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2894017 No.2894017 [Reply] [Original]

We are going to have 1 more dip before august 1
Mark my words

>> No.2894025
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>> No.2894036

What is happening on BTC is retarded right now. Look at the charts, this is pure whale play. This is going to dump so fucking hard.

>> No.2894047

>pure whale play
actually it isn't this time around.

>> No.2894052

Yea it's supposed to dump for a long time but who the fuck knows? The whales could pump it to $4k for all i know

>> No.2894059

How do you get that 4chan theme?

>> No.2894122

I'm bullish on BTC in general but I'm just going to sell now. This stinks

>> No.2894148
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I can't wait for it too happen! Coiner tears are delicious!

>> No.2894171

Honestly, I admire all of you who are buying Bitcoins now. Really.
I would not have the courage.

Maybe it's not even courage, it's stupid. I do not know. I wish you good luck.

I'm going to stay here waiting for the whale to knock it all down until August 1st.

>> No.2894179

you all will pay for this
btc wont go down anymore

>> No.2894199

Of course it's stupid, that's why I shorted it, yet I'm the one losing money. I know if I short it again the thing will shoot to ATH, just because

>> No.2894202

You must be pretty new in crypto to say that.

>> No.2894203

Just got an email from Coinbase. They're going to drive the market down with their niggery.

>they will not support BCC
>if you have bitcoin in your coinbase wallet, you will not get BCC
>they are going to suspend trading on august 1

What a fucking shit storm. I'm glad I bought in at 1900, sold at 2760, and got that shit in USD in my bank account right now

>> No.2894224

This is the same thing I did but I'm a little sad that I didn't buy and sell again from 2450 to 2700 on this last big run

>> No.2894233

guys it's okay to just not do anything
it's ok just... to chill.
that's what i'm doing. if BTC goes way down, i'll buy. if it goes way up, then i guess the remainder of the 21BTC i'm trying to accumulate will be a little more expensive.

and all my alts are in the toilet, so i'm not doing anything with them.
just chllling

>> No.2894277
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>le whale meme
you don't even know how to spot one

>> No.2894323
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what do you think is going to happen when bitcoin's market cap splits nearly in half..

now, that being said, however many people will actually dump BCC is to be seen.

Now, MY question is this:

>Will it solidify the flippening

>> No.2894335

I find that staying happy & really patient always brings me good gains.
You are good, anon.

>> No.2894523

>what do you think is going to happen when bitcoin's market cap splits nearly in half..

Uhhh, that's not going to happen.