
you would be surprised

>> No.28961196

this is genius but with today's holier than thou thots you're likely to lose everything for saying the magical no-no word.
setting up an account to find you that type of girl probably wouldn't get her attention in the first place.

>> No.28962479

Isn't kek just a bastardization of le, which in turn is one of lol?
People in funny junk were saying this shit back in 2011 it's not some sekrit club codeword.

>> No.28962519

kys normie