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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28947847 No.28947847 [Reply] [Original]

>Currently 4m marketcap
>only 630 holders
>Yesterday Partnerships with MATIC(polygon)
>DXSale will build integrated token platform services for Polygon(MATIC) that are 1 billion Marketcap


>2 weeks ago partnership with Zilliqa(1.5 billion marketcap)

>20m tokens burned with the burn mechanism the token have so total supply is only 70m and cicrulating only 26m

>Team and project crew is very active and make new announmect and daily sneak peaks with pictures in telegram group

this is definlty going to 2$ in short term


>> No.28947922

How long until $1? I promised my girl I would take profits at $1 and take her to a fancy hotel

>> No.28947952

Checked. And in all honestly I think we will see $1 before March. Big announcements are coming every few days between now and then

>> No.28948118
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>buying an already pumped coin
I think I'm good.

>> No.28948678

Bet you didn't buy Rubic at 1.5c either since it was already up 200%

>> No.28948946

Thank you

>> No.28949107

Anons TrustSwap is 100m market cap. These guys are going to do what TrustSwap and unicrypt do. Except make it rugproof and give investors peace of mind. You also get 1% of every sale (ETH and tokens). The biggest difference is this is blockchain agnostic and will be used as the standard to launch on many (if not most) chains soon. You will know you won’t get rugged, the sale and lock are both done through the platform. At 1$ we will be at 25m market cap. This will be on eth, Matic/polygon and zil so far. Also BSC is in the docs so that’s coming soon just not announced, and Cardano will come very soon too. Imagine buying trust swap at 0.02 cents, this is like that except it does everything trust swap does with more features and will be used on more than just ETH.

Also on top of this they are going to have token DxSwap for swaps, DxFarm for farming and DxNFT for NTFs. It will be a one stop shop with the features of TrustSwap, uni crypt, token swaps, farming like sushi/bao, NFT minting. This will save projects 100s to 1000s of hours of not having to do this coding themselves and will have these features at launch through DxSale and can just focus on the products they are building. All the while stakers will collect fees for all of the DxApps.

>> No.28949127

Its only a small 3x pump. 4m marketcap atm with a 50m+ potential.
Imagine buying Rubic at 2c.

>> No.28950589

1$ waiting room!

>> No.28951044

Tbh we will probably be 1$ and then stabilize around there for a bit I think. The project is virtually fucking unknown and once people realize what they are doing and how rewarding staking will be it’s going to go there. Once projects are launching here on ETH, Matic/Polygon, etc. They will be the way to launch and people know you’re not a rug, no one is going to want to invest in things not made on DxLaunch anymore, why would they? Especially with support from all of the network builders like Polygon and Zil (with more to come likely BSC announcement coming soon since BSC is already in their documentation) it will become the standard to port over or launch your token. When this happens stalkers will get 1% the Eth and token itself OF EVERY FUCKING NEW TOKEN LAUNCHED.