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2894632 No.2894632 [Reply] [Original]

As boomers get older do you think there'll be a significant up-tick in mortuary business? If so what stocks would one buy? I think now would be a good time to invest (if possible) in death seeing as boomers are a large population, getting pretty old, and getting their public healthcare taken away. What do?

>> No.2894687

SCI is a corporation that has been buying up small family funeral homes and running them as a corporation forever. Batesville is probably the largest casket manufacturer. Funeralfag here.

>> No.2894696

I like where your head is on this one. I was actually considering getting an auctioneering license as the passing of the boomers means the largest transference of wealth ever. It would be nice to get a cut of it.

>> No.2894732

have any other ideas on how to get a cut of the boomer demise? This can't all be one sided... The boomers are renowned for having acquired wealth but doing a very poor job of planning their estates and finances.

>> No.2894735

At the same time though the funeral business has been going more and more towards cremation which is cutting the profits a fair amount

>> No.2894772

You can sell cemetery plots much like you can sell houses. Rich folks love to be buried, and they're willing to spend a lot of money that they know they can't take with them on the last thing that they will use.

So, rather than investing in real estate, it's more affordable to invest in cemetery plots.

>> No.2894856

I don't think it much matters if they get cremated or buried. What I'm focused on is the shitloads of money they spend paying for a nice funeral ceremony.
Maybe getting into real estate? Boomers pass on their money as inheritance to their kids who are probably buy a house or pay off their mortgage. Real estate or banks, I think.

>> No.2894935

I don't think real estate is going to be any better, the next 20 years are the great die off our largest population. A lot of them have poorly planned estates, don't put your money into antiques or vintage crap, its already plummeted over the last 10 years. There are gonna be a lot of houses full of crap no one wants. Just think how much shit your parents have in their house.

>> No.2894966
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I'm kinda new to this so can you clarify what you mean by poorly planned estates?

>> No.2894990
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>> No.2894993

Whats gonna happen to all your moms shit when she dies? Who gets it? How much should you spend on her funeral? When you have 5 brothers and sisters that all disagree about this it can get pretty complicated.

>> No.2895094

I see what you mean. Not a really good way to predict what's going to happen to the money other than the funeral being paid for. I wanna make money but I don't really wana do anything, you know? Running a business like auctioneering would be a pain in the ass

>> No.2895126

I work for a large family funeral home.
Our business has been increasing by around 10% a year. We had to hire an outside company to help us with embalming and removals and are in a partnership with several other funeral homes to help us take up the load for cremations.

The business is already in a huge upswing. Cremation is the biggest part of the industry by far and is only increasing year to year. I wouldn't get into the embalming side or caskets because they have much less of an upside.

>> No.2895147
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Thanks for the tip, anon

>> No.2895161

so your saying I should build a tort?

>> No.2895164

Most middle class or lower people get cremated.
It's the cheapest option and it's simple compared to dealing with burial.

There are many low cost cremation only funeral businesses popping up around the country.
SCI owns one called Neptune Society which is nationwide, but there are many others.

>> No.2895172

Honestly you could do very well by doing a cremation only service like I mentioned in

In my state you still need a funeral director license but that may vary. You can even run a trade service and not deal with the public, only with other funeral homes.

>> No.2895178

what product or service do funeral homes need? What are some of the recurrent larger problems faced by funeral homes?

>> No.2895279

Products and services for funeral homes:
Chemicals for cleaning and embalming
Personal protective equipment (masks, gowns, ect)
Caskets, church trucks (rollers wheels for the casket), cremation boxes, shipping containers
Vehicles and maintenance (Hearse, removal vehicle, maybe a limo or at least an SUV for families)
Anything you associate with keeping up a building (janitorial, plumbing, rent or mortgage, utilities, ect)

The biggest problem with the funeral industry is hiring and keeping top quality people. This is a terribly unforgiving business. My company has had to completely write off 10k worth of funeral expenses due to mistakes made by employees. Your reputation is EVERYTHING and you have to maintain it daily.

Besides personnel and reputation the biggest thing we face right now is the growing number of obese people we have to deal with. They complicate every step of a funeral, needing special order caskets, taking much longer to embalm or cremate, needing extra people or special equipment to move. We had to install a hoist in our ceiling a few years ago to deal with the influx of people over 400 lbs.