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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2893630 No.2893630 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2893635
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Lomocoin takes over the world cap this

>> No.2893646
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btc at 7k
screencap this

>> No.2893650

Nothing happens. /Biz/ confused and frightened. Bear market continues until next march.

>> No.2893651

btc 0
ltc 0
eth 0

>> No.2893655

I'm here waiting for the whales dump and buy for $1800

>> No.2893657

massive bancor fomo and 100s of nobancs suicide threads. screencap this

>> No.2893669
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im screencapping everything u filthy niggers. screencap this

>> No.2893671
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>> No.2894272

The answer depends on:

>> No.2894290

B00M or BUST

>> No.2894319

Everyone sells Bitcoin on 8/1, 12:01pm after the fork. Bitcoin goes to $2000. Ethereum is dragged down with it.

Everyone takes a moment to reflect, the world is not over, and starts buying like mad. BCC goes to 0 over the coming weeks.

By the end of month, Bitcoin is at an ATH of $3200, and Eth is back to $300.

Altcoins, who the fuck cares about get rich quick schemes.

>> No.2894322

BTC gets halved in value then crashes even more as people panic sell back into fiat.
Shitcoins crash as well.
Crypto market stagnates before recovering at the end of the year.

>> No.2894400

So keeping fiat on Coinbase on standby is a smart idea. Then as soon as you can buy BTC.

>BTC gets halved in value then crashes even more as people panic sell back into fiat.

This happens. Although i kinda doubt it.

Is the lowest BTC will ever be right after the fork?

>> No.2894417
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I would be a millionaire!

>> No.2894436

i dont think this will happen because many stupid people like myself are waiting for it to drop so we can buy.

>> No.2894441

waow HOTTY. bcc is SHITE

>> No.2894453

See >>2894403#
Coinbase sided with BTC

>> No.2894462

September 25th the stock market crashes! Moon mission is in October

>> No.2894480

The lowest will be in about 6 months when BCC(Otherwise known as China coin) is going to be nationalized and replaced with Yuancoin.

Main fork Bitcoin is going to brought further under SEC control and eventually replaced with whatever token the Federal Government and banks can agree on.

At this point we have literally lost the crypto-currency battle which should make everyone who has any money realize that there is absolutely no safe place anymore to put your money when it comes to government confiscation.

Literally the only way to prevent the coming theft and economic collapse is to support revolution.

>> No.2894502

I don't know or care because I've cashed in my chips and am just excited to see /biz/ flip the fuck out.

>> No.2894527

wow, you truly are fucking retarded

>> No.2894537

Fucking commie faggot off my board REEEE!

>> No.2894545

The Chinese nationalized their bitcoin miners last year. This is literally warfare at this point.

The hard fork is the equivalent of a giant margin call.

Read between the lines.

>> No.2894576
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hash doesn't mean the better chain. It's the developers.

You've read too much propaganda and your mind is warped.

Bitmain bragged that their "schnorr" was almost finished, but what they did was take the implementation out of Blockstream's elements project and strip off the author's name and insert their own. The open source license we use doesn't require much, but it requires that you preserve attribution.
This Bitcoin ABC developer has done this previously and been called out on it in Bitcoin Unlimited; this time its even more extreme.
More ironically, that prior construction was dropped by us because we found it was vulnerable (and less efficient than a better one we have). Even more ironically, the interesting part of schnorr for Bitcoin that most people are referring to when they talk about "schnorr" is aggregation; which they haven't touched (presumably because we hadn't previously published code implementing it which they could just rip off and stick their name on).

>> No.2894609

Ugh, I hate those slide-out keyboards. They fuck with my ability to cross my legs while coding furiously.

>> No.2894612
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english please and implications of what you said

>> No.2894663

He said that on multiple occasions the Chinese did what the Chinese do best and copy things and then pretend like they built it themselves.

>> No.2894684
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this is what the BCC supporters are getting

>> No.2894699

Please delete this post. I hate Jews!!!!

>> No.2894703

BTC to 8k, and on segwit activation the bubble on crypto will pop as btc dumps to half its value

nothing happens on august first. there will be a sell off on august 7th instead.